Bad car accident in front of dog park today (and madness).

So I was at the dog park today when there was a pretty good 4-car wreck right in front of the entrance to the park.
At first evryone in the park was pretty calm.

Then all of a sudden, a woman goes running out of the fenced area. She left the inner gate open and proceeded to open the outer gate. Several dogs had entered the "air-lock" section when everyone started yelling "Hey!! Whoa!!" at the lady. I yelled "STOP!!" at the top of my lungs in my low growling voice while I was running towards her.
I said wait a second while we get the dogs rounded up into the fenced area before opening the outer gate.
She just about cried "there's people hurt" (how could she possibly have known that?) and "they're just dogs".

So she opened the outer gate and who got out? Yup, that's right. Brick.
I dropped a huge F-bomb and ran out of the fenced area calling Brick.

Everyone was freaking out and calling to Brick (they didn't know his name) to come back. He must've sensed something because he looked kinda scared and came right back to me, which he NEVER does. So I got him back into the fenced area without him getting hurt or running off.
It took me forever to calm down. Brick is a runner with no sense of direction, no sense of his surroundings, and no street sense.

Later, someone commented that the woman may have been a nurse or EMT. That's fine. It's great that she does this if she truly is a nurse or EMT.
But it wouldn't have hurt for her to shut the inner gate behind her as she left.
It would have added maybe a half-second to her response time.
And it's not like she went running immediately after the wreck. It was like a few minutes after when she decided she needed to be there at that second. And by then, all the occupants of the cars were out of the cars and standing around.
The funny thing is that there was another woman there that announced herself as a nurse and left a few minutes after the first woman. This woman was smart enough to slide quickly out of the inner gate and close it behind her without any of the dogs getting into the "air-lock". How is it that the second woman was able to that without slowing down and the first woman couldn't?

I swear to God, people are brain dead. She could have ruined a lot of people's day (maybe even life) with her reckless actions.

OK. Rant off. Thanks for letting me vent.
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Phew!!! Thank goodness you got Brick back safe and sound.

People do strange and crazy things when they're emotional, it will never cease to amaze me! 8O
I can completely understand your panic. It does no good to rush to the assistance in an accident only to cause even more chaos or injuries. Thank goodness more problems were averted! Good boy, Brick, for minding your daddy! :D
Whew... So glad Brick came back to his daddy. Good boy Brick. I'm with you, some people just don't think when the are emotional.

Lisa and Frankie
I can feel your panic, too. Drez was my runner. When she wanted to go somewhere, nothing could detain her. Scary, scary feeling. So glad Brick sensed something was up and came back to you. :phew:
Ugggh! People! Sometimes. . . .

I am really glad Brick came back.
Yeah, people get tunnel vision under duress; Joan kinda gets that way. I'm not sure I'd want that person as an ER nurse.
CamVal1 wrote:

I swear to God, people are brain dead. She could have ruined a lot of people's day (maybe even life) with her reckless actions.

Yep, you said it!! Glad things ended up okay!!!!!!!!
Glad the outcome was OK for the dogs (and hopefully for the passengers in the crashed cars).

As far as the running life-saver goes, we see this all of the time, most often with over-zealous volunteers, who are convinced that running to an emergency is going to make a difference - - oh, the drama. (Ed. note: for those not in the know, there is a base of science that demonstrates that Light and Siren response by emergency apparatus rarely makes a difference in patient outcome, and more often than not, the Lights and Sirens dramatically increase the risk of those responding with lights and siren being involved in a vehicle crash (thus, the risk of light and siren response exceeds the benefits). Only yesterday, I watched a Fire Chief call from the scene of a decaying dead body for fans to ventilate the building's hallway (to rid the hallway of an obnoxious smell); the knuckle-head firefighters responded in their multi-million pound fire truck with lights and siren, driving at a rate of speed that bordered on lunacy). How'd you like to be hit by that multi-million pound truck driving at a high rate of speed?

The drama crowd can most often be identified by their cars with EMT stickers and emergency lights on them, and the most gung-ho of all actually buy their personal vehicle in fire engine red. My favorites have Mr's and Mr's initials on their respective car doors.

I am reminded of the Fire Chief and his wife in the small, rural town where I grew up. He had a One-Adam-12 looking car, with one single beacon on the roof, and a Radio Shack public address system, in which his wife would broadcast siren-like noises that she vocalized while they were both enroute to an emergency. Some argued that these moments that the Fire Chief and his wife shared together, led to Mr. and Mrs. Fire Chief's 53 happy years of marriage. Thank God, when it came to the choir in Church on Sunday's she left her siren noises at the door.
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