Puppy cut, grooming time?

I am in the beginning stage of considering an OES. I definitely don't have the time right now to keep an oes in full coat. I am wondering what kind of grooming time I would expect to keep an oes in a puppy cut. I am looking for long haired pup but some of what I've read says that due to size it can take 12 hours a week. I definitely don't have time now. I would likely invest in a crate dryer and do weekly brushing but I'm just wondering if this is feasible with this breed.

I grew up with an oes and he was super sweet. We're planning on getting a doggie sometime soon and so I am beginning my research.

Thanks for any advice,
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Hi Amy

Welcome to the world of sheepies. I have two and they are kept in puppy cuts. I don't have time nor the willingness to brush for hours every week.

Once a week, I pick a dog and spend about 40-50 minutes to brush head to tail-less bottom. Its less matting with a puppy cut dog. Easier to brush through. I've tried twice to grow them out but its a lot of time and maintenance and I did not do a good job with it.

The cost of keeping them in a puppy cut is about $100-$150 every couple months and then you have to find someone who can do it right. I've gone through quite a few groomers who think they know what they are doing but when you see the dog after a cut its clear they don't.

They still need to be brushed, line brushed, down to the skin or you will get mats. They have hair, not fur like other dogs. Imagine not brushing your hair for awhile, you would get "mats" too.

In the end I think its worth the time and money spent to keep two sheepdogs in a puppy cut and looking cute as bugs. This is them after bath time


Simon's Mom wrote:
Once a week, I pick a dog and spend about 40-50 minutes to brush head to tail-less bottom. Its less matting with a puppy cut dog. Easier to brush through. I've tried twice to grow them out but its a lot of time and maintenance and I did not do a good job with it.

At the length of hair simon's mom posted in the first pic which is fairly short ...it still takes me the same amount of time she stated ...maybe closer to an hour once a week.

As she also mentioned... it took some time to learn how to line brush. Well... no me, but no matter how many times I told my husband, he'd still only brush her like he's brush a girl's hair (what was on top ...and only the top). This can't be done if you want to keep the mats out.
We've kept (and my ex still keeps) Zeke even shorter than a puppy cut (maybe a half to 3/4 inch fur length). He doesn't seem to mat much, if at all. And this way, you don't have to be militant about grooming.
I'll have to find a pic of him to post.
Great. Good to know. I love the puppy cut...it's so cute!

What kind of grooming supplies do you have to maintain a puppy cut? I checked out the line combing pictures. I also have been reading and I see that people are using de-matting combs or strippers. I'm sure I will need to spend time with the groomer, learning the best way of grooming.
All I use is a good comb (several links on here in the search engine w/recommended combs). You can get 1000 other things, but when it comes down to it... that's all I really need. Maybe a good detangler/conditioner spray, but I even have that and hardly ever use it. When you start wanting to grow their hair out, etc... then you can add on imho. Most others on here seem to like having a brush too. I've bought more than I can count and have used them ....................for a short time, but I always go back to the same comb. Everyone will be different in their preference! :)

Remember that even though you keep a dog in a puppycut... there's still a lot of maintenance b/c before you know it... it's time to cut them down again ...or decide to grow it out.
while my girls are in puppy cut, I use a comb and a nice brush; I have one with wooden pins that both girls seem to like. Before bed at night, or in the morning sometimes I will give them a brisk brushing. But I'm naughty; I'll go a week in puppy cut with nothing more than a 15 minute brushing a day! Then once a week I'll pop them up on the grooming table and sort them out. Luna is always quick; maybe 45 minutes or less. Tonks wiggles and squirms, so everything takes twice as long with her.
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