Edgar spending the night at the vet

Poor dude. :(

It's been one of those weeks where I have been at the vet three times. The first two were for Jack (our cat) as we thought she had a broken hip. She doesn't, but she has been doped up on pain meds ever since and slowly starting to use her leg again. To make matters worse, my vet only had one person working this week so things were booked up tight. I knew this, and then it's Friday around 4pm and we decide Edgar needs to go in (I had been running errands all day). Thankfully someone had just canceled so they told me to bring him in right away.

He has a partially impacted bowel, running a slight fever, and a little dehydrated (from all the diarrhea and vomiting). The vet thinks the obstruction should pass okay but was more worried about him being dehydrated/vomiting and wanted to put him on a IV. At least if things don't get better he will be hydrated and won't be in bad shape come Monday. I do hope it passes. It's a bone (hoof) obstruction. Vet said he chewed it up good but still not good enough.

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Mmmm... poor buddy. :( And poor you... you've had a week of worry.
Hoping the hoof will pass through him quickly so he'll be home again soon.
Best wishes to your kitty too.
I hope the hoof passes - go Edgar, go!
got sheep wrote:
I hope the hoof passes - go Edgar, go!

Hehehe, that's sorta the problem. He won't stop going. Poor guy has had his butt hosed off several times. Oh the looks he gives us and depression he goes through after that indignity...
crustybirds wrote:
got sheep wrote:
I hope the hoof passes - go Edgar, go!

Hehehe, that's sorta the problem. He won't stop going. Poor guy has had his butt hosed off several times. Oh the looks he gives us and depression he goes through after that indignity...

"Real" go - not passing around the hoof runny stuff. That (runny poo) happens with obstruction in people too. One of the classic diagnostic signs. Real poop is what we want!
:ghug: Hopefully things will pass!!!

Edgar start pushing that hoof out mate. 8)
Fingers crossed that the hoof passes soon.
To you and Edgar.
Hope he's feeling better soon.

Lisa and Frankie
Poor Edgar. Hoping the hoof passes quickly.

Laurie and Oscar
To quote Bill Cosby.

Push it out, push it out, waaaaaaay out.

Poor little fella, hope things get better soon.
how is he today?
I was wondering too. Hoping he's at least resting comfortably.
wow edgar, hoping hoof passes soon. never had to worry about hooves from the inside going out, just hooves coming at me from the rear. 8O
Sorry I didn't update sooner, it's been a busy day. The vet put a liter and a half of fluids through his IV drip last evening and Edgar was about to burst from holding it all night. He wouldn't pee in his pen so they took him out early this morning. He then passed his bone chunks so he's all good to go. The vet did send him home with a weeks worth of antibiotics in case there were any perforations in his bowels. I prepared some chicken and yogurt for his dinner but he is the sorriest looking dog you ever saw. I think he's still not feeling well. I'm so glad that it all went well. :clappurple: And I think I got off pretty cheap too as it was just over $300 which included X-rays, night stay, vet exam, a bunch of different meds, and the IV drip. I love my vet! :hearts:
Yay :clappurple: :clappurple:

So glad to hear that Edgar is on his way to a speedy recovery.
Take care of yourself also.

Lisa and Frankie
Yay for Edgar. We're all so glad that it "came out" okay. I imagine he'll feel yucky for a bit...he's probably pretty scratched up inside.

I bet he'll enjoy having his own personal chef for a while...
:phew: So glad he passed it.
Feel better soon, buddy.
Glad the offending hoof finally passed....ouchie!
Glad Edgar will be feeling better soon.

And that was a good price!!
I don't even want to think about what that must have felt like. Poor Edgar! Glad he's on the mend!
Thanks everyone for your well wishes. I think that Edgar is finally feeling more up to snuff. :yay:
Great news glad edgar finally birthed the hoof :clappurple:

Well done edgar :D
So glad to hear that Edgar is feeling better :)
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