Velcro Dog?

Tigerlily is ~4 months old. Prior to the puppy invasion, I read many books yet favored The Dog Listener: Learn How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation, by Jan Fennell.
I feel that I have applied most of the principles well. You know, ignore until settled, gesture eat, first out the door, lead the hunt, etc. I genuinely believe that she sees me as alpha. She looks to me for cues (especially obvious in "fearful" situations- I expose her to alot of loud noise, general craziness, (I have 2 young kids) and acknowledge and downplay and she follows suit.)
But what seems to be missing is the real cuddly. If I sit on the floor, she will come over to check in, hang for a moment and then sit across the room. Is this a function of a) I was VERY effective in applying the alpha techniques b)just a pup or c) surfer dude personality???????
I know it is vain, but I want velcro dog, I want to be her world. In exchange, I am delighted to give her copius amounts of affection, place on the bed, etc.
When does the pup reflect the dog?
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hmmm... that is a tough one. burcwen was super-velcro to me since the moment she met me, but this is mostly, I think, because she was so abused as a puppy, and is now fearfully looking to me to protect her from the terrible terrible world. Somehow I am not sure that is a method available to you!

I wonder how much gender has to do with this, though. I had always heard that dogs bond better with the owner of the opposite sex. It always sounded a little urban-legendish to me, but with burcwen it is certainly true. My wife is always looking for burcwen to cuddle, but burcwen is rather cool to her; she will check her out, say hello, and then soon after leave.
Our younger dog did that as a puppy. He'd lay at the opposite end of the room, walk way out ahead all that sort of stuff. Now I can't get away from him. It may just take a little while.
It's kind of funny because Clyde follows me everywhere I go in the house. I can't take a shower without him lying right next to the tub. If I'm carrying things up and down the stairs, Clyde is there. If I'm doing dishes, he's lying at my feet. However, when it comes time to relax, and I lie on the couch for example, he'll get up and lie way across the room. Our house is an open floor plan so usually he'll go lie by the back door which is about 40 feet away from me. I can usually see him but he can't see me. His other favorite place is the downstairs bathroom which is right by the back door where I can't see him at all. But, the second I move (and I can't believe he hears me) he's up immediately and next to me again. With him, I think he's just comfortable knowing where I'm at. If I'm moving, he stays with me but he knows if I'm sitting, I'm close by and safe. I like to call it the modified velcro move :)
In the beginning, Charlie didn't seem to be very affectionate. When we got him, he didn't seem to want much attention at all. He basically just wanted to be fed and wanted to sleep - a lot. He was having a hard time adapting to a new house and had some diarrhea problems because of that. I was very concerned because of that and that fact that he wasn't craving attention like my lab did. THEN IT HAPPENED! In the past 2 or 3 months he loves to snuggle and cuddle! He has to have it! If he doesn't get the hugging and kissing he wants, he'll drive you crazy! He paws at you, trips you, barks at you. He's even gone so far as to climb on my back (all 100 lbs of him) when I was washing the floor! And now - everyday - he has this thing about pushing his head and whole body in between my knees when I'm standing and won't move. He's so tall that I'm stuck until he thinks he's gotten my attention!

So, never fear - the cuddling will undoubtedly come. :)
I would give him time too. They will eventually become velcro dogs. Frank becomes more cuddly each month but he is always hot so if he's up in the bed for 10 minutes, that's a long time. His Aunt, who is 5 years old, can't get enough of us.

Ive been wondering the same thing...
tecumseh will follow me where ever i go, but when it comes to the cuddling part, that lasts for about 5 sec....
Our first sheepdog, Quincy, seemed rather aloof, not a cuddler at all, until he was neutered. While recovering (it was a spay as he was a cryptorchid) from his abdominal surgery, he became much more affectionate in general, and a constant companion to me.

Now our current puppy, Oscar, is a burr baby. I call him my Sheepdog Shadow, as he follows me from room to room, and constantly lays down EXACTLY where I'm headed, whether it's in front of the sink, dishwasher, any given cabinet, etc., but he's been that way since we brought him home (at 10 weeks). It might be because he's completely deaf, and if I'm not in his line of vision, he doesn't know where to find me, or it could be his personality. Not sure, but he is one cuddly furball.
This sounds a lot like my cats! :lol:

They absolutely hated being held at first - dreaded sleeping near me etc etc but they followed me around the house faithfully. Suddenly - they woke up one day and they were just cuddle muffins. Halifax will sit in my lap while I pet him - Kiley will sleep in my arms while I'm on the computer and both try to sleep on the bed and Halifax has even taken up sleeping under the covers with me.

I think their fur has a lot to do with it as well. If your animal is used to a different climate - it can be a little shocking to move somewhere let's say a bit warmer. Halifax and Kiley both came from a breeder who lives in the hills. :lol: We had to wear sweaters to her house - then shorts when we got back home. So Halifax and Kiley were utterly miserable with our sub-par air contitioning. :lol:

I'm sure that she'll get over it and snuggle up with you soon. :D
You do have to give it some time. When Luke was a puppy he didn't really like to be petted or cuddled. When he got older he couldn't get enough. Now he's 7.5 and will go to bed with you and fall asleep with his head on the pillow. He really likes it when you throw your arm around him like he's a person.
I would just give it time too. Dancer was my velcro puppy right from day one. However, I let her sleep with me, curled in the crook of my arm right on my pillow, she was right with me at all times when I was home. She is extremely sensitive to my emotions, and very protective of our home and family, which is not necessarily a good thing. I should have allowed her to develop more independance, not coddle her.
Sky was more aloof. She was a playful puppy, and was happy whether I was in the room or not, she only needs to make sure Dancer is with her at all times. This bothered me at first, I worried she would only bond with Dancer and not the rest of the family, but she did, it just took longer. By the time she was about 4 months old she began seeking out human affection more, and has now decided at 9 months old that she is a 60 pound lap dog. LOL
Remy follows me everywhere, if I move she moves. Sometimes during an activity of me moving from one area to another and back...this confuses her because she doesn't know if she should follow. When I settle down she doesn't instigate attention she goes to her "spot" to lie down...the fireplace tiles (cold spot). If I call her and give her affection she laps it up for as long as I want to keep it up, when I say okay all done, she leaves me alone...content to follow or to sleep.

She's the best dog ever.
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