Rudie is famous

His rescue story and picture was the first to be featured on Love Like a Dog's blog:

[Direct link to Rudie's story: ... at-we.html
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What a heartwarming brought tears to my eyes...Heather, you are an angel and so is your Rudie!!!!!! :rimshot: :kiss: :kiss: :ghug:
Heather, what a great story. Rudie is so lucky you found him.
aawww... what a great article! We LOVE you Rudie!!!
That's a great story, and that picture is wonderful.
Lovely story and I hope that it will inspire others to rescue!
Thanks all! That picture makes me teary eyed, it's amazing to see him so happy.

Please excuse all the grammar mistakes though! I didn't realize that story was going to be published, it was something I wrote in an email to them when we were talking about the book/website and they decided to use it without giving me a chance to clean it up!
HeatherRWM wrote:
Thanks all! That picture makes me teary eyed, it's amazing to see him so happy.

Please excuse all the grammar mistakes though! I didn't realize that story was going to be published, it was something I wrote in an email to them when we were talking about the book/website and they decided to use it without giving me a chance to clean it up!

Was too busy smiling at the beautiful story and sweet picture to notice any grammar mistakes, if any even exist!
What a fabulous story! I sobbed my way through it too. Big love to your Rudie, from all of us here in Winnipeg (including our Rudy). Thank you for being so full of love, and taking in a challenging dog. What a great, happy ending.
i never heard the entire story you are a hero
You are a hero, that must have been so hard to have his sister die right next to him. These stories are so hard to read but the outcomes are terrific. All of you who have done this for a dog are heros.
The real heroes in this story were Nancy and Nita from Midwest OES Rescue. When the shelter called me to say he had parvo I was ready to give up, but they convinced me to go get him and then provided an amazing foster home (Laurie in Indiana). I am forever indebted to all of them for helping me bring Rudie into my life.

I'm getting choked up writing this. It's funny how he was someone's trash and now he's with a family that wouldn't give him up for a billion dollars.
HeatherRWM wrote:
The real heroes in this story were Nancy and Nita from Midwest OES Rescue. When the shelter called me to say he had parvo I was ready to give up, but they convinced me to go get him and then provided an amazing foster home (Laurie in Indiana). I am forever indebted to all of them for helping me bring Rudie into my life.

I'm getting choked up writing this. It's funny how he was someone's trash and now he's with a family that wouldn't give him up for a billion dollars.

Heather, congrats on a great story about a needy dog with a happy ending. Midwest OES Rescue (Nita) is really wonderful - I am working with them now. But, I like your line, "someone's trash..." I use that line with Patch all the time - I am glad she was dumped or we wouldn't be together - "someone's trash truly is my million dollar treasure."

Lucky you and certainly, lucky Rudie.
Great story-loved the picture!
I love Rudie's story!

(I added a direct link to Rudie's story)
What a great story! :hearts:
You are so lucky you found eachother !
It would make a great little book :D !
Heather you did a great job of writing how you felt I too was teary reading about Rudie.
I didnt realise the whole story and what tough start you guys had.

The photo is fantastic!!! It made me see Rudie as a a survivor, nose to the wind, looking at his oh so bright future.
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