O.K. Maybe this is a little silly but I don't know what comes over my Charlie sometimes! Charlie is a velcro puppy. So when I go to take my shower, he's in the bathroom with me otherwise, he stands outside the bathroom door and makes these sounds like somebody is killing him or he throws his body against the door till he's allowed in. So, here we are in the bathroom - I get in the shower and in pops this big head and he proceeds to lick the water as it's falling and won't stop. Now this dog gets plenty of water and there is nothing physically wrong with him - we've checked into that. So by the time I'm out of the shower, his head is as wet as my whole body, and he doesn't care.

Do I have the only wet head dog on the planet? :D
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:D it sounds like Charlie has a fun game going.
Pooh does it too. pops his head in and if I'm not paying attention, he tries to get in with me.
Yep! Beau does this too. If I turn the shower on and let the water heat up before I get in, I return to find he's walked in and is standing with his head up like he's under a waterfall. Silly sheepie!! :lol: :D
Max is the same way, he would sit there all day under the shower head if I didn't catch him. When I am done showering, he actually gets in it and licks it down :lol:
Clyde does the same thing. He's crazy about water and will drink whatever and whenever he can. This morning I had to keep pushing his out of the shower. Then after I left the bathroom I went to get dressed and couldn't find him to let him out before I left. Five minutes later I found him in the bathtub with the shower curtain pulled, licking at the dripping faucet. This behavior makes baths challenging too-- he loves taking them but I have to keep him from drinking dirty and soapy water at the same time. I need extra hands!
Ben also does it. When I finally get him out of the shower and I get in, he lays against the shower door and won't let me out. Judging by the replies, this must be a breed trait that is never mentioned in the books.LOL
I have 2 words of suggestion for you: glass doors. The only reason I get to take my shower alone is Henry can't his head through the glass shower doors, they help when I need to keep him in the shower for his bath too! :lol:
Charlie sounds like Odin. He's 10 weeks old now and he also has to be in the bathroom when I take showers, otherwise he cries like a baby. He hasn't tried to climb into the shower yet but he's started to pop his head in behind the curtain. I just don't think he likes water besides to drink it, otherwise he probably would jump in. :P
I actually had a CAT who would peek his head around the shower curtain and lick the water off my legs when I got out of the shower. One evening, I heard him meowing and turned around and there he was IN THE SHOWER with me! I always said he was a dog in a cat's body!
Bummer! I've got shower doors and am missing out on all the fun. All Barney does is lick the water off the door rail after I'm done.
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