possible urinary tract infection

With out being to personal for Frankies sake that is :oops:
Frankie has been licking his little wee wee alot lately. :oops:
So I trimmed the hair around it and off of it on Tuesday.
The dog walker mentioned today he pee'd 4 times on his walk. Frankie doesn't normally mark his territory.
Then tonight at pt the therapist mentioned she smelled either strong urine or a fishy smell. She checked his anal glands on the outside and said they didn't feel impacted unless his are farther insided. Could he have a urinary tract infection? He was prone to them when he was very young. I'm not sure if I need to take him to the vet to be checked? Is there something else I should watch for?
Any advice.

Lisa and Frankie
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Totally sounds like a UTI. :(
Time to get a sample taken....and let me tell you, it's way easier on an OES than a basset hound! :wink:
I agree... drop off a sample first thing in the morning.
Peeing more often and a strong smell could mean an infection.
Hoping it passes quickly!

Just wondering... how do you collect a sample from a Basset Hound?
Soup ladle with an properly angled handle? Pie tin?
6Girls wrote:
I agree... drop off a sample first thing in the morning.
Peeing more often and a strong smell could mean an infection.
Hoping it passes quickly!

Just wondering... how do you collect a sample from a Basset Hound?
Soup ladle with an properly angled handle? Pie tin?

The vet's office has this really neat stainless measure cup with a long handle - I covet it!

I was using a small plastic container, and bending WAY over...and he'd stop peeing when he felt the cup - because there is so very little ground clearance of those boy parts!! It took 3 attempts to get about 20ml. :roll:
Luckily he's a total sweetie and used to me or anyone else doing about anything to him, like the great therapy dog he is. :kiss:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I love it! I was thinking there must not be a heck of a lot of room to get a container under him. :lol:
Sometimes just touching them anywhere immediately shuts off the flow!

I had a problem collecting a sample from Maggie. I finally figured out that with her, if I allow her to start peeing and I lift her a bit with her tail, I can get the cup under her and collect a good sample. Took me a bit to figure that out though. :roll:
Taking in a sample (get the sterilized cup the day before) and dropping it off speeds things up. Instead of wasting time trying for that sample and possibly contaminating the sample, our older vet prefers to take samples directly from the bladder. Glacier is so used to this she's no problem, MO will fight them in fear. Anyway, within a few minutes we have our answer.

The vet is very sympathetic towards UTIs, probably having a few herself. They are very uncomfortable for the dog....and people.
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