I'm in Vancouver

I'm officially waking up in Vancouver, and now I realize why we almost never come here. It reminds me how much I don't ever want to go back to Winnipeg. We walked downtown last night, for sushi and checked things out. In Vancouver downtown (Robson area) is actually open on a weekday evening, and we did NOT feel we were taking our lives in our hands walking downtown. Winnipeg, you could learn a lot!

We checked into our planned hotel, and things were weird from the start. The carpet smelled, there was no a/c, there were two tiny little single beds with sheets that did not smell like bleach (my criteria...they better smell recently cleaned), and after two hours of the staff trying to get the wifi to work, we gave up. They took it well when we checked out. I hope they don't change their mind and charge anyway. They will get quite the fight on that.

I called the hotel hosting the fan convention and they had a room, for twenty bucks a night less than the one we left, so we checked in and life is grand. (Wifi, for a small charge, but at least we're connected! And clean smelling sheets! And the A/C was on when we arrived, and nothing smells funky!)

So we are about to begin our exciting journey. It's early, but my friend is a runner and he's off, so I have at least another hour and a half to slowly begin my day. Nice, quality, quiet time! Woo hoo.

I love you Vancouver!
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Have a fun convention!!

Good for you in checking out. I clearly remember a trip to New Orleans, Christmas, room was moldy because the shower dribbled, not dripped, dribbled and judging from the room, had done so for some time. Heater was a joke.

On that same trip we were at Dauphin Island and the folks next door had the same problem in their room, running shower. Our tub just dripped but the room was tolerable. It was one clammy, moldy trip. I rejoiced when we stopped in West Texas on the way home; air was dry, the rooms big, beds huge, sheets crisp not clammy and no mold in site.
Have a wonderful trip!
Okay, I've given this a lot of thought, and here's my plan.

I'm very well behaved. I can play gently, and am not much trouble at all.

I do NOT want to leave Vancouver, so I was thinking...I know Marianne has a soft spot in her heart for strays, and I know she has that nice new fence, and I know I can be trusted to play gently with Gilligan.

You know where this is going, right?

Do you think she'd take me in and let me live in her yard? I won't stray far, I promise, so no need for any new fencing. I could just lay in the flowers with Gilligan when I'm there. I'd promise to give him (and ALL her critters) lots and lots of pats.

Yup, no trouble from me at all...
I'm sure she could find a spot for you. You would qualify as a "rescue."
Just make sure you practice the sheepie stare, that hopeful look they get. Practice getting the eyes right and she might not even notice that you are not four-legged!
have a wonderful adventure rather it be convention going or laying amidst the flowers :lol: :lol:

Lisa and Frankie
I just saw this post!!

Tracie how long are you in Vancouver for? Yes, I always have a soft spot for strays and that hound dog feed me I'm hungry look.

You may not want to hang around my yard at the moment as the reno which was supposed to be one month....is now in it's second month. The garage roof that was promised not to be removed.....had to be removed ...which means the contents of the garage which was 16 years collection of of stuff from my previous home had to be placed in the yard under tarp. No room to store it inside the home as the animals all had to be safeguarded against being underfoot during renos. Dogs are not happy, cats are furious and bunnies are miffed. The only one that is really happy is Stevie the blind guinea pig who is lavished with attention from all the workman who have all fallen in love with him. Gilligan is getting attention from) a them too but is limited to be on leash in the yard (as are all the dogs) as there are currently too many dangerous things.

Would be great to meet up with you however if you overlook my exhausted haunted overworked look. I'll pm you my cell phone number and please give me a call!

Marianne needs a visit from Mike Holmes!
Ron wrote:
Marianne needs a visit from Mike Holmes!

I love it!
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