Kennel cough

We were supposed to bring Mady out to the sheep farm for another lesson last week, but the trainer called to tell us that one of her dogs had kennel cough. She just emailed me and a second of her dogs has it. I called the vet and she suggested that we just stop going there until it is all cleared up. Are we being neurotic parents to keep Mady away? Or are we being sensible?
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It's contagious just like human colds are. If you can avoid it, you are better off.
Most of the time it's just an annoyance, but it can lead to other more serious respiratory conditions.

A few times mine have gotten it, and we stay home until everyone is better.

If Mady were to go out there, there's a pretty good chance she would get it too....then bring it home, share with all the dogs she sees...and so on. :(

I would skip herding until you get the all clear.
It usually takes a good week to get rid of it.
What Dawn said.

As well as the chance of more serious respiratory complications, there's also the cough to take into consideration.

One it can be bad enough to be distressing for them and therefore us and two do you really want a seal barking in your house all night. The cough can be THAT bad.
What they said. Our boxer got kennelcough last summer despite the bordatella vaccine. Our vet explained that just like our flu, cannot vaccinate against all strains. Poor Shelby was ill for a good two weeks with lingering cough. It's not worth exposing Mady.
We have been through it a couple of months ago, extremely contagious so good the place let you know it was around. Babette brought it home from a dog show and it went through the pack.

Sounds worse then what it is but still better you avoid the place till the all clear.

4 weeks is the usual staying away from a place where the dogs have KC so you are looking at not going back there till at least a month has passed and that is provided non of the other dogs on the property gets it too.

Nice to know the people let you know there dogs had it as not pleasant but not life threatening but just sounds awfull the snotty noses and hacking coughs and something you really dont want to bring home. :wink:
Thanks for the advice. Mady has been vaccinated, but, like you have all said, our vet says that it doesn't cover all strains. We will keep her away. I am bummed because snow is due to fall i Ottawa soon, so we won't get a chance to train until next spring. We need to move to New Zealand or somewhere warm that also has sheep.
Do you guys stop up there with snow?? I would have thought you Canadians were tougher than that!
We herded until it was too bitterly cold or too icy that it made it unsafe.
got sheep wrote:
Do you guys stop up there with snow?? I would have thought you Canadians were tougher than that!
We herded until it was too bitterly cold or too icy that it made it unsafe.

I am willing, Mady loves the snow too. But the school shuts down-I guess most students want to stop. The wimps.
Mady wrote:
got sheep wrote:
Do you guys stop up there with snow?? I would have thought you Canadians were tougher than that!
We herded until it was too bitterly cold or too icy that it made it unsafe.

I am willing, Mady loves the snow too. But the school shuts down-I guess most students want to stop. The wimps.

Total wimps!
I ditto the suggestion to stay away until the KC clears. One of my dogs caught it while a stay at a hospital. Came home and passed it on to my other dog :roll: Although its usually not life threatening, senior dogs or dogs with compromised immune systems can get seriously ill - sort of like a doggy phenomia if left untreated.

That was nice to hear they called you to tell you. Most places do't bother :twisted: I know I called my trainer to let her know when we had it and she said that was very rare :evil:
Brick got it once when he was about 9 months old.
We were on a trip to Florida & New Orleans (if we drove, he always went with us).

Of course he had to stay in a few different kennels whenever we did something.
The last kennel he was in was the one at Disney World.

We left Orlando that night and drove just over the FL-GA border when we noticed that he was coughing a lot.
We got a hotel that night and it seemed the coughing got worse overnight.
Early the next morning, we got the local phone book and found a vet that was willing to come in early (like, 5 or 6 in the morning) to look at him.

He said he probably had kennel cough. He gave him a shot and us some meds to give him. I think it took a few days to clear up.

But he sounded just like a barking seal. It was kinda funny and sad at the same time.
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