What are your dog's good habits?

I thought I'd start a thread about our dog's good habits and focus on their positive points (even though their naughty bad habits make us laugh ...sometimes). :)
I'll start... 8)
-My furbaby is, strangely, a non-destructo boy. I gave him a wooden spinning top a few days back and there's not even one tooth mark on it. He treats ALL his toys so gently.
-He also never enters the bathroom (unless its time for bath) and waits patiently outside the bathroom if someone is using it and the door is unlocked when the person is alone at home.
-He lets me groom him and tie a topknot without any fuss. (It's a huge improvement since he used to whine loudly at 8 weeks before the comb even touched his fur.)
-He gives me a hug as soon as I wake up and am upright and then kisses.
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Good thread...
Beatrice and Rolf will wait at an open door... until they are told to come out.
Rolf will sit when meets new people, so they can rub him..B not so much, she
Wiggles her bum off and goes in circles she gets so excited.
They both take treats so gentle I would even let little kids give them.
Beatrice never destroys her stuffed toys (my first OES was the same).
Rolf will lie in the doorway at night to make sure nobody sneaks in and steals me.
Chowder keeps all her toys together. Its a herding thing, so rarely do I have to clean up after her.
She sits to meet people and is gentle with people of all ages, literally, she has met new borns and 90 year olds.
While she is allowed on the bed most times she knows when it's bed time and her spot is on the floor.
At 8 months she FINALLY walks over to the door when she needs to go out,
hummmm have to think about that
oh got one dreamer loves to lay on top of me to wake me in the morning--so no need for an alarm clock
dreamer never chews anything ...since duffy will not let him have anything
no doorbells needed got barking chimes
dreamer loves to help me plant flowers he can sure dig a hole better then a shovel
seriously they are lovers and really do nothing bad i am so very lucky to have 2 great boys
We live in an urban neighbourhood and that brings with it a wide variety of neighbours, some of whom are vulnerable folks for reasons of mental illness, poverty, chronic health issues etc. Mady tends to seek out these folks and gives them extra bum wiggles. As a result, I have gotten to know people that I might otherwise have walked right past. Sounds so dorky to say this, but she makes me a better person.

Oh, and she politely waits for an invitation before she jumps on the bed to give us morning cuddles. Those are the best, even if they do make us late for work often.
My Khloe girl sits/lays very nicely for her daily brushing. She is completely potty trained and it wasn't hard getting her trained. She is fabulous with other dogs. Khloe sits to receive love from all the children at the bus stop each morning. She sleeps through the night and even let's us sleep in on occasion. For a 6 month old puppy she is doing really well. Her naughty list would be kinda long though. :)
:lmt: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I'll get back to you......................
I agree with Susan.
I thought long and hard about this:

Rudy -

He has really good manners in many situations. Even though he may be screaming in agony during his anal gland expression visits, he always gives the vet a kiss when it's over. No hard feelings, Doc.

When Hudson steals something so that Rudy will chase him, Rudy always chases him and takes it away. Then, when I call Rudy and say "give" he gives it happily. Hudson walks by at this point and kicks him or gives him the death stare.

Learns quickly (except housebreaking apparently)

Seems really good at monitoring his anxiety/anxiousness level. When he gets at all agitated he'll go through the entire house to find a chewy ring. He'll bring it to wherever we're hanging out, chew like there's no tomorrow and pass out ten minutes later, snoring up a storm.

Appears to have abandoned his Houdini status since coming here. I think he escaped from his own yard because he wasn't happy/fulfilled. Now he has no need to leave. We have one section where the fence is pretty short, but he doesn't even seem to want to be away from us long enough to do his business.

Snuggles beautifully. Shares the bed nicely.

Hudson -

He had been doing well, but lately he's a stink and a half again, so I cannot really add much here for Hudson. Hopefully this is a "phase" and I'll be able to come back in a week or so and amend this comment, but for now...

Snuggles nicely sometimes. Will snuggle up when you are petting him ON DEMAND.

Here's hoping the Little Smudgeman sees the error of his ways soon!
Is there such thing as good behavior/habits in a sheepie? lol

Seriously though, Lily brings the mail in everyday for us and puts it on our kitchen island. She loves to watch "King of the Hill" and "Family Guy" every night before bed. Lily is a great guard dog "From a distance".... get to close and she runs off barking in horror. lol She can open our glass storm door when we tell her to. She never potties in the house, however... she loves to toilet paper it! Even at her worst, she is the best dog ever and we simply adore her!!
Sheepieboss :lol:

I'm very blessed to have a dog that we can trust when we leave
will hold her pee forever
completely understands that children are fragile
never touches toys that aren't hers
and listens very well

(trying my best to not include any "but or except when..." ) ;)

I'm still thinking:

Placing themselves in doorways to make sure we don't escape and not moving when we tell them or run into them with a walker.....NOPE.... :lmt: .........

"Pulling up a chair" and hovering as we eat dinner, "Do you share?"........NOPE.... :lmt: ...................
Tiggy just loves to be with us.
She leans on our legs when she's sitting on the floor or sits on Wayne's lap when he calls her up on the couch.
She stays close when we walk at the off lead park. :clappurple:
:| hmmm :bulb: she knows the word coffee so I never have to go to Timmies alone (guess who gets the tim bit) Molly rests her paw on my knee when I sit on the throne so I am not alone She is always at the open door so again we are never alone :lol: her velcro makes her the best :clappurple:
Patch's good habit is her pure non-aggressive personality - this dog would not bite her own flea (if she had one). She loves fellow dogs and AND people. She is so sweet and even-handed. One night I let her out for the last time for the night and there was a baby possum right in the middle of the sidewalk. Patch walks up to it, sniffs, and then dances around it asking to play. The entire time I am beside myself that the poor thing would attack Patch defending itself. BUT, it played dead, Patch sniffed a few more times and then relented. She loves, Loves, LOVES company and with the rescue of the Taylorsville KY OES last Monday, she will have a visitor.
At almost six months, I want to say her best behavior is when Katieanne is sleeping! Who can relate?
Her puppy training is going well and she is very good when on her walks when coming close to a curb, when we say stop, she will automatically stop and sit. Good Girl! :clappurple: She is beginning to sit still when we place her walking harness/lead on her. She is beginning to learn "leave it". Trading for a treat will guarantee she drops the item. (Big Sigh) She's good at plopping down in front of the fan, with that big pink tongue hanging out and showing off her big black nose. She can "look at me", "sit", "down" and is learning "wait" and can "stay" between 15 and 45 seconds. :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: Trainer said that wasn't bad with Miss Rambunctious!

I'm truly pleased to hear that all of the others are such Good Sheepies! Kudos to all of you! Maybe when Katieanne is a big older, she will settle down. :?: :roll:
Katieanne also played well with others for her first and second time around other doggies. Yeah! She shared her chew treats with all three of the dogs.
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