
Back during the winter I posted about having THE WORST SCIATICA EVER. After an MRI it turned out I had a cyst on my spine which I had aspirated and did pretty well...until about two months ago. The pain started again, in my left buttucks and down my leg. After my last agility class ended, the buttucks pain subsided...but my back hurt like crazy.

I visited the Dr. again and he said we could aspirate it but it will probably come back again. The best way to be rid of it once and for all would be surgery.

Yesterday I had surgery and I AM NOT A GOOD PATIENT. As soon as I could talk again, I wanted to know how soon I could get out of there. My surgery was at 7:00am and I was wheeled out at 10:30am.

Let me tell you its not a walk in the park. Bunch of restrictions, no bending(couldn't if I tried), no lifting over 10lbs(ditto), no driving till my postop visit(we will see about that), bunch of others that I plan to break...when I can.

Right now I am in a lot of pain. Dh is a lifesaver. He even has to help me off the toilet :oops: , the dogs are restricted, and I am counting down the minutes till I can take my pain meds(which are supposed to be every four hrs but I cut that down to three..not a good patient).

My thinking is that in a few days I will no longer live for pain pills and that in a month or so I will be back in the game again :clappurple:
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I wish you a speedy and healthy recovery!
Pam - good luck with all that!!! :wink:

Seriously - take care of yourself, try not to be TOO bad of a patient for Randy and soon you'll be back doing all the fun stuff! :D :clappurple: :D :clappurple:

Must be the air, as my old injury decided to revisit me....the one where I tore the ligaments and tendons that hold the sacrum (end of the spine) to the pelvis.....the old grinding and shootong pains are back :evil: :evil: :evil: And I did NOTHING, was just sitting in a chair doing paperwork!

Enjoy the drugs and relax.......
I hope you have speedy recovery. It's hard to be a patient! Especially when you are used to go-go-go.

Keep in mind that a bit of rest will help you be able to do everything that much faster and that all that bad patient drive to push boundaries will also help you recover faster, providing you don't violate the first part too much.
I hope that it goes smoothly and that you try to be a good girl and obey doctor's orders!
Take care-hope you have a smooth recovery. Special thoughts.
The recovery part is important.....take it easy so you don't visit the surgical suite any time soon again!
Ohhhhhh I can only imagine the pain you must have been in! OWWWW! I only had that pain once when I was pregnant and I was a total whimp. I feel for you having it on an ongoing basis. I hope you recover soon from the surgery and yes, I agree like everyone else has told you - TAKE IT EASY PLEASE!!!!

Follow doctors orders or you may overdo it and then kick yourself...okay probably can't do that without it hurting..but you get my drift. :D

Take care and speedy recovery!!!

Take care of yourself! I hope you get well soon. Give your husband a hug when you can. :ghug:
Sorry to hear u had to go through this. I hope u have a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your progress.

Sheepie/Aussie hugs!
Been there, done that - 3 times! The first time I hurried my recovery because I had no pain, so I figured I was okay. Didn't even occur to me that although that back pain was gone, I still had to allow surgery healing time. The second time I slowed down a little more, and finally, by the third time, I knew better. (Takes me awhile to get info thru my thick head!!)

SO - enjoy the down time and know that the good times and feelings will return - all in their good time!
Wondered how you were doing since you had the aspiration. Good luck with this surgery and do what they tell you, this from one that never does but it does make a difference
Can's speak from personal experience, but thru DH. Listen to the doctor and allow your body time to heal. Little aggrevations now can delay healing greatly. As for driving, it is your personal safety....and others. If faced with a sudden situation, your body will not react quickly enough and you are putting you, your car and others at risk.

Hope the surgery has corrected the problem once and for all. Sciatica is the pits!
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