May I introduce to you..Miiiiiiiiiis Kahlua

I picked her up today. She is a very sweet girl. She has an OES face but St. Bernard's droopy eyes. She rode very well in the car. A complete sweetheart!

Here is a link to her pictures I put up on facebook... ... e0d3bde995

We decided to add "h" to the spelling of her name. Her owner told me they named her Kalua because her fur color looks like that drink. But since Kalua is actually a traditional Hawaiian's cooking method, using underground oven... :cow: I decided to add "h" to her spelling :D Soooo...Kahlua she is now.

We drove her to the dog park. Then my husband went home to get my three dogs to meet us back in the dog park. While I was waiting for them with Kahlua at the dog park. Kahlua was a little timid in the beginning...she tried to hide behind me but then she built up her confidence fairly quick...and started monitoring everyone and being a refugee to all the wrestling going on in every barking very, very loud to every dog who was playing or running!

After spending an hour in the dog park, we went for a pack walk for 20 mins before heading back to the car. Things went as well as it normally could for a new dog meeting a pack. There were a few growling, snapping in a warning way. I was a bit upset and worried my pack didn't welcome the new dog like I wish. But my husband pointed out to me it is indeed just the first day and I really should not expect miracles :| Then again, she did very well with the cats. The cats didn't hiss at her at all. They did some sniffing, some circling around...all in a friendly way. :aww:

However...her allergy problem is really bad. My heart hurts seeing her body up close...she scratched so badly that she drew blood. What made it worse is the toes on her back foot. She has 6 toes on each back foot...when she uses it to scratch...6 claws can cause a lot of damage. :(

We gave her a bath and put a cotton vest on her. I need to give her an allergy test right away. I can't stand to see her suffer like that!! It is heartbreaking. Her owner told me she doesn't have flea but we found fleas, caught it and even took pictures. I hope that could mean she is allergic to flea bite...because that means we are very close to curing her problem. We bought her frontline, applied it on her before we went to the dog park. We didn't plan to give her a bath the same day because we are supposed to give it 48 hours before getting her wet. However, she was really scratching too badly, so we gave her a bath to her lower body, avoiding the upper body.

I scheduled a dog behaviorist to come to my house tomorrow and guarded me to make her transition into my pack smoother and faster. We are going to have a full day tomorrow!!

Bedtime for us now...I hope everything will work out fine, my pack will let her sleep with us in the bedroom... :plead:
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Congratulations with your Kahula ! :D :D :clappurple:
Love the facebook pics ! She looks adorable ! :-)

Poor baby ! :( scratching so badly that she bleeds ! :(
I hope you can find out what's wrong :cry: !
She's lucky to have you guys now !

So now you have one and a half OES in your pack :lol: ?

Hope everything is doing good with your pack ! :mrgreen:
Congrats on your new addition. I'm sure that with a little more time she will fit right in with the rest of the posse and with some love & care her sore spots will clear. Best of luck.
Good luck with your new girl :D

I hope the flea issue resolves and her itchies get under control.
Poor Kahlua...
Welcome to Kahlua....she is really a cute puppy. I can hardly wait to see how she looks all grown up.
I hope all goes smoothly.
She's already getting great care, hope all goes well and everyone gets along great.

Love to see more pictures. Both breeds are very evident. Can't wait for more pictures.
Can't wait to see her with the other pack members. How much does she weigh? How tall? She won't be StB size but she could be a big boned girl. Let's hope it is flea allergy....or a simple food allergy that can be easily controlled.
What a beauty. I love how the face looks all sheepie from the front, and then from the side you totally see the St. B.

She does look itchy. Poor thing. If she happens to have a flea allergy that would actually be amazing news...easy to treat!

Congrats on your new arrival. She's one lucky pup to have found you. Keep us updated. We have lots of fingers and paws crossed for her here. Here's hoping for a fast improvement (itchy skin is no fun) and an awesome transition for her.

Virtual hugs to Miss Kahlua!
Aw, she's so cool! She really does like two dogs. When people ask you what she is, you should say her head is OES and her body is Saint Bernard, lol.

