Very BAD Behavior!!

Can someone please tell me why all of a sudden my OES has started being a maniac? We just recently changed from Cox cable to Direct TV. My OES is 11 months old and has NEVER chewed on a remote control. Well, in two days she has managed to eat not one, but TWO dirtect TV remote controls. She never did this before and I have no idea why she is doing this now.

Lily is not much of a chewer. Sure, she has gotten hold of a few things and started to chew them but never like this. The remotes are completely unrecognizable!! When she got the first remote I punished her and gave a very stern NO. I kind of ignored her for a while and I have NO doubt she knew exactly what she had done was wrong, so why on earth she did it again is just puzzling.

I know sheepies go through the teen stage and I have no doubt this is part of it but Lily has always listened to us and if there is something she should not do she just doesn't do it. Shes never been one to test us and see how far she can go.

Lily is an inside dog. We have a doggy door for her to come and go as she pleases. We also have other dogs which are a bit on the geriatric side. lol They are 10 years old. The thing is the other dogs do play and boredom has never really been a problem. So I can not just assume she was bored because I seriously doubt that is the case. It's almost like she just flat out does NOT like the new remote controls. Is that possible? Or maybe she thinks I'm watching too much t.v. and not paying attention to her? Which is very unlikely because anyone with an OES knows that when they want attention they don't ask for it, they DEMAND it!! lol

Please HELP!! I really thought the whole chewing stage was long gone. Any advice would be so appreciated. Thank you, Cindy
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Remote might have a yummy finish on it. Aside from putting it out of her reach, you might have to put something nasty on it......lemon oil??
Since the chewing is so specific, I would agree with Susan. Seems like there is something in the plastic that is making the DirecTV remotes irresistable.

They sell a bitter apple spray at PetSmart to discourage a dog from chewing, but I think the best way to handle it is to keep the remote up where Lily can't get her canines on it. Remotes are one thing, but batteries are very dangerous to a dog if swallowed.

(Lemon is supposed to be a deterrent, but when we squirted lemon juice on things to keep Oscar from chewing when he was a pup, he just licked off the lemon and kept going. :D Between the lemon and his love of feta cheese, we call him our Old Greek Sheepdog.)

Laurie and Oscar
cox broke into direct tv truck, put roast beef inside remotes. :twisted:
I see the biggest answer as being 11 months old. Eleven month old sheepies must be OVER-exercised. It was around that age that we were FORCED into taking Chiquita for a half hour run in the morning+an hour walk in the afternoon+another half hour run at night. We were exhausted but that amount of exercise DAILY just slightly slowed her. This would be a good time for puppy class or agility. Wear her out mentally and physically.
:clappurple: Right after I read this post I found Ecco, 11 months, outside digging a GIGANTIC hole in the mud! Does she know this is not ok? Yes. We broke her of that habit months ago.

Life with a teenager is very trying...
OH NO :cow: , we just got Direct TV last Thurs.!! Chauncey went through a period a few years ago with our cable remotes. It got so bad I'd just pull up to their drive thru and put in the $10.00 and they'd slip in the new explanation needed :roll:
Got to go put up the remotes now............
When Dublin was a puppy, we too went through at least two direct TV remotes. They were the only ones she went after.
Hank's gone through 6 remotes. The 3 I have now have been chewed, but are still functional. On mine the buttons are rubbery- I think it starts to smell like food, goodies and mom and dads hands... :) Tasty!!!
Chowder is only 9 months but we found that she become rambunctious and remembered all her bad habits from 7 months until recently. The only thing we can toss up to is growing. She grew taller and wider in those 2 months tremendously. Now she is calmer, listens more, and eats less so we think the current growth spurt is over for a little while
Maybe he's not happy with the choice of TV :cow:
Archies Slave wrote:
Maybe he's not happy with the choice of TV :cow:

That was laugh out loud funny! I had everyone turn to look at me in my office. :clappurple:

BUT, back to the must be something with that specific remote, because, guess what? Nola did the same thing to our remote last week...our DIRECTV REMOTE! wierd...but at least now we now to keep them out of reach!
Perhaps trying to change the channel to the Dog Whisperer?
Thank you all so much for the responses!! I have put the new remotes away and so far, so good. HOWEVER.......... yesterday she decided to chew up my iphone charger. I happen to have an extra so its not really a big deal but I can not figure out why she is doing this. Its a new thing with her. (chewing that is) Now when she was little she did get a hold of my flat iron and devoured it, but I left it on the counter like an idiot after using it so I chalked that off to being my fault. Since then, which was months ago she has never chewed anything. She does bring in broken tree branches to chew on and silly things like that occasionally but never anything in the house.

We truly have the most spoiled dog on the planet. Lily goes every where with us. Exercise is not a problem because we are always doing something with her. The learning, using her brain thing isn't a problem either because we work with her daily on new things to do. Right now its "Trick or Treating" We are teaching her to hold the pumpkin so we can take her with us on Halloween. lol

Lily is always learning something new as we are continually trying to work that brain of hers so she doesn't get bored. lol Shoot, this dog can even bring in the mail and does daily!! So, its not a lack of exercise, a lack of using the brain, so what is it? Could she be teething again? UGHHHH, this is so frustrating!!
Moe has become a pain at ten months..biggest problem i cannot go on the computer!! he is jealous..he takes things he shouldnt have and wants to play chase...or is very quiet like a mischievous three year old and destrys them out of sight,,,tonite it was a file folder with documents that he snuck off my desk..i did not realize until half of file was destroyed!!! He does not do this when hubby is o computer only with mommy!!!
I am wondering, because Ecco has gotten extra-mischievous lately, and at the same time she has gotten extra-chewy. (Ha, ha!) Ecco has never been much of a chewer, at least not compared to her Mastiff sister, who chewed the molding off of door frames at this age. When she was teething she had to have something in her mouth at all times, and her favorite was this big old cow's knuckle. It crumbles into little yummy pieces as they chew, but slowly. And those pieces are little bits of calcium, so it's good for them, unlike rawhides.

Well, she's wanting to chew again lately, on toys mostly, and she's been asking for her cow's knuckle a lot. I keep it put up on a shelf most of the time. She knows where it is, but we haven't taken it down for months.

Anyway, she's been so "chewy" I was beginning to wonder about teething. did you know they get their last set of molars after 8 months of age? And that's just a general time frame for all dogs. So, I'm wondering if the chewiness that came back after seemingly being trained out of them is related to teething.

Maybe that's helpful, maybe not. In any case. I recommend cow's knuckles for chewing. They are much yummier than remotes. Just make sure to monitor them. Don't leave them with it when you leave the house, but maybe give it to them for 30 minutes at a time to relieve some of their desire to chew.
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