A note from Gilligan

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick note from me - Gilligan! I'm doing well. My hair is growing!!! Gone are the crusty bloody yucky thingies on my body. (apologies for the visual). Thanks to many of you at OES who were involved with my rescue and springing for my vet bills - I'm so grateful to have a second chance at life. I was so scared at the shelter and cried. I didn't know what euthanasia meant, but I don't think it was a good thing. Thanks to all who stepped up.
You can see I'm a happy boy.

Love you all! Gilligan :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
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Gilligan - you are so welcome!! And you are a VERY handsome boy as well! So glad everything is working out for you!
Hi Gilligan!

Happy to help and glad to hear you are enjoying life.

BTW, your mommy ROCKS!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Laurie and Oscar
Gilligan , you have more than thanked everyone just by your looking so great, :clappurple:
Awww, Gilligan, you look great!!

Marianne, great job with this wonderful senior :clappurple: :clappurple:
What a wonderful update! He looks beautiful and so happy!
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
You're looking so good and so happy! Tell Marianne she's an angel!
Always know, Gilligan (and Marianne) that we will always be here for you! :hearts:
And I Love You too Gilligan
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
You're looking great Gilligan.
Thanks for posting how you're going. :clappurple:
Thanks for the update Gilligan. You are looking wonderful. Always remember Gilligan, there's not another sheepdog in the entire world who has so many people on their team. You never deserved to feel scared and alone...not even for a minute.

We're all so glad you're doing well. And give that Mommy of yours lots of kisses and bum wags. She's one in a million, just like you.
He looks awesome :-)
I must have missed your original postings - I would search for them now but for fear of shedding a tear or two while I am at work, I will wait until I get home.

You really are quite the handsome chap, and I am so pleased that your story is now a happy one.
You look wonderful Gilligan!
Your Mommy is an angel! :hearts: :hearts:
Thanks so much for the nice comments everyone!

The accolades however goes to all those that stepped up and helped Gilligan. I keep saying , without your help it would have been impossible for me to not only spring him but to pay for the much needed biopsy.

He was scheduled to be euthanized at the shelter - not due to behavioral issues of any kind, but that this shelter was overwhelmed with medical cost for so many animals. Based on his age and the fact that there were many other younger animals that needed the monies spent on them- he was due to be put down. However, the shelter called me and told me about him. Thanks to you all I picked him up and was able to take him to the vet.

You know the vet was 99% sure- based on visual and touch test that his oral mass was cancerous. Based on that he was only expected to live 6 months as oral cancer is very invasive. After being given a second chance...this news was awful. Still....there was that 1% chance it may not be cancer and how I wished we'd be able to give him that. He needed a biopsy to confirm what type of mass it was.
You guys made that possible!!!

Turned out the mass was fibrous and not cancer...that 1% chance was given to him and it was the best news we could all have hoped for. Gilligan doesn't appear to be affected by the fibrous mass as it's slow growing and he's coping well being on Deramax for his hips. I'm deeply grateful that I have a chance to love this boy each and every day.

Twice he's been saved at the 11th hour so perhaps Gilligan was a cat in his prior life? :cow:
Marianne wrote:
Twice he's been saved at the 11th hour so perhaps Gilligan was a cat in his prior life? :cow:

Must have been a superlative cat to get to come back as a sheepdog! :wink:
Baba wrote:
Marianne wrote:
Twice he's been saved at the 11th hour so perhaps Gilligan was a cat in his prior life? :cow:

Must have been a superlative cat to get to come back as a sheepdog! :wink:

I'm uploading Halloween pictures from last night's party...and trust me, Chewie was NOT impressed to be a cat! :wink:
Just seeing that beautiful and happy face is thanks enough.
Gilligan--you sure are a beautiful happy boy!! What a face! :D :D
Hey, it's me again!!

I just went out with my mom today to visit the veeet rin arian..it's a nice place that had a lot of cats. I've been there before where I met some nice dogs. No dogs today..just cats. The kitties meowed at me and I tried to answer them by barking. I like cats!
I stood on a thingie that shows how much you weigh and everyone was excited. I gained 6 pounds!!! Only 2 more to go and the vet said I'll be the perfect weight.

This means no blood test for the time being as I'm gaining weight! She also checked my mouth and although my tooth is pushing on the mass - it's just bothersome but not painful. The nice lady doctor who I love gave me a plateful of yummy food and watched me eat it. She had to get on the floor with me and watched while I chewed, so did my mom. It looked pretty funny to me with all three of us on the floor. I did a good job cause she was very impressed that I eat so well and with no mess!

My hair is kinda yucky still...seba something with two hotspots. The nice lady doctor said my mom has to give me a bath with this nice shampoo and I'll be looking better. I have to take some antibiotics to help me where I chewed on my leg and bum..oops they caught me. The good news is no fleas as mom previously gave me some stuff for it.

I was such a good boy that on the way home mom stopped at a Scottish Place..Mac something and it was so great we didn't have to get in/out of the car again. She got a drink and ordered me a cheese burger. Ohhhhh I never had one before - they were so good!!! I think it was because I behaved so nicely and it was a special treat. YUM I loved eating that burger!

I probably won't get another one until January as that's when I have to go back to the animal doctor. I can't wait until Jan!!

Without my biopsy I would never had a chance to enjoy the last six months, learn to like cats and not chase bunnies, and taste a cheeseburger.

Sloppy kisses from Me
Hi Gilligan,

What's a cheeseburger? :?: :?: :?: They sound delish but I've never had one...hmmm...wonder if I can beg mama to get me one...now how can I pull this off... :lmt:

Now, on to more important stuff...like your nice lady dr visit. I'm glad to hear that things are going ok but I am super jealous that you got to eat food at your visit. My lady dr friend doesn't let me do that! hmm, I bet I can get mama to take me to a new lady dr that has FOOD...now how can I pull this off... :lmt:

oh, sorry, ok, so back to more important stuff...like food, I like food, food is good. I could have food all the time. Oh, mama just told me that I think about food too much and I'm rambling (whatever that means). I gotta go chase down Sam who just stole dad's shoe, AGAIN! silly puppy...
:D :D :D :D

Mom is laughing at the response. Thanks!

Dad gave me this url to pass on...think maybe we both were cats in past lives?

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