When to come in after a potty break?


I got my puppy yesterday and so far housetraining hasn't been going well. One problem I have is that I can take her out to go to the bathroom, she'll go pee, and then I bring her back in and within 5-10 minutes she's peed somewhere in the house.

Should I stay outside for awhile? I've read that I should bring her back in as soon as possible but she doesn't seem to be emptying her bladder in one go outside.

Thanks for your help!
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Housetraining takes weeks, months..... be patient, your pup is just a baby still and probably doesn't even know it has to go til it already has.

How old is the pup? It's usually about 16 weeks before they have any control over the muscles they need to "hold it" for any length of time, for now you are just training yourself to know your pups' cues :)

Just be consistent, take the pup out after eating, drinking, sleeping, playing and as often as you can in between and praise like crazy when he/she goes outside but ignore accidents inside for now. If you scold the pup for peeing in the house at this point it won't understand or worse it may think peeing at all is bad and learn to not pee in front of you.

Are you crate training at all? A crate can be helpful when you can't watch the pup constantly as most pups won't want to mess in their bed, and if it does at least you know where the puddle will be LOL
I am crate training. I have the crate in my kitchen, and then I can block my kitchen off from the rest of my living room (they're still the same room) with a baby gate.

Right now she cries and whines like crazy if I leave her in the blocked off kitchen. The two times I've done that she's ended up peeing (and one time pooping) in there even though she'd had an accident and been taking outside right before being place in there (I put her in there so that I could clean up the accient).

Should I place her directly in her crate instead of in the whole blocked off kitchen?

Any recommendations on how long I should wait outside or if I should come in as soon as she goes?

Thanks for the help!
If your dog is coming back to you after she goes... I'd come back in! Esp if she's just coming back in to do the very thing she just did outside (peed then comes in and pees...).

I'd also not allow any free roaming. Though it is miserable, I would put your dog in a crate and only let her come out during playtime outside or in a confined space supervised, to eat, potty, and that's it.

It took almost a year for my dog to "get it." She did all the same things you described... and we did EVERYTHING everyone recommended. She could hold it for over 8 hrs at night, so we knew she could do it... she just needed A LOT of time. She'd only pee in front of us too. We stayed consistent, kept telling ourselves we'll make it through (b/c it IS frustrating), and she did well. ALLLLL my other dogs as a child and as an adult didn't have any issues and picked it up right away. Some dogs just don't.
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