
There was the first snow of the winter here today, so we went out for his walk at 6:00am this morning to a clean white covering - just a few inches.
MacKenzie was like a small child - so excited by it. He was running around madly, scooping it up in his mouth and darting in all directions. You just coudn't help laughing at him!

I do hope this winter isn't going to be as hard as last year's, but he loves it.

Of course the down side is that he has to be dried, and those bits of ice removed from his chin and between his paws, when you get back.

What does your OES think of snow?

Nik :)
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Hehe :lol:

When the first snow came now in November (only stayed for like a day :( )
She doesn't wan't to come in ! :D
She jumps, rolls and eats the snow ! :D
But you're right.... They need to be dried, that part she doesn't like :evil:
They hate it. I've had dogs love snow, rolling and shoveling into their mouth or catching flakes. This crew is just the opposite. It's cold, wet and not worth being outside! They usually run for the dog door into the garage if they see us pulling away from the house.
quote="SheepieBoss"]They hate it. I've had dogs love snow, rolling and shoveling into their mouth or catching flakes. This crew is just the opposite. It's cold, wet and not worth being outside! They usually run for the dog door into the garage if they see us pulling away from the house.[/quote]
8O :o 8O :o

I think I've never heard of that dogs don't like snow :|
I think that there are some advantages about it ! :D
A picture says a thousand words

That's the way Butch is too. Love the ears.
bealsibub wrote:
What does your OES think of snow?

Nik :)

Mine is "What's Snow"? :lmt:

From sunny upside down land :wink:
They have never seen it. But I bet Bogey would love it. If he can get wet and dirty, he is happy!
No snow yet here so not sure how Nola will do. Sam LOVES it though.

Archies turns into a Turbo Charged nutjob, until his legs way him down then he bites the snow/iceballs.

Makes his whites uber white :yay:
We got in from our 6 mile walk tonight and it is snowing so hard, MacKenzie was absolutely covered in it - head to tail, with ice hanging off his beard and snow balls from his legs!

I'm afraid his enthusiasm has wained a little!

Nik :)
No snow in North Texas yet. We usually get it in Jan/Feb. My 2 labs LOVE it, Im sure Ryleigh will too when she sees it for the first time. Just the little cool fronts make her more hyper, and I didnt think that was possible.. :?
Rascal went outside to see his first could see him looking up and down...then he came back in talking, as if to say, "Come look, you need to see what I see! He would not quit until we got up to look.
Each year on the morning of the first snow fall, Sunny tears around the yard, with her nose about an inch below the snow. She looks like a snowplough, with clouds of it spewing out beside her head as she runs. Then, with her head sufficiently loaded with the white stuff, she runs to the door, and launches herself at it as if to say to us "it snowed it snowed it snowed!!! come out and play!!!". We have paw prints 6 feet and higher on our door.
Her enthusiasm dies down as she packs most of the snow down in the yard, but after each snow fall, she gets an extra little bounce in her step, and after BIG snow falls, the snowplough nose comes out again. Talk about removing ice balls, we have to remove them from her face!
Chauncey loved it.......until last winter.
In Feb. we had two blizzards in a week. The 1st one was almost 3 feet and Chauncey wanted NOTHING to do with it. He wouldn't poop in the driveways that were cleared. Bobby had to blow paths in the backyard so that Chauncey could go out and do his duty in grass :pupeyes: Snowmagedon (sp) 2010
Then.....just a few days later, another 2+ feet. On the Sunday prior to the 2nd storm ( already forecasted ) our friends called and said they were going to FL to take care of some things on the home that they had just bought, could we go along? Well let us think about it.... :lmt: YES :sidestep: :yay:
We were all pretty happy to get away. It was a bit difficult since we left a few hours after the 2nd storm ended but well worth the effort. Thank goodness for 4WD.
I'm hoping it was just the amount of snow that bothered him and that he will enjoy playing in it this year. I really like snow ( measured in inches ).
My dogs LOVE the snow! Last year we got almost two feet in one storm and they ran around like mad dogs..laying in as if to make snow angels and chasing the flakes...Came in with snow balls all over their face and feel and legs...UGH...Looking to buy one of those doggy snow suits this year to save ME from the wear and tear of drying, etc...
Well, it's officially winter here in Illinois! We got about 6 inches of snow in Elgin between Friday night and Saturday morning. Sam was like a kid at Christmas. He woke me up at 4:30 in the morning all excited and ready to go! :excited: He must have seen the snow out the window because he wanted to be OUTSIDE! He immediately went for a romp around the yard.

