Air Raid! Air Raid!

Oh Hudson, you're such a clown.

I was just outside hanging laundry on the line. I had the patio doors open, but the dogs were playing/wrestling indoors. Hudson doesn't like outside, and Rudy loves being with Hudson.

They collapsed, panting, and after a few minutes Rudy was very zen, just enjoying a rest on the floor, watching me outside. Hudson was sitting very nicely at the threshold of the door, looking out. I could tell he wanted to come see me, but did not want to go OUTSIDE. (Hudson goes out only when he has a purpose...he never just hangs there.) He even whined a little, and I said, "Well, come out then.."

A minute or so later he walked slowly outside. On the other side of me I noticed something in the sky. A flock (maybe fifteen to twenty) of geese came over the trees, flying pretty low (maybe only thirty or so feet above). They weren't honking at all, but you could hear the faint swooshing of their wings. I thought, "How cool," followed by "Oh crap, they're headed SOUTH." (A clear sign summer is ending in Manitoba.)

Hudson stopped dead in his tracks, looking up, yelped loudly, tucked in his bum, made a full circle (still yelping) and high tailed it back inside, yiping and yelping all the way.

I don't speak sheepie, but I know he was screaming "Air Raid! Air Raid!"

I found him upstairs in the hallway when I came in. There are no windows there, so I guess he felt safe from those scary old Canada Geese.

I'm still laughing my @$$ off, just a little...
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:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: and our rudy was doing??
How funny! Poor guy, maybe he didn't want to get pooped on!
was hudson always this way? or is rudy tellin him crocodile stories? :cow:

if it was just for an air raid, i'd understand as we rush under canopy when geese are directly overhead.
Rudy just watched it all from inside...if it ain't a gator it doesn't phase the Rudester.

I actually just heard that geese don't usually poop when in flight. They prefer to do it when they are on the ground. My house is being cleaned right now...there are more noises, and chickenpoop Hudson is in his crate under the stairs...his choice. He wasn't in any real danger of being goosepooped. I've explained this to him, but he isn't interested in taking any chances.

No, this is not how Hudson's always been, but since the roof got done he seems to be more noise sensitive. I've just been making sure to ignore him when he does it. It's not a big freak out normally (aside from the geese). He just heads for his nice safe crate when things freak him out. Right now he's come out of his crate, and he's checking out the nice lady running the central vac.
Tiggy is a funny about possible air raids too.
She's always checking out the sky and in spring we have a lot of hot air balloons go over. She doesnt run for cover so much as just stands and shakes like a leaf. :oops:
Smart sheepie. Hudson knows he's not a hunting dog, but a herder. If the honkers were on the ground, he'd round them up and present you with Sunday dinner. Personally, I love watching the geese flying in formation, it is a beautiful site.
Dawn (got sheep) (and I believe some others here) gave me some great advice when Brick was afraid to go outside back in March.
She said to play with him outside and show him that the outside is enjoyable and not scary.
And to also treat often when outside so that they make the association that outside is good.
Maybe that would work with Hudson.
Geese don't poop in the air? 8O Then never be upward when a flight takes off from our game preserve! Those in the know know to wear hats and protect their face, those who don't get splattered. Maybe it's more duck than geese.

I remember the geese in Colorado. It is cool when they come in low and silent, swoosh, swoosh.

Poor boy! Mine only run from hot air balloons. Thankfully we are far from the Balloon Fiesta in October!
Hudson and I seem to be having a little personality clash this week. I took him to work on Monday and he was a turd. He whined, pawed at me, and jumped all over people. He's been climbing on me a lot, and I've been stepping it up with a lot of making him sit/stay before he does anything, so I think we're having a little battle of wills.

After the goose attack, he stayed away from the back door. He's pretty good, and always lets us know when he needs to go out so I wasn't worried. Rudy wanted to go out, but he's gotten into the burrs three times today, and our apple tree is dropping some pretty rotten apples, so each time he heads to Poo Corner there's fall out.

Hudson refused to come down from the bedroom when I called him to go out, so I closed the hallway door (contained Hudson in half the house) and took Rudy out the back door on his leash to pee/poo. That way I could see where the burrs are AND keep him away from them. It was a successful outing all around.

Hudson was in a snit. When we came back in I hung up Rudy's leash and got Hudson out, inviting him to the back door. He walked about halfway, glared at me, and PEED on the floor in the hallway (halfway between where he started and the door). He made eye contact with me while he did it, and there was no stopping him or moving him. I tried.

He did it purely out of spite, that little stink.

I think there's going to be a full scale war here. And as clever and stubborn as Hudson is, he's going up against a TEACHER. I've never lost a battle of wills yet...

Be afraid Hudson. Be very afraid.
Never take on a teacher!! They have those laser eyes...
omg hudson :cow:
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