
Frankie is continuously licking us. Is there a way to get it to stop. I don't mind sheepie kisses, but the arm, hand, and leg licking is a little annoying.
Any ideas please?

Lisa and Frankie
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After being apart from Mady for a few days, she has been licking us more, but I have to confess, I don't mind it at all (which is weird for me, as I have HUGE personal space and an even bigger 'ick' factor). I think that she just missed us and is showing affection. But if it is really bugging you, I would suggest giving Frankie a hug to acknowledge his loving nature, and then giving him a toy to chew on for a bit to redirect his affections. As I write this, Mady is under the desk, licking my ankles. Ahh, puppy love!
I must say; Kirby is 3 years old and that is the one behavior of his we do not seem to control consistently. He is better, but it would be happy just licking us every morning and any guest we have also. So if any one has any suggestions - we are open.
Chewie is a licker of other people and dogs. He licks foster Harley a lot - they are buds! He also licks Todd's feet 8O

I can't take it, so he gives me a lick, I give him a big hug and we call it even! :D
Harry is nicknamed Harry Kissingrrrr. He will "kiss" anybody, much to other people's dismay. The vet tech is the exception so she and Harry have a big smooch session.

Licking is mostly affection and as Dawn does with The Chews, reciprocate and call it even. Harry; however, hates to have me wear lotion anywhere on my body. Once he smells it, he's after me.
Kenz always does it when I'm trying to groom him! Most annoying!

Nik :)
Darn I was really hoping there would be some new suggestions on this thread because Harley is an incessant licker and it drives us absolutely insane. I have tried to redirect her, to command Off or Stop, ignore her/walk away with no attention, hold her snout, spray bottle of water, all of it. The girl will lick and lick and lick anybody she's near.
With a habit like that, it might just be that you have to be patient-it might take some time. Keep on redirecting her, make sure that everyone is doing the same thing when she licks.
Mady wrote:
With a habit like that, it might just be that you have to be patient-it might take some time. Keep on redirecting her, make sure that everyone is doing the same thing when she licks.

Yes, it just takes one person who lets her lick to negate the efforts of everyone else. :(
In time she should differentiate between people (like Chewie does now MOST of the time), but it makes things harder.
Harry; however, hates to have me wear lotion anywhere on my body. Once he smells it, he's after me.

LMBO...I thought I was alone with the lotion thing :lol: I absolutely love Bath and Body's Aroma Therapy lotions. I have had to damn near quit using lotion of any kind because as soon as I put any on Kody is right there bound and determined to lick every bit of it off :? If I do put it on now I can only do it right before I leave the house or at bedtime where I can hide out under the covers!
I read that dogs lick because of excitement/ is their way of calming themselves...I give mine the nylabone when I know they are instead of giving our 2 year old a bath everytime she comes over they chew their nylabone until they calm down...Zoe tells them "bone" the minute she comes thru the door now. They also lick if anyone has lotion on their arms or legs. I always thought they were "kissing" me only to find out it was their way of calming themselves.
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