What can I do to soothe ear tenderness?

Owen got his ears plucked yesterday by someone other than me and they went a little heavy on him. He's one of those dogs that really doesn't have ear problems but if you pull a little too much, he gets problems. Today he's sore, shaking his head and crying to the touch. I have some Ottomax that I can put in there, which is supposed to be soothing as well as fight infection, but is there anything else I can do to make him more comfortable? Poor kid.
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I don't have any suggestions...just want to give Owen a virtual hug!!
Me too... Poor guy!!! That has happened several times to our dogs (even maltese) ...and I never know what to do either. I end up just putting some of the antibiotics from pre-existing ear problems b/c I know what's going to come next. Hope the guy feels better soon w/o any further problems!
Poor buddy. :(

I put a little Mometamax in the ears of dogs that are more sensitive or dogs that tend to have irritation after plucking. Just as a preventative.

Beyond that, I'd be concerned about a hemotoma if he's shaking his head very much. If you think that might happen to Owen, is it possible to put a snood on him... or another tube shaped stretchy garment that would fit loose enough yet control the violent beating of the ear flaps? I used a bandanna once... it was a few years ago when Meesha bit Kaytee on the ear flap... :roll:


Hoping Owen feels better soon.
Mometamax is what I always have handy too.
I have Otomax and I used that. I also called the vet and they suggested a couple of aspirin for the inflammation so those were administered (with cheese :)) when we got home. He's not crazy shaking, Jaci, otherwise I'd worry, too. He does this sad little wiggle and, luckily, it isn't causing too much of a beating. It's usually just once. He's not even rubbing them much but the insides are flaming red. The really heartbreaking part is the way he's holding his head. James and I have been taking turns massaging his ears and that seems to be soothing and I also put a cold washcloth gently against his ear hole and that seemed good for the moment, too. The vet said if he doesn't seem better by tomorrow, to call and they can give him some stronger pain meds.

I hate feeling so helpless.
I use Panalog in the ears and a dose of Dermax to ease the inflamation. Usually the head shaking ends in a few hours. If it continues, a trip to the vet might be in order to be sure no infection has set in. I have found ear infections pop up after a grooming. Not sure if its because the grooming causes the infection to show its ugly face or the ear gets so irritated from the grooming. Either way, if head shaking continues, Vet I go.
He does this sad little wiggle and, luckily, it isn't causing too much of a beating. It's usually just once. He's not even rubbing them much but the insides are flaming red.

ooooooooo :( It's good though that he knows not to shake his head.

I wonder if a fan blowing gently on him would help to cool his ears down,
maybe lull him to sleep along with the cold compresses and aspirin.
Hoping the redness will subside some by tomorrow morning.
6Girls wrote:
He does this sad little wiggle and, luckily, it isn't causing too much of a beating. It's usually just once. He's not even rubbing them much but the insides are flaming red.

ooooooooo :( It's good though that he knows not to shake his head.

I wonder if a fan blowing gently on him would help to cool his ears down,
maybe lull him to sleep along with the cold compresses and aspirin.
Hoping the redness will subside some by tomorrow morning.

You've outlined my plan exactly. Since the Otomax is also for infection, I hope they'll improve all around. He already seems more comfortable than earlier but I guess I'd feel better, too if I spent my night eating treats, getting massages and cool compresses, car rides, pizza and frozen yogurt.

Of course to add insult to injury to Owen's day, he ended up pooping all over himself and had to get tossed in the tub, too. He's so darned good natured. He just does what I ask with no fuss. He's a good, good boy.
Joahaeyo wrote:
Me too... Poor guy!!! That has happened several times to our dogs (even maltese) ...and I never know what to do either. I end up just putting some of the antibiotics from pre-existing ear problems b/c I know what's going to come next. Hope the guy feels better soon w/o any further problems!

That's what I do too. Poor O!
ButtersStotch wrote:
I hate feeling so helpless.

Sounds like you are actually doing quite a few thoughtful things for him -- and that he is appreciating the care.

We're going to the vet this afternoon. They looked just as red and there was a lot of horrible looking goo in there, too.

Although this is secondary to everything with him, it would figure that this would happen before his debut as a special at a show! We're entered for his first show in Best of Breed this weekend but if he's uncomfortable or shaking his head, he's gonna have to sit it out. Bummer.
It sounds like a bacterial infection. :(
Oh, noooo... the timing sucks.

Ask the vet that if it's ok to use a topical ear med immediately after plucking next
time. Mine recommended using Mometomax for 3 days... I take just a couple of drops
and smear it all around the accessible area with my fingertip. If hair is plucked from
deeper in the canal, it should probably flow down there too. Both the Otomax and
Mometamax have an antibiotic and steroid that should help with the inflammation
after plucking.
I think I am finding out now that Owen is one of those "if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it" kind of dogs when it comes to ear plucking. I usually only pull a small amount just to keep air flow going and he never has infections or issues. The few times he's had thorough pluckings, this has happened. Now that there's an official pattern, we're not doing it anymore. I just feel so bad for him. With all the migraines that I get, I know how terrible head and ear pain is so I really sympathize with him.
6Girls wrote:
It sounds like a bacterial infection. :(
Oh, noooo... the timing sucks.

Ask the vet that if it's ok to use a topical ear med immediately after plucking next
time. Mine recommended using Mometomax for 3 days... I take just a couple of drops
and smear it all around the accessible area with my fingertip. If hair is plucked from
deeper in the canal, it should probably flow down there too. Both the Otomax and
Mometamax have an antibiotic and steroid that should help with the inflammation
after plucking.

We just got home-- it's a bacterial and yeast infection. Yuck. His poor ears were so red, the vet said it looked like road rash inside there. She couldn't believe he let her touch them. I can only reiterate, he's such a sweet, good tempered boy. Not many dogs roll with things like Owen does. My other two would have been going insane if the same thing was going on with them. We got a nice big bag 'o' antibiotics, pain killers and ointment from the vet and she said he should be feeling better by tomorrow afternoon. I have him entered in both days of the show but if he's not feeling well, we may just go Sunday. I don't want to force him to do things if he's uncomfortable.
Ouch! Poor Owen. :( Hopefully he will heal quickly.

Laurie and Oscar
ButtersStotch wrote:
I think I am finding out now that Owen is one of those "if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it" kind of dogs when it comes to ear plucking. I usually only pull a small amount just to keep air flow going and he never has infections or issues. The few times he's had thorough pluckings, this has happened. Now that there's an official pattern, we're not doing it anymore. I just feel so bad for him. With all the migraines that I get, I know how terrible head and ear pain is so I really sympathize with him.

This sounds just like Mequpak. He is the same way when it comes to his ears and really..someone other than me cleaning his ears! He's just sensitive in there.

Hopefully Owen starts feeling better soon. :( Glad he got seen today.
Poor Owen!! I hope he recovers quickly!
Poor poooooooor Owen!! :-( :-(

I wonder if he had a little something going on just before the plucking which then made him acutely vulnerable?

Anyway, I hope he and everybody are happier now.
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