We took our dog all across the country in our motorhome

Joan and I took our dog Jake on our cross country motorhome trip.

We left Boston in November, and headed south. We stopped in many rest stops along the way, and stayed in many campgrounds. There was never a single campground that turned us away, even though we had a 100 pound dog with us!

We visited North and South Carolina, Myrtle Beach was a lot of fun!
We visited Florida, Daytona Beach, Flagler Beach and Key West. We stayed in Key West for 3 weeks, and it was a blast!

Then we headed west along I-10 stopping near Dallas and through El Paso, on our way to Quartzite Arizona. We stayed there for a few weeks, and then visited The Hoover Dam and onto Las Vegas!

It was a great trip and we have many fond memories, and we were very glad to have shared it with our dog.
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I read about this trip and the one to deliver the rescue dog to Hawaii in your original stories, and I must say that you are braver than I am!! I've never been fond of car rides, so my mantra usually is - if it's more than a 3 hour drive, it's a flight!!

Of course, that said, I did post that we drove 9 hours to VA Beach a few years back. Not my idea of a fun ride, but we did what we had to do.

This wasn't exactly a "vacation" but it did involve some serious travelling! Last year we sold our home in California and bought this home in Maine. It was December. The most reasonable solution, we thought, to get our 4 OES and 1 OE Cat cross country was to drive. We decided to purchase an RV. The first problem we encountered was how to safely get all those old bones in and out of the thing! So we added a portable ramp to our doggy supplies. We soon learned that our guys don't like "edges". We attached wood to the sides so they simply had to walk down the center. Our portable ramp now took up a considerable amount of space. Not a problem! We then set up a litter box, food and water for the OE cat in the back bedroom. The OE Cat was used to coming and going with the 4 OES and we didn't want him following them outside. They'd be on leash. He never liked that part and was not cooperative. He would be closed in the bedroom where he could watch us on our walks from the windows.
We had no idea how much time each stop added to our trip! If one HAS to be some where on a certain day and if you have more than one OES per person on the trip...add several days to the allotted time! Potty breaks, under normal "in home" circumstances take 5 minutes. Potty breaks on the road can take 5 hours! LOL! Two people trying to leash and maneuver 4 OES down a ramp and get them to a "pet friendly" spot is a logistics nightmare! We had it down to a system by the time we reached Tennessee. Just to add a bit of insight, we allowed TWO weeks for this cross country jaunt. We wanted to make it to Maine in PLENTY of time to sign the closing papers on the house! (as yet another side note...this was about the same place we heard that our "new" house no longer had a working furnace! Brrrrrrrrrr!!!)
After purchasing the RV for our guys, learning all the ins and outs of it, stopping several times for minor repairs, etc., the funniest part was this:
We had 37 feet of space for our guys to hang out in for their loooong ride in the "car". You know what they did?? They took the VERY same positions they did when they went for rides in the mini van and never budged from them! LOL! We could easily have packed them up and driven them x-country in the van and made it here faster! : ) But we had fun and, more importantly THEY, had the "car ride" of a lifetime! The OE Cat? He's STILL REALLY ticked off at us! : )
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