loving things they do

:) We all know they are special but what things do your pups do that just bring a smile to your heart. With Molly it is:
• Jumping three feet in the air to greet me without touching me
• Watching her walk for an hour with a piece of bread in her mouth and her bum just a wiggling
• Laying on the couch with me smiling and never asking for the remote control
• Sitting at the side of the bed and winking at us until she is invited up for a bit
• Pretending to pee so she can get her bed time treat
• Having her wiggle her big butt at us while sitting on the er ummm throne :oops: until we scratch it
Could go on for hours about this
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-I love how, ever morning, Mady stands beside the bed puffing and huffing on my face until I wake up and greet her.
-I love the way her head goes down a bit and she does a quick march when she knows we are going to the dog park.
-I love the way she showers attention on my widowed mother, like she knows my mum needs extra love.
-The way she sat under the highchair of my little nephew yesterday, with such an optimistic look on her face, knowing that, if she were patient enough, something would fall her way.

I could go on and on. I WON'T mention how she found the kiddie pool, full of water, at Grandma's house and leapt right in...
The early morning greeting face to face, but only if I have the comforter pulled aside. She will not jump onto the bed if she will land on the comforter.
No matter how many times one enforces the no barking while food is being dished up, Jack has to make a sound.....a muffled bark.
The way I am their napkin, after eating or drinking, grrrrrrr.
They must ride from the driveway into the garage, all of 15 feet.
The Paw......when they need a bit of love.
i love (and also slightly irritated) at panda's headbutting the mattress in the morning to wake me up..

i love when i say ''hug'' she runs over and flops down on top of me..

i love her internal clock..she knows what time i get home and what time to eat..

i love when i ask her to do something that she doesnt want to, she sasses me by low moans and barks, but does it anyway..

i love how she is SO lovable, sweet and affectionate with me and everyone she meets :hearts:
I love when we are out on a walk howie can make every person we pass smile.
I love that I am the most important person in howie's life and he knows it.
I love that I giggle out loud several times a day because of my goofy bundle of howie.
I love that my husband thinks he is the most important person in Howie's life...howie & I know differently! :wink:
I love that howie wants to be every dog's friend, even if the dog is snarky, Howie somehow befriends them.
peg & howie (6 months old)
Chauncey is the only sheepie in our area and he get's rock star treatment. We were petted and bum scratched for the 2 hours that we we're at the Humane Society Bark In The Park event last week. He was the perfect ( yeah, Chauncey ) guest.
Bobby & Chauncey get stopped on their nightly walks...Bob says if he'd known this when dating, he'd have had a sheepdog 8)
I love that he is so needy, even though I complain. ( scratch me, pet me, hug me )
I love that even though it's hard to sleep as a contortionist, he's there.
I love that he will dance for a bum scratch.
His kisses.....even though overly long and sloppy. He really enjoy's them after a drink and he has a soggy beard.
I love when Dublin sleeps "upside down" with all four paws in the air.
I love that Abbey likes to be cuddled and held.
I love Dublin's big wet kisses.
I love the way Dublin plops her big puppy but down to get a treat.
I love how they both look at me like I'm their entire world :D
I love Bella's sheepie creep in the morning. When she wants me to wake up she starts to creep up from the end of the bed and brings her nose right up to my face and waits until I get the message that she is ready to get up. She uses her Mind Control and sends me telepathic messages.....Mom Mom oh MOM :!: :!: time to get your butt out of bed...breakfast time :lol:
I love Bella's sheepie creep in the morning. When she wants me to wake up she starts to creep up from the end of the bed and brings her nose right up to my face and waits until I get the message that she is ready to get up. She uses her Mind Control and sends me telepathic messages.....Mom Mom oh MOM :!: :!: time to get your butt out of bed...breakfast time :lol:
OMG :o someone has cloned my dog :lol: the wiggles, the napkins, the bed, you gotta love it all
I love...

- Nola's Bear! When she sees me coming and stands up on her hind legs until I come over and give her a hug. This backfires when I don't hug her and she comes and knocks me over! :aww:

- Sloppy Puppy kisses!

- When Sam and Nola have silent arguments about who gets to sit where. Normally it's when Nola has Sam's sleeping spot and Sam stands in front of her waiting for her to get up so he can lie down.

- When Nola knows it's time to get up and she'll start grunting, whinging, licking (etc etc etc) in my face to get me up...funny how it's never my husband's face... :roll:

- When one finds something to sniff out and gets on the trail and the other has to follow to "help".

- Nola's incecent need to walk on the left side of me

- Nola's need to poo in private (aka...behind a tree!) :lol:

- when Sam wants to cuddle, which is rare. He's just too darned cute for words!

All this baby talk makes me want to go home to my puppies! I miss them! :hearts:
Oh my, where do I begin!? My friends think I'm so obsessed with Sunny.
-the clumsies, Sunny sometimes bumps into walls, knocks her head on doorways, trips over her own feet. Someone once said "oh no, is she ok? What did she trip on? " Me "um, her feet."
-her exuberance for the off leash park and how she runs full tilt for about 3 minutes at the start.
-how she always turns around while being pet until you're petting her in her itchiest spot (her bum of course)
-how she hugs back by resting her head on my shoulder when I hug her.
-how when she's restless in the evening, the cure is letting her up on the couch.
-how she lays down to drink when she's really pooped out.
-her pink paw pads. I thought they'd turn black like other dogs, but 2.5 years later, they're still pink with a black dot on each one :)
Gotta stop, need to go hug her.
Sunny'sMom wrote:
-how she always turns around while being pet until you're petting her in her itchiest spot (her bum of course)

Mady does that too. I always think that she is saying 'Hey, I know that my face is adorable, but have you SEEN how cute my butt is?'
I love how Maggie lays down when she sees toddlers and let's them approach her.
I love how she is so incredibly gentle when she takes food from my hand.
I love how she tilts her head back and forth when you talk to her.
I love her soft warm kisses.
I love the look of absolute happiness that is ALWAYS on her face.
I love how soft, floppy and cuddly she is.
I love her gentle sweet spirit.
I love that she is mine. :aww: :hearts: :aww: :hearts:
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