Just Wondering...Fibromyalgia anyone?

There are so many members here I was wondering if anyone else suffers from Fibromyalgia???

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A dear friend of mine at work has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, on top of already having psoriatic arthritis (like rheumatoid arthritis, with the added bonus of psoriasas). Her rheumatologist told her to reduce her stress (a LOT easier said than done since she works full time, has a house and a family to care for, and has 2 very active teen-agers), and to take aqua aerobics, or at the very least, just swim. She hasn't tried that yet, but is looking into it. She's not on any medication for it yet because of all the meds she's on for the arthritis. Plus, she's a two year breast cancer survivor. For some people - when it rains, it pours.
My best friend's mom has fibromyalgia also. She's supposed to decrease her stress level and get moderate excercise. The big thing is, she has a prescription for massages at least twice a week.
I'm a clinical massage therapist, I work on many people with fibro-myalgia. Massage does wonders with this!!!!! It helps keep the myoglobin in the muscle longer, which helps with the pain, among other benefits.

Find someone in your area, but check them out first, make sure they have a clinical background in massage, and most insurances are now paying for clinical or medical massage

and yes the water aerobics are fantastic for this also, little or no impact

also.... increase water intake!!!!! I cannot stress that enough :!: (divide your body weight in half, then change it to onces, thats a pretty good way to know how much water you should be drinking daily) and no coffee does not count lol
I have had Fibromyalgia for 4 1/2 years now.
I know to avoid stress....like that's possible (NOT)
I was also told at the time that I shouldn't be carrying my son who at the time was still not walking at 2 yrs old. ( he didn't walk until he was 3 1/2 )
Massage helps but I cannot afford it and my insurance dropped me right after the baby was born.
We have a pool and when the weather is warm enough I exercise in the pool.
Luckily during the pregnancy I felt pretty good. No real symptoms. I was told the extra hormones help you feel better.
I run a support group on MSN and have a lot of great people there.
I was just wondering if anyone on here had it too...
If anyone is looking for a support group you can e-mail me or send me a pm and I will send you the link.

I have Fibromyalgia.Had it about 5 years now .
Doctor says don't get stressed as it will get worse but i have a sick husband and i'm his main carer so i ask "how is that possible".

My Sheepies keep me going :lol:
Check out the website for Lavender Lane. It's an herbal supply shop. The lady that runs it I believe has Fibromyalgia and has her story posted.
I know thats a hard disease to diagnose but there has been alot more research on it lately. Used to be the Dr's couldn't find out what was wrong.Hope you find something to make you feel better,
Sincerely herbgirl :)
The reason I told you to check out that websight is the lady that runs it sells a product called juice plus that is supposed to help Fibromyalgia. I clicked on the juice plus link but the page wouldn't come up for me just to refresh my memory about it. I'm not endorsing the product it's just I remember reading about it and you can read about it and use your own judgement.
OH MY! I was just diagnosed by the Rheumatologist last month! I go back tomorrow for my first 'follow up' visit. I had an auto accident 2 years ago and broke 3 vertebra in my back (teach me to go to church on a sudnay instead of a dog show) :oops: He said this 'aggrivated' the neurons of the nerves and has developed into fibro.

Stress????? oh yeah big time. hubby has been out of a job for 18 months, and we moved last October in the middle of a singleton litter. He now has a new job, will be leaving for 12 months for the middle east next week. I didn't really think how much i depend upon him taking care of 5 OES and 2 cats! I'm REALLY going to miss him!! AND we are buying a new home so I have to deal with the move and cleanup of this house after he is gone.

I don't have time to feel this way, but guess I will have to.

Thanks for the info Herbgirl. I will check it out the link.
Ali & Sixpence I knew I couldn't be the only one in here :D

I was at the library today and came across a book called Foods That Fight Pain by Neal Barnard, M.D. Leafing through it I dicovered a chapter on fibromyalgia and thought you may be interested. I hope it helps.\

Thanks Holly :D
Found this old post from Elissa who already knows that I too have FM. Was finally diagnosed at age 22, but think I have had it since I've been a kid. Never felt good, always been achy and tired....the list goes on. The only upside is that I can be a little bit more sympathetic to others who don't feel well.

I'm very glad to know that I'm not alone!
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