Things people say!

I was walking Bailee yesterday afternoon and the son of a neighbor was home from college. He was standing by his friends car and was partially blocked from completely seeing Bailee. As I got closer he asked, "Is that a SHEEP, are you walking a SHEEP?" :excited: I told him, "no, not a SHEEP, he is a Sheep Dog" The guy was serious! His buddy went nuts, laughing and giving him a hard time.
This afternoon I was walking Bailee again and same kid talking to a new friend. He said. "Here comes the Sheep Dog" and I responded, "no it's a SHEEP!" :yay: As I kept walking I heard him telling his buddy about yesterday when he thought it was a SHEEP! I sure hope this kid isn't in Veterinary School! :lmt:
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Around here, people usually just ask if they're bears.......
Last week Melissa was walking Izzie when two ladies stopped and asked her if Izzie was a puppy. Melissa politely told them no. When she told me the story I said...I hope she's not a puppy...she weighs 85 pounds 8O

As far as type of animal or breed, people usually are too cautious to guess and just ask what kind of dog she is.
People often compare my girls to bears; especially when they decide to "wrestle" at the dog park with each other. Its looks disturbingly like the polar bear fight scene from Golden Compass.

Adam, on the other hand, likes to tell people that they are midgets in bear suits. That always stops them!

You would be amazed how many people ask if Rudie (85 lb black and white sheepdog mix) and Marley (35 lb brown Wheaten Terrier) are the same breeds. It happens almost once a week... but at least they know they're dogs :wink:
We get the wheaton terrier question a lot too. I didn't realize until just recently that there is such a thing as a large wheaton terrier. I thought people were crazy, because we have a friend with a just a little itty bitty one. I kept thinking "do they think I feed her steroids or something?".

When we have her full coat, we don't get any questions, we just hear from miles away "Oh my goodness, it's Mr. Muggs!" as they rush with hands extended to lavish Sunny with hugs and kisses. I thought I went nuts over my dog!

There is one old old old lady in the park though, that every time she sees Sunny, she yanks her pomerianian closer to her and with a horrified look on her face says to her own dog "that's that's that's a monster! it's so huge! quincy, it'll eat you, come here!" I don't say anything, I just let her think that Sunny will eat the pomerianian. :P
had a woman come up to us and OMG! i've never seen a durex dog before......our response was :lol: thanks ....but our dog is not a condom this woman turns beet red :oops: and walks quickly away we've never laughed sooo hard.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So funny!!!!!!

I was just telling DH yesterday that Dulux would have been very unamused to hear a guy at the park yesterday come up to Tiggy and say "oh its a Bristol dog" 8O We often get "its the paint dog" but they've never got the brand totally wrong before.

All that money spent on marketing. :twisted:
little bear wrote:
had a woman come up to us and OMG! i've never seen a durex dog before......our response was :lol: thanks ....but our dog is not a condom this woman turns beet red :oops: and walks quickly away we've never laughed sooo hard.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :sidestep:
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