
Can anyone tell me how to make the sauce stick to the spaghetti? I always drain the spaghetti real well, but it seems that when I put the sauce on it, there is always watery liquid seeping out around the edges! :roll:
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I don't know how to fix that issue for you, but my Mom always made her spaghetti by draining the noodles, putting the sauce on top, mixing it up, and then baking it in the oven in a roasting pan before serving. (Now that I have her sauce recipe, I've been doing the same thing.)

It turns out differently, of course, but it's delicious. The sauce is actually partially absorbed into the pasta. I know that's not what you were asking; I'm sure someone talented and wise will have the answer you're looking for.
Tracie and her mother are pretty close, after really draining the rinsing, no oil.....just really bounce it around in the colander, even flipping it a few times. Meanwhile the pasta sauce should be in a wide skillet, not a narrow pot, remove a portion to save as "gravy" and dump the pasta into the sauce, flip around a little bit and cook for about 2-3 minutes, letting the sauce adhere. Plate the pasta and pass the reserved "gravy"....pasta sauce.

Flipping a little cheese into the pasta also gives it a coating for the sauce, but not everyone wants cheese on their pasta.

If you are making smaller portions where saving out some sauce is difficult, let that pasta drain, flip it around until it somewhat air dries....a couple of minutes.......then pour your sauce over. Sounds like yours is too wet to accept the sauce. (You could always pour the freshly drained pasta onto a clean kitchen towel to remove excess moisture, but do that in private! :lol: )
I ALWAYS bake my spaghetti after it's done (350 for 30 min)!! Mr. J always says it goes from tasting good to excellent! As sheepieboss mentioned, we're a "add cheese" on top family [right before going in oven ...covered w/foil] ...but if someone doesn't want cheese [which is weird to me] ...then I scoop under the cheese layer!

I will say that it really just sounds like you need to try a different spaghetti sauce. Mine are all thick. If they aren't... they definitely thicken up in the oven.
Try a spaghetti that was made using a bronze die. This spaghetti is more porous and allows the sauce to stick better.
Thanks everyone! Some good tips. I think I'll try the baking idea next time!
I pop my pasta back in the warm pan and let it sit for a few minutes. The water drains to the bottom and evaporates. But I like the bake idea. Gonna try that.
Cover w/foil so the spaghetti is still soft :)
Baked my spaghetti tonight. It was good, thanks....... :clappurple:
I seriously love it that way. :D
Cook the pasta al dente, remove then put pasta in the pan of sauce and then let it cook for another 5-10 min (to ur liking). The sauce will eventually thickens.
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