How do you clean your OES dog's teeth.

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How and what do you use to clean their teeth?

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i use a tooth gel. you just apply it to the teeth once a week and its equivalent to 20 minutes of brushing. by the time they have licked it everywhere they have rubbed it into all their teeth. you can get it from the vets or alot of websites do it too.

i did try actually brushing them. i sat there brushing mine, quickly swapped my brush for his and tried to do billies teeth. but it was always a battle. tooth gel is soooo much easier!
I'm a bad tooth brusher...and my dog's aren't to blame. They actually like it. I just forget. When I do brush, I use the little finger cot toothbrushes (the ones that are soft and slip over your finger tip) and a dog toothpaste. I used a toothbrush at 1st, but they hated the hard brush in their cheeks/gums.

I also have 2 dental scalers and do some basic cleaning. It extends the times between professional (vet) dentals.
I told my vet I was horrible about brushing their teeth but that I used scalers to
remove the plaque. She said that was good. <shrug> So... that's what I do.

Kaytee's teeth get bad fast due to her mouth being open (cleft palate and lip).
It just seems to be the right environment for gunk to stick quickly.
Thanks for the replies..
Is the scaler easy to use?

Thanks again
I'm also really bad about it but when I do, I use a small brush and dog toothpaste. I don't know how great it works for long term plaque removal but it does help bad breath a bit.
be careful when using descalers. if you scratch the tooth it leaves a small hole which bacteria can enter, causing even more problems. you should buff the tooth after descaling to create a smooth surface again. just like when we go to the dentlst.

id highly recomend the tooth gel, its sooo easy and only once a week!
What tooth gel do you use?
It you use a scaler, ask your vet or a tech to show you how.

I'd like to know the gel you use too! :D
i use one similar to this (its the one at the bottom of the page) ... ARE_5.html
or ... f_id=53382 (this is the one i use but its from the other website, just not in stock at the moment)

a client told me about it, she got her from the vets, the results were very good as her dogs teeth were very bad and within 8 weeks there was a big difference

you can also get a powder called paque off which you add to their food.
greenies do a dental treatment, you have 6 sticks, these eat into the plaque on the teeth then on the 7th day you use the tooth brush looking stick and this pulls off all the plaque. they come in a range of sizes.
my pomeranian had really bad teeth when we got her and she had to have 18 teeth removed, so i now do everything i can to make sure she keeps the rest of them. just rememer if you think you have problems cleaning a sheepies teeth try doing a pomeranian !!!
Thanks for the info, Karen. I haven't found a good solution for Kaytee's teeth so this gel might be good. I've tried the waxy stuff you put on them after a cleaning but didn't like it. She has problems with some meds (vomiting blood with clavamox, facial swelling with Metronidazole) so we try hard to avoid a dental with her. But if a professional dental is needed, they get it.

I swear no more Nylabones in this house... Maggie and Emma broke several teeth on them so they're banned from the house. :evil: We can't use Greenies because we have gobblers rather than chewers. :roll: So the gel sounds good! :D I'll be thinking "Pomeranian" when I have to do teeth. :lol:
We use these dental wipes from Dr. Fosters and SMith. They are easy to use and work great. I use one before bedtime a few times a week. The dogs seems to like the taste but I still find it difficult to get to the real bak teeth.

There is also this stuff called Petz Life - a get type substance you apply with your finger. Got good reviews. I got mine on-line. Google it and you will find it with some reviews from users.
I didn't know they made a gel! I actually have a PetzLife spray I need to throw away (expired). Trying to put the spray on my finger in order to put it in Kaytee's mouth (cleft palate) did not work well at all. They'd probably like the salmon flavor better than the peppermint... but bletch. Thanks, Diane!
6Girls wrote:
It you use a scaler, ask your vet or a tech to show you how.


Ditto, dont just buy one and try, get a vet or vet tech to show you how too.
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