Her poor hot spots. That really sucks. I hope you have luck getting her some relief quick. I know how you feel when you look at that. She must be so uncomfortable.
Yeah, she has ouchie skin. It makes us sad to see it. :( If she'll leave cotton socks on her feet, they may also help to protect her skin a little when she's scratching, along with the vest you mentioned or a shirt. (Bumble last year- ) Just be sure she won't eat the socks and cause an obstruction!

I have a calendar that I put notes on whenever we make changes... the current "theories" for Bumble's skin, the change or changes we've made and how he's responding to the changes. I also keep track of when he gets a bath along with the shampoo used. (I told you dog allergies can make people crazy! :oops:) But with him, testing didn't provide a workable solution (Mulberry and wheat). Hopefully you'll be able to determine what Kahlua's problem is caused by (a flea bite would be great!) because you can take steps to lessen the exposure and problem.

There were a few growling, snapping in a warning way. I was a bit upset and worried my pack didn't welcome the new dog like I wish. But my husband pointed out to me it is indeed just the first day and I really should not expect miracles

It can take some time to get a new dog integrated into a pack. If you're like me, you want it to happen now! :wink: I see the snaps and growls and saying, "I'm not comfortable with you yet." or "Don't invade my space." There's some uncertainty when a new dog comes in. Supervise them constantly when they're all together, always separate them when you can't supervise. Give each dog some one-on-one time with her so Kahlua won't be overwhelmed and so she can get to know each dog as an individual. I hope everyone will soon be loving their new little sister. :aww:

Congratulations on your lovely new baby!
Jaci has given you wonderful advice.
I do know that the shampoo Maleseeb will work wonders for her.
I might not of spelled that correctly,sorry.
I do hope it is just flea allergy.
She is one cute girl!
So looking forward to seeing pictures of her once her skin is healed and her fur comes back,correctly.
Wouldn't Salmon Oil help also?
Poor baby,but now that she will be taken care of properly,she will be fine!
Even with her skin issues,she looks like she is smiling!
Thank you for posting all of the pictures on your FaceBook.
I asked to be your friend.
I hope you accept.
Take care.
Thank you Jaci, thank you everyone one!

AND THANK YOU FOR THE FRIEND'S INVITE on FACEBOOK :D Love to be facebook friends with everyone here from the forum :clappurple:

I uploaded two videos on facebook. See if the links work here..

The first one is from this afternoon when everyone was lounging in the house chilling...well everyone except for me..I was steam cleaning the tiles :roll:
/Users/martini/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2010/Oct 30, 2010/IMG_0449.MOV

The second one was Kahlua playing and inviting her new sisters to play with her
/Users/martini/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2010/Oct 30, 2010/IMG_0449.MOV

She is doing fine. Still scratching so badly and when she scratched, she reeeally goes at it 8O I contacted Elissa for SOS because I needed to shave her down completely and trim her nails. Elissa was so nice and she invited me over her place to get that done (Kahlua wanna gives Haylay a good slurp for cutting in her pumpkin craving time with daddy)

So now she is shaved down, nails trimed, wearing a vest and socks 8)

I suspected and Elissa confirmed that she has had a litter of puppy :evil: Poor girl...

She also very likely has ear infection...a little under weight. She is about 28 inches tall. I don't know how much she weighs yet, will find out on Monday when we see the vet. Her vet record shows she was at one point weighed 75 pounds.

I am going to try my best to find those magical shampoo. I am enlisting my friends in UK and Canada to help me looking :) I will share the info if I find anything useful!!
The vet sells the Maleseeb shampoo.
One of my OES was highly allergic to fleas,even just 1 and she would scratch and bite at her fur.
Took her to the vet and he told me to wash her with the Maleseeb shampoo and I cannot remember what meds we went home with for this was many years ago.
The brain is getting older:)
thanks for making me a friend on fb love all the pics good luck at the vet tomorrow keep us posted
it is great she has someone like you looking out for her. sounds like her in introduction to "the pack" went pretty good actually. When Bella met Dexter she gave him a few growls and trash talks plus a swat with a paw or two. they are now best buds. Good luck with the skin issues. Sounds like you've got ;your bases covered.
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