People not leashing their dogs

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we took Frankie for a walk today(cleared by the vet) We were minding our own business down by the water when a family with there lab came down. The lab was not on a leash. He ran up to Frankie and Frankie wanted to play of course and the lab growled at him. Frankie still doesn't know that means leave me alone. So Frankie pawed him. Growling again. HOW DARE these people. My dog is on a leash playing in the water with us. What if he would have bit my baby.. People are rude. The park does have leash laws and they do usually enforse them. I'm sure the lab was just talking but still. You just never know whats going to happen.

I just had to vent.
Lisa and Frankie
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That infuriates me. I have no problem lecturing people that break the leash laws either because I'm sick of people thinking that they don't apply to them because their dog is "trustworthy." People with little dogs seem to be especially inclined to think this is okay. It's completely inconsiderate and unsafe, because it completely disregards the fact that the other dog (on leash) may not take kindly to a strange dog in its face. It's a perfectly normal reaction for a dog leash to get upset by a dog rushing them. Heck, I'd feel the same way if a person did that to me!
Me too... it makes me MAD. Dogs off leash and people not picking up after them.
It's disrespectful to everyone.

So... what are some creative things we can holler to people who do this? :twisted:
Let me see for those of us with a large shaggy sheepdog , state Please leash your dog I have a" rare coated hungarian pitbull here!!! :evil: I have said politely please leash your dog my dog does not like dogs in his face I have never minded asking someone if they need a bag to pick up the poo. When I was a school nurse kids used to come in my office to get dog poo off their shoes (that trick was not taught in nursing school) so I spent an evening on the playground gently reminding folks with dogs to please pick up there are children playing here durning school hours and If it were your child would you want them to slip in poo??

I hate when people do that too !! Poor Frankie :(

I agree with you completely. Rudy has dog aggression issues, and can be quite crazy. As long as all dogs are on their leashes NO ONE is in any danger as we can control him. (I slip tie the leash end around my wrist as a final backup...if I were to drop the leash or he were to pull so hard it slipped from my hand, which has never happened, he is tied to my wrist and that limits how far he can go.) Of course this only works IF the other dog is under the control of its owner.

We've had a few come at us, and Gordon's settled Rudy while I use my body to (try to) physically "own the space" and send the other dog away. I've even had one person tell me that MY dog shouldn't be out if he's that dangerous. He got a piece of my mind (and almost a piece of my left foot too...) But I live in fear that an unleashed dog WILL lunge at Rudy, he'll lose it, and someone (likely the unleashed dog) will get hurt. Even though I wouldn't be legally responsible, I wouldn't want any dog hurt, and I REALLY don't want Rudy to cross that threshold. So far we've never seen/allowed him to get physical, and that's a line I don't want him to have the experience of crossing.

Now Hudson, the collar/halter/backpack/straightjacket escape artist has gotten away from us a few times (once, in the vet waiting room he got out of a snug halter to the vet's shock and awe), and if he's loose you'll see him running down the street with the two of us doing everything we can to get him back. He loves one neighbour who (thank goodness he was out all three times....and these were last summer) called him by name, and then tackled him, pinning him to the ground while we caught up. Yet this neighbour is, to this day, Hudson's FAVOURITE person. (Note: Hudson now wears a collar/haltie he cannot get out of, so we've solved the problem, but that does not stop him from throwing himself on the ground or at the back of my knees while I'm walking to try to rip it off and make a run for freedom.)

Anyway, my long and rambling point is that no matter how wonderful someone thinks their dog is, they have no idea what issues the other dogs around have. I don't understand why people put their own dogs at risk like that, and then have the nerve to think they've done nothing wrong.

I think maybe when we encounter one we should all have fake animal services business cards with us, hand them one, demand their name and address, pretend we're making a note of it, and tell them the ticket/fine paperwork will be in the mail.
It's my "pet peeve" as well.

I was astounded when I attended a HugaBull group walk last Sunday with Snoop. All the pitbulls in attendance were well socialized dogs that are taken out in public on walking trails. All dogs are leashed and we end up our walks down by the river where the dogs cool off- still leashed. The trail down to the water is quite tiny and is only through a single walkway so every one takes turns walking down there. The beach area is only aprox 20 feet wide and is the only place on that trail where people can walk down to the water as otherwise you are high on cliffs.

There was a group of six of us and our 9 dogs down there and a fellow appears with his Golden. He says," oh it's crowded here", and I tell him we'll only be a few mins as we're just letting the dogs cool off after an hour long walk and we just arrived. Instead of waiting until we finished he unleashes his dog! Gasp all I could think was...whaddya nuts? I feel bad for saying this but would you let your dog run loose amongst 9 Pitbulls whom you had no prior knowledge if they were social with other dogs?

It turned out all the dogs were fine, as the group I belong to take responsibility for their dogs and the majority of dogs have their Good Canine Neighbor certification but I still have to shake my head at that fellow.
One of my pet peeves as well. When out walking, Jenny is always on leash and no disrespect meant for responsible little dog owners, but I have found that people with little dogs think that it's ok because there dog is "little". Well I have a problem because it never fails that their "little" dog runs over to my 80 pound wus and nips and barks at her, which then Jenny will freeze in her tracks looking at me as if to say, "what should I do, and why are they being so mean". Sorry for the rant, but this happens too often for my liking. Ok, now I feel better LOL
Patch is also shy - at 112 pounds you would think she could conquer the world. When someone comes to the house she runs behind me for a few seconds, then comes out and greets with her nubbie wagging and body bouncing announcing there is company. Patch is one who would never have to have her leash, she is so passive and without a care in the world. BUT, she does stay on a leash when we walk and if a dog, from a maltese to an Irish wolfhound, even looks at her wrong or does the Elvis, she backs off and stands behind me. I've seen her run away from an aggressor at the dog park rather than stay and fight. And I have had to place myself between an aggressor and Patch so my dog will be safe knowing the owner will do nothing - it irks me, but I am use to it with some of the owners.
I agree completely --
Rolf was attached buy an unleashed dog and received 12 stitches a couple of years ago.
He use to like all dogs now any dog showing dominance is meet with Rolf full fury.
I guess once bitten twice shy

