More of Anastasia Diary

August 12, 2010

Today I am 2 months old, Life is good and my mummy is really good with me, she make me special food because I did not wanted to eat, so she gets me puppy food with milk and can food, good stuff mmmmmm


My mom read me all the posts in the forum and all the advice from the other dogs and I do as they say, they are older than me and they know better!

Tiggy I check one hole a day so mum don’t close them all at the same time :twisted: and Rudy, I am taking my puppy duties very serious, keep the advise coming , please !



I went to work with mom last night, is just in her office in the house but is fun seeing her turn around and try to make us stop playing when she is in the phone with the callers, you should see the faces that she make at Kelly Belly and me hahahaha

August 13, 2010

Today was my first visit to the vet’s, was scary riding in the car with out my big sister Camille , I was in the back seat and I decide that was better to ride in the front with mom, so I make my way to the front and I ride in my mom’s lap, she was laughing and telling me that very soon I wont fit on her lap no more :( I don’t believe her, I always will fit on my mom’s lap, I am sure of that, I just have too! Is the safest place in the world!

The vets told mom that I was very healthy and give me a treat, I have to go back next week and get my vaccines I don’t know what this is but I hope to get more treats.

My sister Ruby and my brothers Sparky and Cooper and me invented this new game, is call “don’t get Tashee get in the bed”

Is very fun to play, but mom don’t think it is! Ruby, Sparky and Cooper get in the bed and I stay in the floor, then I start running around the bed and trying to get on it and they run a bark at me, we pull the covers and play tag-a-war, we do this in the morning when mom is trying to go to sleep after working all night, she don’t have sense of humor!

After a while she get up and put me in the bed, that way everybody is quite and go to sleep.

Moms chase me all over the house this afternoon because I steal the bathroom rug, 3 times! Hehehehe was very funny; my mom was saying that I am keeping her in shape.

I don’t know why but everything is disappearing from the side tables and the coffee table, all the good stuff like shoes and socks are put away, mom don’t let me have any fun !

August 14, 2010
Mom is teaching me to sit and she is using something call clicker training, I get a lots of treats and I am learning very fast, I learn to go to my crate when mom is leaving to the store, mom is happy.

I went swimming today it was fun, mummy got into the pool with me and put me in the raft and I float for a little bit and then I try to swim and mummy help me, I am learning very fast.

After swimming I got a bath I don’t really understand why I had to have a bath afterwards, it was humiliating!

August 16, 2010

I made mom chase me down the big stairs 4 times! She told me no to go down after the first time, but I just turn an look at her and when she scream NO, I just took off, I am faster than her, so by the time I got to the bottom of the stairs and close to the fence she was just in the middle of them, I love making my mom exercise!



Kathy got back from a groomer expo in Chicago last weekend, and got mom a bunch of brushes and clippers, and combs handed to mom and say with a big smile in her face, Happy Grooming! Mummy was very happy I am not, she already start trying to brush me, I fuss at first but after a little bit, was very nice and relaxing

Kathy ask mom if she can use me for a creative grooming competition and mom say no, because she don’t want time to be purple and yellow some times, I told my mom that my Friend Hear use “bling” all the time and mom say that that was fine for Heart but she don’t want a purple sheepie around the house, bummer :(
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Hey Anastasia it sounds like you are really settling in to your new house. You are the Princess already and I bet it wont be long till you are the Queen and rule the whole house. :clappurple:

I like to play the chasing game with Rowdy the cat, I get in trouble from my Mom too. She says I am like a bull in a china shop. But I cant help it, Rowdy runs behind the coffee table and into small spaces and when I follow him I knock things over and sometimes things get smashed up a bit. I dont mean it but I'm a lot bigger than the Rowdy cat and he should just stay put and let me love him and lick him and squash him a bit. :P

Make sure the holes are big enough! Remember you are a growing girl and sometimes a hole you would fit in last time gets too small for you. It is VERY humiliating to get stuck. :oops:

You will definitely still fit in your Mom's lap forever. I still fit. :D Its seems a bit squishier than it used to but I DO still fit. Mind you Mom wont let me sit in her lap in the car. That makes me sad because I can see better from up front.

I have put a picture of me in my Mom's lap to prove to your Mom that you will fit in her lap forever. You can see how happy it makes me to sit in my Mom's lap. She likes it too but she says I have boney bits that poke into her. 8O I think if she just gave me lots more treats then the boney bits would go away but she wont do it. :(

Ok I have to go now my Daddy has TOAST!!!
Love your friend, Tiggy

:) :) :)
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