Nola, however, came from a warm weather climate and I'm unsure if she new what snow was. She sniffed the air for a minute and looked around then went to taste the snow. She made a long trail with her tongue before Sam got to her and they started to wrestle. She got right in and played with him! :phew: At least I know that she'll survive her in the snowlands! :phew:

What are doggy snow suits??
Butch is not happy. We had a dusting of snow last week but it melted right away and he loves snow. Here in north eastern Wi and no snow, yea!!!!!!!!
The picture us Chowder at 10 wks the day we brought her home. She wasn't tall enough to get on top of the snow piles but wouldn't give up. We used to pick her up and put her on top and she LOVED rolling around.
shadow loved the snow we did not get as much as you, we live in hertfordshire UK.
ICH wrote:
Butch is not happy. We had a dusting of snow last week but it melted right away and he loves snow. Here in north eastern Wi and no snow, yea!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you are going to get some tomorrow! :D :D
They downgraded us to start with freezing rain, then snow. Yuck :(
We actually got about 3" here yesterday evening and night. Tomorrow looks like about 12" and it will be a wet packing snow. We get a lot of the wet stuff, might be because of Lake MI. We have a long hilly gravel driveway so that always makes it a treat. We have a garden tractor with a snow blower attachement but used to do it with just the old John Deere, that was a job.

Butchy is happy tho.
ICH wrote:
We actually got about 3" here yesterday evening and night. Tomorrow looks like about 12" and it will be a wet packing snow. We get a lot of the wet stuff, might be because of Lake MI. We have a long hilly gravel driveway so that always makes it a treat. We have a garden tractor with a snow blower attachement but used to do it with just the old John Deere, that was a job.

Butchy is happy tho.

Yay Butchy! :clappurple:

We use a tractor with a bucket, but it's a nice and flat driveway.
And now we got upgraded to a blizzard warning starting tonight - although we still are supposed to get nasty freezing rain tonight 1st. :(
And not looking forward to trying to drive to work in the morning. :(
I think the freezing rain will be south of us but you never know. We have a skid steer but with the hilly driveway not a good idea.

In fact we took a quick run to Menards this afternoon for the 3 day sale which ends Sunday, we're to have the snow Sat and then very windy Sunday. Don't care to travel the 30 miles on the windy not real well cared for roads. Remember very well traveling to work in this weather. My husband was also a truck driver that hauled the heavy stuff. Always hated it when he was out in this.
I'd just like to thank everone for their brilliant comments and pictures. It's really interesting to hear everyone's experience with snow (including those who don't get any).

We dropped to minus 18c last week but have warmed slightly temporarily. They tell us that the artic winds are heading this way again next week and temperatures are due to drop once again and a white Christmas is inevitable!

Roll on the Summer!!

Nik :)
Translation for us metrically challenged Yankees:

-18C = 0F

In the teen's F here in the mid-Atlantic with wind chill at or below 0. Only two minor snows so far. We spent over 14 hrs. yesterday without water because of water main breaks. I'm not complaining too much ( the people around me yesterday given I couldn't shower may have been :roll: ). Those about 70 miles west of us have significant snow on the ground with forecasts for another 10-15" of drifting snow might be a bit more vocal. I normally love snow and weather in general, but last year was even a bit much for me. Just 8 more weeks till I'll be in central FL.. I hope they warm it up a bit. :crossed: :plead:
Doggy snow suits are a suit that covers them from body to leg to feet and keep the snow balls off...some people on here have them...They are expensive so I am trying hard to order the right size :D
We're going through the melty freezy stage at the mo.

Carefull out there people - sloping skating rinks (local paths and roads covered in sheet ice) and mad 100lb+ bouncing sheepies are somewhat hazardous underfoot! :roll:

Archie had a wail of a time chasing a greyhound in the field last night though - getting to and from safely is the tricky bit!
We've had a very heavy snow winter, and my dogs are in heaven! its deep enough in our yard for them to tunnel and disappear in the drifts.

Cold, cold cold right now though (about -12F at the moment...but its been as far down as -20), and that they aren't so crazy about. I have to stand at the door and "encourage" Abby to actually do her business before turning to dash back inside! :roll:
Minnesota and Alaska are usually opposites with cold and warm spells. I see it's true again. We are at a balmy 23F right now! :banana: :banana:
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