I think we might have ear mites!!??

Ziggy has been scratching his neck/ear area. someone mentioned ear mites 8O and so i checked in his ear and his left one is clean and clera, but the right one! the itchy side! is all spotty and looks like it could have sand type of residue! oh no! :cow: So my vet is closed now! i guess I know where we'll be tomorrow morning!
Has anyone had issues such as this? He si home with me all the time! he is on his monthly meds(heartworm and tick/flea) we did take him to a kennel mid August for 4 days while we were out of town, so that is really my only guess, or the groomers early August! I dont know really, and to be honest I am just making a guess here about these mites, So I hope all is well!

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Need a microscope to detect, they are that small. This is a gift that keeps on giving, so if you have more than one dog/cat, everyone gets treated!! Oh joy!
Is the residue sort of blackish or brownish? I think that is mites. I also think you can take care of them rather easily with something from the Vet. But beware, they can jump from dog to cat...I would wash their bedding in a hot water/steam or bleach and any towels they use, etc. And yes, I think they can catch it from a kennel. But be srue to take care of it so it doesn't go into a major ear infection.
I had a cat with ear mites ages ago.
The residue was a dark brown color. She came from a pet shop, my vet was furious that they hadn't treated her he said it was quite a bad case and they should have known she had them.

By some miracle it didnt spread to the dogs. 8O That was the beginning of my understanding why some don't like pet shops.
Lucy had ear mites when we got her. Her ears looked really dirty; lots of brown gunk. We'd clean her ears out in the morning, but by afternoon they were gunky again. Itchy too. The vet confimed ear mites and gave us some ear drops. It was an easy fix. Oliver never got them. Our vet told us that really the only way they would spread to another dog is if they were laying ear to ear.

Good Luck! Hope it's an easy fix for you too. I'm itchy just thinking about it!
Thanks for all the replies!

I am still itchy all over as well :roll:
We were given drops as well. and it seems to be just the one ear. So hopefully we caught it in time and will not affect the good ear.
Ziggy is our only pet, so no worries about spreading it to another animal.
And yeah. I cleaned out his ears this morning, and they are all gunky now!
Poor guy, he's really itchy! I hope this is all over soon.

Thanks again!! :lol:
Thoroughly clean any bedding used soft furnishings etc
My ZiggyBoy wrote:
Thanks for all the replies!

I am still itchy all over as well :roll:
We were given drops as well. and it seems to be just the one ear. So hopefully we caught it in time and will not affect the good ear.
Ziggy is our only pet, so no worries about spreading it to another animal.
And yeah. I cleaned out his ears this morning, and they are all gunky now!
Poor guy, he's really itchy! I hope this is all over soon.

Thanks again!! :lol:

One more note, our vet instructed us not to clean the gunk out while we were treating her with the drops. You might want to check on this. Good luck!
Yes, our Vet also told us not to clean the ears while using the drops. Check it out with your Vet. Don't worry. The mites don't jump to us humans. But I agree to clean the bedding in a bleach and water hot wash or steam wash. And don't use whatever you used to clean the ears on both. Use seperate...The mites should be clear in a few days.
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