My dog ate a nail file, is he ok?

I love topics that start like this...

So, Barney ate one of those nail files/emory things (the wooden ones). I'm assuming he'll be fine, but I was just a little worried about it being rough on the way down (it IS a file afterall).

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oh no.. lol he saying he wants more treats to eat!!

I hope he's okay, but I would have thought it would be fine. *crossing fingers*
do you know if he chewed it up first or swallowed whole? if chewed it should be fine...

If he just ate it I would call your vet...they may want to make him puke it up.
oh, there was definite chewing involved. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he'll be fine but just wanted to get some expert thoughts on the subject.

And J, YES, Barney would definitely like more treats. This is a dog obsessed with food now. He prowls around constantly looking for stuff (and with a toddler, he's pretty much sure to find something!). He's told me he's particularly happy that Tay now loves hot dogs. He approves.
Ugh... Yuki has NEVER done that ...and by saying that on this board some time ago ...started the same thing. She just clings to Jilly because she'll just hand Yuki food just because it's funny. Yuki so knows better too b/c if she makes eye contact with us, she'll spit it right out even if it's half way down her throat. Either way... result = itchy licky dog
Love how he spits it out! Daisy knew the bed was off limits....daughter would sneak her in and close the door and let her up on her bed...that's after the doctor told her she had allergies and her OES was prime soon as I opened the door she would slither off the bed and hide under it! They are just so human!
He'll probably be just fine....but keep a careful eye for the next while. A portion could get stuck, or could scratch him up on the way down.

When Rudy had his sock removal surgery, he was on really strong antibiotics. They said he was in very serious danger of infection due to all the scratching along his intestines.

I'm sure Barney will be just fine, but watch him for any fever, lethargy, etc just to be on the safe side.

I imagine this falls under the old adage, "This too shall pass."
My agility instructor's BC Strike just took 8 days to pass part of a Dairy Queen spoon.
8O Donna offered him a bite - and Strike took the bite and half the red spoon along with it!
Ate the spoon? Good thing I hate plastic utensils. My dogs eat off of silver plate.....what we use. I'm not using the sterling on them!

As for the emory board, it is mostly cardboard which should soften. Anything more solid and I'd be watching him like a hawk until the device reappears, either end.
Did you check his teeth to see if they wore down to little nubs? :twisted:

If I try to restrict food from Clyde, he gets the same way. He starts prowling around and eating every little crumb off the floor. He'll also steal from the other dogs. It's a very tense situation for everyone. It's probably why he'll always be a tub.
got sheep wrote:
My agility instructor's BC Strike just took 8 days to pass part of a Dairy Queen spoon.
8O Donna offered him a bite - and Strike took the bite and half the red spoon along with it!

So, I don't have a sheepdog...but a black lab. And she ate a small DQ spoon. We are on day 7 and no spoon. Been to the vet 3 times for x-rays. When it left the stomach it is not recognized in them no longer. Hoping we will see that silly red spoon soon!
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