Squamous cell carcinoma question

Rebecca (will be 11 in January) got diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in her gums and the roof of her mouth almost two years ago. The tumor had been growing at a snail's pace which we have been very thankful about and the vet also thinks that this has been quite phenomenal.

She got really sick mid-October and we thought we were going to have to put her down, even the vet was suggesting for us to euth her. (Unrelated to the cancer, either a reaction to something or a nasty stomach thing.) We got her medicated and a long week later she was back to herself.

Well, I think her sickness put enough damage on her immune system that she has now developed another tumor on the other side of her gum that seems to be growing quite rapidly. She also is losing some pigmentation in her nose the last couple of weeks above where the initial tumor is. This morning she had some discharge in her nostril and when I wiped it, it seemed like some of the pigment sloughed off at the same time.

My question is, does anyone have any idea if the loss of pigmentation is another stage of the cancer progressing into her sinus cavity? I'm just avoiding going to the vet right now because I have a hunch that this is part of the cancer. She is not any discomfort that i can notice, does not seem ill, etc.. She gets treated with Tramadol for the cancer and Zubrin for arthritis.
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So sorry!!! Please keep us posted on sweet Rebecca. Prayers will be said for both of you.
Can't say for certain, but it would be my guess. Friend had an OES with nasal/upper mouth cancer. Big time nose bleeds when the cancer got into the nasal cavities. It's an awful disease. I'm so sorry.
I don't have any experience with squamous cell carcinoma, so I'm not sure if the loss of pigment is related. I just wanted to send you a :ghug: for you and Rebecca. At least it sounds like she is very comfortable.

Laurie and Oscar
Sending hugs to you and Rebecca for her continued comfort.
Deb sorry to hear about Rebecca, the only way to really know is to have the area x-rayed to see if it has invaded the sinus passages. It sounds not too good at the rapid growth of this second one and the nasal discharge too. While under for an x-ray get them to biopsy that newer growth to verify if it is a nasty or not.

I had a scare with brie thought the worse and turned out to be a rare type of epulis after a biopsy was done and the tissue sample came back identifying what it was. An invasive, quick growing growth that can invade the bone in the jaw too but does not Mastitsize thank goodness, 3 ops later so far so good and no new re-growth.

Loss of pigment on her nose could be related as underneath there is trauma happening in that region.

Thinking of you both and really would pay you to see what this 2nd growth is by x-ray to see if it has invaded further then just the gums and a biposy sample at the same time to identify what you are dealing with and take it from there.

Hugs to your sweet girl and you too. :ghug:
Poor Rebecca.

I agree you should probably find out what you are dealing with even though I certainly understand your fear at getting it analyzed.

Hugs to both of you Deb.

No dog comparison, it was me with squamous cell carcinoma.
It was very slow growing, and removal with total excision was the recommended treatment. I lost a pretty huge chunk out of my arm, but it hasn't come back. :banana: :banana:

The change with rapid growth seems meaningful and I would get it checked out.
It may not even be related to her previous cancer. I have a human friend who has her 2nd recurrance of breast cancer. The 1st time it was in one breast, the 2nd time both, and all 3 masses were 3 different types of cancers! :(
Thanks for your support you guys. I will be making an appointment to get her to the vet this week to see what they think. I'll let you know what they say.

I should add that 2 years ago we had the surgery to remove the initial tumor. It was back within 4 weeks. They would have had to remove approx 3 cm around the tumor area to insure that it would not come back. This would have meant removing part of her jaw and at 9 years old, we did not want to do anything invasive. We also could have opted for radiation, but there is only a 50/50 chance that it would work, and due to her spine arthritis, we did not think that was a good idea, so we decided to let it run its course. The vets have been amazed that the tumor has grown so slowly (they say usually it will blow-up within 6 months) so we have been very fortunate to have her around so much longer. She's still chasing Frank around the yard so as long as she has that spunk we are happy.

Geez Dawn, sorry about your arm. I guess it's a good cancer to have since it doesn't really metastasize, but it does seem to mean you have to remove a lot of tissue. Sorry about your friend and the breast cancer, that is rough, but she sounds like such a trouper!
Best wishes for your sweetie.

Actually Brie lost teeth and a chunk of her jaw bone and is 8 and she coped really well with it and still is. Vet assured me they do OK. Cats for some reason dont with a procedure like that. To make sure we had no re-growth part of the jaw bone had to go too as the growth she has can invade the bone as well. The margins around the growth were more then 1 cm including bone & teeth.

Hard to know what to do but you do what you can :wink:

Hoping your fairy floss new growth has not invaded any further then just what is showing on her gum. :crossed:

Thnking of you both :ghug:
I have no experience with this, but just wanted to offer my support for that sweet, sweet Rebecca girl. She's such a gentle soul, it's just heartbreaking to think of her in pain. Please give her a gentle squeeze from me and Dale, and a soft nuzzle from Sammie. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
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