I am going to drink tomorrow, alone. Is that a problem?

I almost never drink and Joan NEVER does. I might have a screwdriver once every year or two, and perhaps a beer on the intervening year. A couple of years ago I bought a six-pack for the first time in 20 years and I think I drank a total of three of them. Maybe four. Had to toss the rest. I think I had two in one day(! gasp!), so I've been over my limit for a couple of years.

Tomorrow though, I'm planning on having a drink. Alone. Me and the pooch. Does that make me a problem drinker? I've been thinking about it for 3 days now.

My Nephew is visiting Israel and we were chatting over Skype and he was telling me about different foods there and I remembered that my mother once MANY (35?) years ago got a bottle of liqueur from Israel called Sabra. It was in a really fancy bottle and it was orange/chocolate flavored. She really loved it. She drank less than I do, so that bottle lasted a long long time perched in all of its fanciness on a tea wagon.

That got me to thinking about that liqueur and I got a hankering for it. Nobody carries it. I called a few Israeli stores around Boston, they told me they've been having difficulty in getting it for the last year. I called the local gigundo liquor supermarket and they don't have it. I called a local store and the owner told me his rep was coming into the store in about an hour and he'd ask about it. He called me back, and he should have a bottle of it for me tomorrow.

So I'm going to have a drink, I hope.
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Oh yes. It's a big problem. Your pooch is probably going to want to join in and then the next thing you know you both will be making prank calls and peeing in the front yard. :twisted:
Ron you most definitely have a drinking problem!!!!!!!!!!

Ron don't drink so much that you're mistaken for a walking Terry's Chocolate Orange! :wink: :lol:
Oh my dear Ron, I'm right there with you. I very rarely drink.
I have 2 beers left from a 6pk I got when we moved in here
3 years ago this week. One of those I used in a marinade. I do
have a hankering for a drink now and again. Actually, as I recall,
that is why I stopped drinking years ago. I couldn't stop hankering!!
I may just join you in that drink. So if y'all find me in the chat
all by my lonesome, you'll know why.
Do enjoy it Ron - I certainly will.

I remember Sabra! Oh it is gooood. Last time I saw it was in Sun City AZ where apparently enough old Jews to demand it. Also saw the Hungarian cherry stuff. When I got back home I asked a local booze purveyor if he had it he said next time I'm in AZ get some, he couldn't find it. I forgot and when I finally remembered a year or so later, neither was being carried any longer. Rats!

As for drinking problem........you'll have a problem when you run out!
You live dangerously! Hopefully your furkid can keep up with you. ;)

No problem. Some of my favorite times from college was getting gassed on cheap bourbon and playing records (this was a long time ago) REALLY LOUD.

Every once in a while I have a drink by myself at home. Since I quit smoking though, drinking just isn't the same.

Enjoy your alcohol!
Drinking at home alone can be fun to do occasionally, just don't tell Kim...er, I mean your significant other... :oops:


I had two shots, give or take! Thank you all for sharing this with me.

Nitey night.
Hey you forgot the "BURRRRRP"

Cheers :wink:
Just coming across this post...wondering if Ron has a hangover :lol: :lol: :lol:

I drink alone all the time! My husband travels extensively...I pour myself a glass of wine while I cook dinner...Never thought I might have a problem :wink:
Mim wrote:
Ron you most definitely have a drinking problem!!!!!!!!!!


I am with Mim!
:lol: :lol:

I do hope though that you and Mulligan weren't out at the same tree! :cow:
I keep hoping Kim has to go out to her mum's or something, so I can drink alone. Sadly, I think I'll have to share this bottle of wine with her. :cry:
No problem here, Ron. Hope you enjoyed your keg! :)

Can't remember the last time I had a drink. Last summer maybe? When I drink water at a bar or restaurant, new people that meet me have asked if I'm in AA, which I think is rather bold. Honestly, I just don't need the empty calories!

Laurie and Oscar, who never drinks the last beer....
I even coaxed Joan into a sip the next day! It was her first experience with spirits. She didn't like it.
Didnt like it? Try some wine...white...nice and cold...YUM! If she still doesn't like it, then by amm meand imbide yourself and don't feel guilty :wink:
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