So now I think Brick isn't feeling well.

I don't think Brick is feeling well.
He's way quieter than normal tonight, he didn't take a cracker from me when I got home from work which he always does, he had absolutely zero interest in his dinner tonight (which was rice & chicken that I fixed special because I sensed he wasn't feeling good).
I'm 99.99% sure he pooped OK this afternoon when I let him out. I saw him squatting but nothing was coming out. However I did see what looked like a fresh poop near where he was squatting. I'm assuming he went and felt like he had to go some more but nothing else came out.

I think I first noticed it when I went to work this morning. He didn't see me off as he normally does.
He ate his breakfast normally, went outside after, and then came back in. He pretty much jumped on the bed and laid down. He didn't seem to care at all when I left, which is not normal.
When I got home, he normally meets me at the door, but again, he wouldn't come down the stairs.
I let him outside and like I said, I'm almost 100% positive that he had a normal movement.
I let him back in and I sat at the counter. I tried to give him a cracker but he had no interest. He just stood there. His head down a bit & his tail wrapped tightly under.

I then got him to lay on the bed. I noticed his respiration rate is up just a little bit. I listened for bowel sounds and did here some at one point.It's kinda hard to hear over his breathing.
His stomach doesn't seem to be distended (not sure I would even know what that would look or feel like).
I checked his gums. They're pink at rest, turn more whiteish-pink when pressed, and return back to pink immediately.
I just took his temp. It's 103 degrees farenheit.
His eyes look normal, too (not glazed or glassy).

I called the vet. They said to be on the lookout for diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst, and wekaness which I haven't seen any of (other than him just wanting to lie down and an unwillingness to go up or down the stairs). He seems stable when he's up and does walk around a little.

We were at the dog park yesterday and he seemed to be fine. He seemed to be fine all day yesterday and even early this morning until he came in.
I don't know what to make of it.
He's never sick, so I'm not used to him like this.

I'd rather not take him to the ER vet tonight but could bring him to my regular vet in the morning.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
How long do I wait before bringing him in?

Am I overreacting? I guess Rudy's and Simon's stories have me a bit panicked right now.

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Mark, a temp of 103 is high. It is a fever which means an infection. I wouldn't wait too long to bring in to Vet. A temp of 104 is very high and not much higher is considered dangerously high.

You would know if stomach is distended. But that doesn't mean there is no obstruction or problem. I would bring him in as soon as you can.

Hope he is okay.
So we're at the ER vet right now.
Just waiting for the doc.

I had to help Brick into the truck and he laid down the whole way here.
I hope it is nothing and that he is back to himself soon.
Good luck at the vets.
I hope Brick is ok
Just went thru the physical exam.
Nothing abnormal to note there.

Blood work is up next.

EDIT: and x-rays
Oh, poor Brick...something must be going around the forum.
I'm so glad you took him. We had taken Rudy Thurs night and the vet we saw (not our favourite, but only one was on) thought he'd be okay until morning. I should have taken him in to the emergency room that night, but talked myself out of it.

We came really close to losing him, and if I had a do over I'd have gone in in the middle of the night.

I think you are absolutely doing the right thing.

Fingers and paws are crossed here for Brick, and virtual hugs to you too.
They just brought him back to me.
He was just standing there looking stoned.
He started wobbling, like he was going to fall down.

I asked the receptionist if they gave him something. She checked and they gave him something for the x-rays. She brought him a big blanket to lie down on.

So we're just waiting for the results.
Ashley wrote:
Mark, a temp of 103 is high. It is a fever which means an infection. I wouldn't wait too long to bring in to Vet. A temp of 104 is very high and not much higher is considered dangerously high.

You would know if stomach is distended. But that doesn't mean there is no obstruction or problem. I would bring him in as soon as you can.

Hope he is okay.

It's a bit late now, and rather a moot point - however, 103 in a dog is not that high, just slightly elevated.
A healthy "normal" dog temp can range from 100.5 to 102.5.
Just an FYI, so accurate info is out there.

The lethargy and abnormal behavior is more concerning than the temp.

