Do other sheepies have a post poop ritual of joy?

When Hudson goes out and does his business he usually trots happily back into the house and resumes his usual routine of napping and naughtiness, with a little bit of attempted mooching in between. Same old. Same old.

But, I've noticed that after Rudy poops, he sails in the house, bum high in the air (as if the loss of weight there causes it to float upward) and plays, pounces, and (if no one's interested in playing) skips and hops a playful victory lap all around the house. At first we thought it was a "Hi everyone. I'm back. Thanks for still being here..." statement, but it does not happen after going out for a pee.

Do other sheepies routinely celebrate this dubious accomplishment, or is Rudy just "special?"
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LOL...maybe just special :wink:

None of the herd here do anything like that, so maybe he just gets extra joy from the event?!
Owen does a victory lap around the garage after he finishes. As the last piece falls, he's off and running. It's hilarious.

This is so not family friendly but, as Clyde poops, he gets majorly, uh, aroused.
when we are out walking Summer does her business and then stands next to it, waiting for me to pick it up. She usually goes close to a bin, but sometimes we reverse our walk if we have just missed a bin. So she watches us just in case we say "go back the same way." I pick up in the garden as soon as either of them have been as they had a time of trying to eat it :cow: I am sure she sometimes looks at me as if to say get the shovel ready Mum!
Sue, maybe if you put the shovel down the dear would actually poop on it for you! What a good dog.

Well, we were just out for a poop run, it took MO forever to find the right spot and then she hump walks across the yard, dropping. As the end approaches she runs a bit to knock off the last, stops, kicks backward to cover the evidence.......then runs like a fool as if to say, "That's done, let's get back to work." And immediately behind her follow the boys peeing on each deposit.

Jack actually stands still! Only sheepie not to leave a trail. No post poop ritual, he just walks away.
Tiggy does a post poop victory lap around the outdoor furniture. :oops: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't you wonder what "others" think if they happen across this topic? Doesn't take much to entertain us folks,does it? :clappurple:
Sam will do this too!!!

I always think of it as...he has to poo so he's very focused on finding just the right spot. Once he's done his business it's game on and focus can be returned to the important things, like playing!!!
Panda runs away from it as fast as possible when done 8O
Darcy wrote:
Panda runs away from it as fast as possible when done 8O

roflmao........ :clappurple: :clappurple:
After a particularly taxing poo, Asterisk will wipe her back feet on the grass like she's brushing off her feet ready to come inside.
Haha, I always joke that I have never seen a happier Walter than after he poops. He gallops and hops right back in the house every time. It's hilarious.
Bailey turns around and looks at it suspiciously, like "where did THAT come from?". Then sniffs it a bit, to make sure no other dog has been sneaking into our yard.
Bailey's Mom wrote:
Bailey turns around and looks at it suspiciously, like "where did THAT come from?". Then sniffs it a bit, to make sure no other dog has been sneaking into our yard.

Sue! Where have you been?!
Henry will poop and then race inside to tell me he's been and will carry on until i go outside so he can make sure i've picked it up and hosed where he's been :roll: ..... heaven forbid he steps in poop!?! and Lizzie is a laid back pooper she's like yeah i pooped so what? and goes back to snoozing.
* Capt. Obvious Danger wrote:
After a particularly taxing poo...

Only on this forum would I find a phrase like this. I simply MUST find a way to use this in general conversation one day, just to see people's faces.
This is one entertaining forum :lol: :lol:

But, yes, I get a dancing ritual after a poop as well...My almost four year old male will poop, walk a bit, poop more, walk a bit and then do the last bit, kick his feet over it and then race like mad to the door...

When he was younger, he would sniff it first and then run away 8O

The female, just two years old, makes a grunting noise first, does her business, then stares at it until I pick it up... :roll: :roll:

I might add, my female LOVES all "strangers" poop and will run and find it and then jump in with the look of delight...Her brother's poop she doesn't go near, but strange cat poop or other dogs, watch out 8O
When Chauncey has business taken care of he runs away from it.
I didn't think that Sunny did, but I've been watching now, and she TOTALLY DOES! When we're at the off leash park, she tears off and bounces in a zig zag! Funny I didn't notice this until now.

At home she flings herself against the window. But she does that every time she wants in and we don't respond within her pre-determined time limit. It seems like after a poo though, she adds a little extra oomph in the fling.
chiquita does that lovely dig dig motion like she's burring it. Which my DH is adamant about trying to stop because Ce*** M*lan said that it's a dominance thing. It just may be.....but I tend to take it more like, "take that world! That's MY poop!"
You know, the more I think about it, I believe that a recently emptied sheepie bum is just that much more happy. :cheer: Yay for my bum! :cheer: (That's my version of the logic anyway.)
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