What class should we take

Yay I finally found a training facility that has classes at a time that works for us.
But I'm torn.

Beginning Freestyle
Beginning Agility
Beginning Rally

Any suggestions?

Lisa and Frankie
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BEGINNING AGILITY...of course <vbg> (not that I'm biased or anything :wink: )

And I'd also find a beginning OBEDIENCE class...don't they have one of those?

Beginning obedience should precede rally and freestyle since they're both based on basic obedience. Well, you also need basic obed for agility, just not the heeling part.

Actually, it really depends what your goals are. What is your incentive for taking a class? Fun? Exercise? Mental? Physical? Competitions? Titles? Other?

What really strikes your fancy? How old is your boy now and how good are his basic skills? (sit, down, stay,and the BIG one: come when called! :P )

I'm leaning towards agility. I'm worried there will be to much that he can't or shouldn't do because of his hips. We have had multiple obedience classes. I have a trainer at his daycare give him lessons also. They actually offer an off leash obedience class. I'm also interested in that. Frankie is 18 mos now. He is getting better with age also. Mostly I am looking for classes to bond more with my boy, exercise for him and fun for us both. I had huge agility competition dreams when he was younger before we found out about his hips, but I know thats out now. Now I just want to enjoy our time together.

Lisa and Frankie
Well, I seem to recall that he was cleared to do agility? At least if you don't get to crazy about it?

Why not go with what your gut tells you. It's good exercise if done sensibly. Aim to some day compete in CPE where he can jump much lower than in most organizations, and there's nothing wrong with that; the handling and games strategizing is as challenging as anything else. SO, you will learn how to teach solid foundation work and how to handle and then some day when you have your next dog you can go for your big dreams ;-)

In the mean time you can do what we all do: learn the basics. And bond. I think he'd love it. Just aim for low impact everything. We all do that to some extent, frankly. This is a large breed and you need to train intelligently anyway. Be careful about what kind of surfaces you run him on: good cushioning and traction is a must. Plan on ultimately jumping him 16", which really shouldn't be too challenging for him, that kind of thing. And be careful how you teach contacts to minimize jamming on the front end.

18 mos is the perfect age to start.

I vote for agility. This activity has helped me bond with Simon and he REALLY likes it. When we go to class he gets ants in his pants and starts whining until we get there.

Just a few more weeks and we can start again :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Corse what happens in the backyard stays in the backyard.
We're doing agility with our sheepie, Ecco, and our Mastiff. It's really fun! :clappurple:

Kendra, the Mastiff, was injured as a puppy. Her momma stepped on her because the breeder, who was new to breeding, didn't leave enough room in the whelping pen for 9 puppies (30 lbs each at 8 weeks) and 180 lb Momma :cow: . Anyway, the result was that Kendra's pelvis was crushed while the bones were still relatively soft. Because of this, she now has NO hip socket on the right side. The ball of the leg is just being held in place by muscle work at this point.

I mention this, because you said Frankie has hip problems. well, we were worried about Kendra at agility, but we talked to the trainer and she assured us that it would be ok. If necessary, she said we will adjust jumps, etc. to what Kendra CAN do. We also talked to the vet, who thought the exercises, particularly ones that require her to lift and stretch that leg (like walking over jumps) would be great muscle training. Physical therapy almost.

Kendra has gone to 3 classes, and she absolutely LOVES it. At first she was timid, she has always been a little shy, but now she's taking on new challenges each class.

So, my vote is for agility! You'll find you can't stop smiling all through class.
As every place structures things a bit differently, I would ask them what their recommendation is (assuming these are all at the same place).

I am assuming you have taken obedience classes and he has all the basic skills needed for any of these classes.

Can you talk to the instructors? Ask what they expect as baseline behaviors and skills. Or sit in on a class and see if it's what you are looking for.

Otherwise, all would be fun and you and Frankie will have fun together. :D
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