It bothers me a lot because Rolf use to love to play with any pup. Now he will on
interact with laid back pups.
6Girls wrote:
So... what are some creative things we can holler to people who do this? :twisted:

The park where I go with Murphy is 40 acres, for 3 years myself and a group of about 20 dog owners lobbied city hall to make 1/2 of the park an off-leash area, as there were no off leash areas in Halifax/Dartmouth. They finally agreed. The part of the park that is off leash has a beautiful beach for the dogs, lots of rooms on the trails if your dogs likes to chase a ball, diffent degrees of paths, for the older crowd who like to walk their dogs but can't do hills, etc, etc...

The ironic part of this is that I cannot under no circumstances go into the off-leash part as my boy is dog agressive. So I stick to the On-leash parts of the park and am quiet happy to as there is still lots of room for a good walk.

When I encounter people who have their dogs off leash, I will politely ask them to put their dog on a leash until they get to the off-leash area. Most times they will comply after I explain to them that my dog doesn't like other dogs.

Sometimes they give me attitude... where my standard response is, oh, I don't remember sitting next to you for 3 boring years in focus groups, workshops, rallies in front of city hall and or at bake sales/fundraiser so that you and your dog could have an off leash area. PUT YOUR DOG ON A LEASH..

I've come to realize, sometimes you just can reason with stupid.
Sometimes they give me attitude... where my standard response is, oh, I don't remember sitting next to you for 3 boring years in focus groups, workshops, rallies in front of city hall and or at bake sales/fundraiser so that you and your dog could have an off leash area. PUT YOUR DOG ON A LEASH..


I agree... most people will be considerate.
There will always be the random idiot who doesn't think the rules apply to them.
I'd just hate for any of my dogs to have a bad experience because of it.
Yep, I agree. I wish folks would ask "can my dog meet your dog?" first.

I hate the line people often say,
"Oh, my dog just wants to meet your dog" as their dog is running full speed towards Howie who is on a leash.
I have said on occasion..."mine happens not to want to meet yours".
Since Howie is still young and most times without a brain when he is excited, I don't want to drop my leash to let him play if the area is not safe. So I end up with a strange dog doing circles around Howie with a tangled leash. ugh.

I must say though, we belong to a great dog walking group, everyone is so responsible and caring. We all walk off leash in a park at the same time each day. If one dog is having an off day the owner is quick to put the dog on a leash or leave the group (for that morning). Cool thing is, I have met another Sheepie there!

peg & pup howie
You can always go with "My dog has fleas!" 8O

Yes, it's super annoying when off leash dogs rush over to us. As a pup, Sunny was slow to learn doggie manners, and although she LOVES other dogs, she didn't know how to properly behave around them (lots of jumping, pawing, etc). So we wanted to control her interactions and be able to pull her away if she got out of hand. How do you do that when the other dog is off leash?

Since she's super good now, and thankfully very obedient when called to come back to us, we've found an off leash park that's only a block away from our house. We get some "heel" practice in on our way there, and then let her off leash once we get there. And all the annoying dog owners in our neighbourhood haven't found it yet :P Actually, to get some doggie interaction in, we have to go to the on-leash park. It's weird.
I have to say that there is a favorite trail we go to often and after going down the trail a bit there is a spot I do let the dogs off leash.... BUT~ we make sure to go very early and beat most people to the trail, also Baloo and Lily have good recall and if I speak they come right back to us. They actually rarely get more than a few paces ahead of us. We carry our leashes in our hands and if I spot another animal -- dog, cat, duck, rabbit, what ever-- I put them back on leash. Likewise if I see another walker - back on leash. There are no off leash parks really near us, and to make sure I don't annoy others I see to it we go out to this trail SUPER early and have done this for the last 3 years (I've pretty much got it down to the exact time we can expect to see more people showing up).

I guess I'm one of the guilty ones :oops:
Don't get me started! I have a neighbour that lets her dogs loose. And they chase my car! now my dogs who never barked in the car before bark and drives me CRAZY! I cannot walk on my road because who know if her dogs are loose. I finally got up the courage because when I was taking out my green bin; her dog ran up to me and I heard her on her deck. I asked her to come down and talk to me. She wouldn't she said she didn't feel well but she could yell across 10 feet of yard at me. Long story short she said how was she to let her dogs out to use the toilet ect. I said on leash she wasn't having any of it I couldn't talk to her. She said she will only let them out at night well I have seen them out during the day and they have chased my car and out loose around neighbour kids. I know if I call animal control she will know it is me and I just hate confrontation. SUCKS!
spacegirl21 wrote:
I know if I call animal control she will know it is me and I just hate confrontation. SUCKS!

It's consquences for their actions.. or lack of action on their part.
Well... Mady loves being off leash, and we do take her to several large off leash dog parks almost every day. But those are designated off leash areas. So I think in that case, it's the responsibility of the on-leash dog owner to put their dog in that scenario, i.e. if your dog has fear or aggression issues, don't bring him to an off leash park.

We have also been training her to not rush off and greet dogs while off leash, she has to wait for the dog to be brought closer, and she's really good at it now. But she's almost only off leash in off leash dog parks, never on city sidewalks etc.
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