I hope you get some answers soon with Brick.
Chewie sends a "get well, buddy", and Simon will share a bit of healing basset drool (it's a standard basset get well wish!)
Hang in there, Mark!
I agree with Dawn 103 is not horrible but, always better to be safe!
The lethargy in an Airedale would make me worry!
Any news yet?
Just me but, I would question why they gave a lethargic dog a sedative :evil:
May just be me though...
We just got home a few minutes ago.
He peed well before we left the ER
He peed again when I put him out back after we got home.
He's still loopy from the sedative (Torbugesic).

She said his blood work looked great.
There were 2 little blips in his chemistry that she said probably don't mean anything.
The ALT was 101 when normal is 10-100.
The AlkP was 227 when normal is 23-212.
This may be normal for him. Need to check these numbers against the other blood work he's had in his life and probably again tomorrow or in a few days to make sure they're not going up.
There's a note of mild neutrophillia (13,400), rest nsf.

She said there's no signs of toxin ingestion nor any signs of bloat, flipped stomach, or obstructions, so that's good.

His temp before we left was 101.9 (could be from the sedative, however).

She gave him a rectal exam as well ("scant stool, no blood or pain")

So I'll try to feed him tomorrow morning. If he eats, I'll head to work and come back at lunch to check on him. If not, I'll be taking him to my vet in the morning.

So I'm signing off.
I have to get some sleep. Gotta feeling it's gonna be a long day tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone for their support & good wishes.
Good luck, hope its just a tummy bug that will get better fast. :crossed:
Well, he seemed to sleep thru the night OK.
I let him up on the bed and I slept with my hand on him the whole time.

I'm gonna try to feed him in just a little bit.
If he doesn't eat, I'll have to call my vet when they open at 8 AM.
His temp this morning was about 101.6 (he was fussing before the thermometer beeped, but it pretty much stopped climbing).
He went outside this morning and peed.
And when he came back in, he ate about a cup of rice & chicken (which had some water in it as well).

I hope these are good signs and he's on the mend.

So I'll probably head off to work and stop back at lunch to check on him.
Good news this morning - nice!
I hope Brick continues to be on the mend today. :D
I was wondering if it might be something along the lines of a virus. I have a horse that with the change in seasons typically get a "virus" as per my vet. She gets a little lethargic, has a slight temp and has no interest in food. We went all out the first year thinking colic and tubed her just to be safe. blood work only showed a slight bump in her white cells. Now we just go conservative and hold her food for the night, give some anti-inflammatory meds (banamine) and keep checking her temps. It usually resolves after three days.

Maybe Brick picked up something in the park or the change in the weather. My vet said last year she had had 6 calls that week alone with the same exact symptoms as my mare. Maybe there is something going around.
Hope Brick is back to himself today. It's so scary when our pets get sick because they can't tell us what's wrong.
Sounds like Brick is getting better. . . I hope so!
Poor Brick (and Mark too!)

Hope he's feeling better soon but my guess is he's just missing some sheepie hugs and kisses and really needs to meet up with some sheepies soon!
Joan wants Brick to feel better... mee too!
We went thru this in Sept, Butch got sick and I blamed it on a nlya bone. Had the projectile vomiting and poop with a little blood in it. Three weeks later Tripper had the same thing. They both recovered quickly after getting some anti-nausia drug and soft diet. The vet's office did say there seemed to be a lot of that going around so no one seems to know what it is.
He pooped! He pooped!

And it was formed, not wet at all.

I went home for lunch to check on him.
While he wasn't at the door waiting for me, he was at the top of the stairs wagging his tail.
He seemed to have a more energy than yesterday.
I took him outside and he went into super sniff mode darting from one spot to the next with his nose in the grass.
He then did his business.

I brought him in & took his temp.
It was 100.7 degrees F.

I took the poop & his x-rays with me & will drop them off at my vet on the way home.
Hope all goes well with him.
keep us posted glad he is feelin better.. funny how we are so happy with good poop
Very good news! :D :D
yay Brick :)
I just got back from the vets.
His stool smple checked out negative.

He was waiting for me at the top of the stairs when I got home and then he came down the stairs to greet me.
And when I went up, he bounded up them in front of me.

I went outside with him and he was moving around quite happily; head up, tail up.

Even my neighbor who saw him this morning said he was looking a lot better.

When we came in, he brought his Buddy Ball to me for throwing.

So I think he's on the mend.

Just want to thank everyone for their well wishes and for sending good vibes his way.

Now we just need to get Rudy, Simon, Archie, and all the others better.
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