Could it be dementia?

My ten-year-old OES has started misbehaving and acting strange could it be dementia? Max is panting, stares at walls, goes into corners sticks his head into the refrigerator and the dryer. He has never spent time outside unless with someone, now I can’t get him to come inside, he even locks his legs when I try to pull him in. On walks he is fine although he seems not to notice a lot. He stepped on a gopher snake the other day and I don’t think he noticed it even when I stopped to take a photo of it. Max has always slept on the floor while I’m eating at the table, he has recently started nudging me while I am eating, and sometimes barking at me in a demanding way. I am wondering if this could be a sign of some illness or the start of dementia.
When he is resting his breathing in normal, his appetite is always fine and he has plenty of energy. This March I took him in for tests and his doctor could not find anything wrong. I took him in last week for an exam and he appears healthy blood tests came back good. Has anyone had a dog act like this?
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Panting is often a sign of pain, but his other symptoms would have me thinking dementia as well. Talk to your vet....or a new vet. Why didn't he/she suggest this? Anipryl might be needed.
I am sorry to be late on my response... :oops:
Dimentia is certainly a thought and like Sheepiboss
said Anipryl can help!
We had one of our older boys on that and for him
it didn't do so much(Although I have heard it has helped with
a lot of seniors)
We had a lot of luck with Science Diet B/d...I am not a huge
fan of Science Diet but, I can say the prescription diets have helped
us in the past!

My other thought is "absent seizures"
They do not actually have a full blown seizure but, do
have the after effects as you describe...
Look for any "fly biting" snapping when nothing is there!
Our 13 y/o boy had this and I could not convince the vet
he was having a seizure until he had a major one!
Don't get too can be controlled with meds..
One thing we thought in the after math is they need to
be kept cool...
Everytime Paddy had an "episode" he had been out..

Good Luck and please feel free to ask any questions!
Such an odd mix of symptoms! I was just trying to imagine it and I can't really get my head around it. I agree that following up with the Vet is a good idea. Has this been happening since before March? Has it gotten worse?
His behavior is not constant is seems go away then it returns. I changed his food in thinking that he might have developed a new allergy to his regular food, his symptoms went away for a while but then returned. Max may be fine all day and then all of a sudden he gets hyper doing odd things and panting 10 minuets later he is sleeping at my feet. His Doctor is puzzled and is looking into some medication maybe I’ll suggest Anipryl, if she doesn’t. The Science Diet b/d won’t work he has allergies to chicken, soy, rice and a few other ingredients in it.
How's his hearing and eye sight? His thyroid readings OK?

The staring into refrig or dryer, any chance of outside noise or fear. Harry will stare into a wall when a storm is coming or upon us.
Max has a slight clouding in his eyes but not too much; I think he can see fine maybe not with as much detail as he did. He still watches things from the back window and the car attentively, so he must be able to see past the glass. As for hearing Max can hear a “food” noise no matter how slight from any room in the house. His thyroid is normal I had that checked first. We live in earthquake country and I do get worried that he may be picking up on rumblings deep underground.
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