Walking a puppy

I'd like to bring up a topic of how far you can walk a puppy? I am a walker and I'd like to take Abbey with me but I go for miles...I now take her on short walks around the block right because I've heard you shouldn't walk them too far because of their growth and their hips?? I'd like to hear some more on this topic..she is now 4 months old.
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Definately take is easy on her--as long as there are no long runs now, you can walk her until she tires...but if you go too far, you may have to carry her back!
I can relate to this!! My dog is almost 15 weeks, and is showing great interest in walking on the sidewalk in our neighborhood. We're going about 5-6 houses down but he never wants to go back home so I end up carrying Max back to our house!! He's getting heavier by the day and my back is starting to twinge a bit!! I, too, am concerned about the hip issue so I don't let him go too far, he would probably go a lot farther if I let him, but I have to think about getting home as well. ha ha :lol:
Can you walk Max around the block? He may not understand why you're turning around but he'll probably get excited when he sees his house.

Bailey is nearly 12 weeks and we walk about half a mile. Takes forever because there is so much to sniff. I do keep him away from other dogs on the advice of my vet, until all his puppy shots are done. I have to leave him home when I do my serious exercise walking.
Hi Bailey's mom, tonight my kids and I walked Max all the way down to the end of our street, so we almost got around the block!! He seems to do better when the kids are with us, he's more excited. I, too, have been so careful not to let him near other dogs. Tomorrow he gets his final puppy booster shots. He's only been walking through our neighborhood for a week now, before that I took him in our backyard to play. :lol: [/quote]
How do you walk a puppy any way. When Roger was a pup I could hardley get down the street and back because everybody was stopping me to tell me how cute etc. he was. Maybe I',m just a talker who knows.

Have Fun
So true Roger's Dad, we have a lot of people with dogs and kids who walk through our neighborhood, and if I'm in the front yard with Max, anyone who walks by stops and asks questions, I never realized how much attention these dogs would get!! When people drive by they crane their necks looking at him, maybe he looks like a little bear who escaped from the zoo! Do full grown OES still get lots of attention?, I have to admit it is lots of fun to have so much attention. :lol:
Me too! I've met more of my neighbors in the past 2 weeks than I had in the previous 2 years. And making new friends is Bailey's favorite part of the walk. My biggest challenge is keeping him calm enough for the little kids to pet him, because he wants to jump and bark when they come running up. Walking a puppy is way more of a workout than I ever anticipated! And at the rate he's growing, I'm going to need to develop a lot more arm strength :D
personss wrote:
Do full grown OES still get lots of attention?
Ohhhh yes!
So do OES wannabes....I think it's a shaggy dog truism:

"Everyone loves a shaggy dog"
I'll second that "Everybody loves a shaggy dog." There's no where I've ever taken my two that someone doesn't stop me to tell how beautiful they are. Even at the dog park, people can't keep their hands off Clyde-- which he loves. He even knows it because he'll just walk up to a group of people and just stand there in front of them and wait until they start petting, then he moves onto another group. Lucy doesn't like to be touched by anyone but people she knows well even though other people try!
Yep.... lol.... everytime I take the girls anywhere, I feel like everyone is staring. LOL Lots of people come up to us and ask to pet them, some gush about how they always wanted an oes, or whatever they refer to them as, which is usually, shaggy dog, nana dog from peter pan, sheepdog etc...
So many people ask, how do you keep their hair like that? I also hear a lot "They must shed like crazy!"
Today, my stepmother, in reference to Sky being fully groomed for show, said "Do they all have to look like that?" in a rather disdainful tone. She thinks it's silly, and thinks they should be just allowed to be dogs and let them be. LOL
I am afraid I have to agree with your mother in law - they are much more attractive and beautiful when they aren't primped quite so much for show. I mean I live the big fluffy polar bear feet and the round head but a shaggier body is really cute!
I agree too...lol...
TAMura49 wrote:
I'd like to bring up a topic of how far you can walk a puppy? I am a walker and I'd like to take Abbey with me but I go for miles...I now take her on short walks around the block right because I've heard you shouldn't walk them too far because of their growth and their hips?? I'd like to hear some more on this topic..she is now 4 months old.

Not only that, but how do you keep a 6 month old OES girl from doing her business in the street? Maggie refuses to do it in our yard, but once we get far enough down the street, she just lets it all hang out and it is SO embarrassing! The neighbors love her, but soon they won't :( because their kids play in the street at times. What do we do????
You pick it up :( Seriously.

Also, you can try to train her to do it where you want, on command.

I haven't done this as a correction though, so I hope someone with the proper experience will jump in.

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