
Are my dogs nuts or does everyone's dog go nutty when its extremely windy out?

We are under a high wind advisary with gust of over 50 mpg. The dogs are almost frantic when otuside - even with me out there with them. Just running sort of panic stricken. Is it the wind?
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Mulligan and Jake both used to love windy days. They'd stick their snouts up in the air and read all the town gossipee.

Mulligan really hates the rain, though. So with the wind and the rain he really just wants to go home.
Chewie loves wind :D

He doesn't really act weird, he just seems to embrace it!

Violet has always loved the wind. She will stand still with her nose up and the wind whips around her. She will lay out in the grass, and seems to love it blowing on her face.
My guys pretty much ignore it, tho in their advancing age, their manner of ignoring is to demand to be inside. MO is probably the most wind sensitive, but really her nemsis is rain. She hates it, even if she is indoors.

They'll have a chance to sniff today as the winds are laredy up this a.m. and we must be away. I suspect they'll hide in the garage or on the covered porch most of the time. Never know when a tree branch will break off in the old cottonwoods.
Oscar is definitely more amped up when it is windy, as opposed to when it is calm. I attribute that to his high reactivity to movement in general. When it's windy, EVERYTHING is moving, leaves, trees, grass, etc., and I think it puts Oscar into sensory overload. The wind itself, don't think it bothers him. Rain doesn't even register on his radar. :D It can be a torrential downpour, and he takes him time sniffing as usual before he goes potty.

Sheepdogs are complicated creatures, aren't they???

Laurie and Oscar
I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I read the title on the post!!

Kenzie loves the wind - his hair slicks back over his face and he can actually see where he is going! He seems to be in his element.
My cats always used to run about the house like things possessed when it was windy. I suppose animals hear all the noises we don't.

When Sunny's fur is long, she loves the wind. When she's shaved, she hates it. She actually whips her hind end around to keep it out of the wind, and shrinks her tail muscle down as if she's trying to cover her hiney from it.
Bricky loves the wind.
He'll sit down, head into the wind, nose up, with his ears flapping straight out like the flying nun.
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