Blister by nose

Poor little-but-getting-TALL Levi has worked a blister onto his nose. There is a half moon of rubbed skin from above his nose to right along the bottom of his nostril on the left side. Josh and I deduced he is rubbing his nose in the crate, trying to get out.

Does anyone know of what kind of cream or ointment to use for this? Also, any suggestions on what we can do about the rubbing issue?

Levi has really improved, but WILL have an accident in the afternoon if left out of his crate. I don't want him to keep rubbing his face, but am at a loss of what to try for the potty training... he seems to only be able to hold it 3.5 hours during the day and I don't get home till 4 hours after lunch.
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When Jack had his split open nose the vet said, no creams or ointments. Just wash the wound every day with water, no soap, just water. (actually she told me to take a garden hose to Jack's nose and irrigate it he was going to stand for that!! We did well with a clean rag and lots of water...and a big towel)

No clue as how to handle the peeing and timing problem. Hopefully she'll get that other 30 minutes down shortly.
Okay, take this info with a grain of salt, as I am constantly battling drug resistant infections on Oscar, but the first thing that popped into my head when you said "blister" and "nose" was MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). Oscar has had MRSI (Staph Intermedius) and is currently fighting off MRSS (Staph Schleiferi), neither of which have jumped to humans. Yet.

However, MRSA is a zoonotic. My vet recently had a dog in with a sore on his nose that wouldn't heal. Found out that the owner's dad was in the hospital with MRSA. He cultured the sore and discovered it too was MRSA. The dog was fine after a course of doxycycline. It turns out that healthy dogs with no apparent issues can be carriers of MRSA, and they carry the bacteria in their nasal passages. (Humans, too.) You see why this popped into my head?

Anyway, Levi might just be rubbing his nose on the crate, but if you see that it's just not healing, you might want to take him to the vet for a skin swab. (Oscar gets them about every other week. :roll: )

Sorry if I freaked you out.......

Laurie and Oscar, the Perpetually Infected
Not to freak you out more but my dog also had MRSA. In his ears. he had an infection that just kept reappearing. They finally cultured it and it came back positive for MRSA...It took us a year and many $$$$$$ to get him better. Even now he gets tested every year.

If its just a blister, try some Bag Balm ointment. It works wonders..Hope its nothing serious.
My daughter had been battling a nose sore with Poppy, their rescue ACD. Poppy was rubbing her nose raw on her crate too.

I don't think any magic thing happened, other than her nose was sore, and she finally quit scraping it! :roll:

It took several weeks once she stopped, but it gradually healed up. They just watched it closely and made sure it wasn't infected.
Medicine on a dog nose is pretty much a lost cause...they lick the more you put on. :(
If there is an infection, oral meds are needed.
Perhaps blister was the wrong word. He has rubbed all the skin off part of his snout and nose. In fact, the black part of his nostril is an angry red, like all the black peeled off. He doesn't seem to be tender there and has left it alone. When a scab has formed over it and he goes in the crate, he rubs so much, the scab comes off and the skin looks redder than before.

Josh wanted to leave him out of the crate today and see how he does. I just am concerned that constant rubbing on a metal crate, he may embed some material in there and get an infection. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Of course, this would be easier if he could just hold it longer than he does! At least he knows he's SUPPOSED to go outside, but if he can't hold it, he uses the basement.
* Capt. Obvious Danger wrote:
Perhaps blister was the wrong word. He has rubbed all the skin off part of his snout and nose. In fact, the black part of his nostril is an angry red, like all the black peeled off. He doesn't seem to be tender there and has left it alone. When a scab has formed over it and he goes in the crate, he rubs so much, the scab comes off and the skin looks redder than before.

Josh wanted to leave him out of the crate today and see how he does. I just am concerned that constant rubbing on a metal crate, he may embed some material in there and get an infection. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Of course, this would be easier if he could just hold it longer than he does! At least he knows he's SUPPOSED to go outside, but if he can't hold it, he uses the basement.

From your description, I understood what was happening, or probably happening :wink:
No blister on Poppy, but as you described - rubbed raw, scabbed over, then scab scraped off.....Poppy's was on the top of her black nose. The black was totally gone where she damaged it, and then pink new skin as it healed. Then the black slowly regrew and the pink got smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared.
They did continue to crate (she was never a house dog either) and she did stop abusing her nose. Cattle dogs are at LEAST as stubborn as an OES..... :roll:
They did watch her nose very carefully...but otherwise let her do her thing and she did learn and stopped the behavior. :D
Erin, have you tried puppy pads? We still lay one out for Lucy when we are going to be gone all day. She rarely uses it anymore, but so much better than pee the floor!
Hi there, we have always washed our dogs wounds out with Hibiclens--it is hospital grade wash/antiseptic stuff---ask your pharmacist where it is (sometimes it is behind the counter but it is not a prescription) it will definitely keep the wound cleaned out---bag balm is a great idea after it is really dried off, also, I think the neosporin cream works better that the clear gel---we just use that on doggy boo boos---good luck to poor :cry: :cry: Levi
Just a thought, they sell "bumper guards" like the ones for baby's cribs, for dog crates. Maybe that would help Levi rubbing his nose against the metal? But then of course, you ahve to worry about him eating the bumper guards 8O Maybe he would do better restrained behind baby gates?

Hope his nose is better!
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