Gah! Matty Mady

We picked up Mady this evening after 3 fun-packed days in the kennel. She had a fantastic time, making so many new doggie friends. That was great. The state of her coat was not! She has never been so matted, just in 3 days of no grooming and rough-housing with other dogs 8O

I spent about an hour on her, and would have continued grooming all night if I had to, but Mady was getting pretty tired of it. I groom her every day, but I hope it's just particularly bad because she has 9 month old puppy/adult transition coat. I'll be working on these mats as long as Mady will let me, but sheesh... :cry:
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This happened to me with Aska ... I wasn't home for like... 4 -5 days.... and no one groomed her and her coat was not good!
I was like a whole 2 hours grooming her but still!
And then I didn't know that if you bath a matted dog the matts are going to get stuck.
So I just bathed her with a lot of conditioner, and they got stuck :(
So I went to the groomers and they told me that the only thing they could do was shaving her.

The coat changing time, was not my best friend!

It sounds like you're doing a good work with Mady, and just keep that good work :)
Asterisk got severely matted when Josh took her with him to visit his grandparents over Christmas (I went to see my family in Michigan). He was gone for a week and when she came back, her neck, chest, and belly were really matted. She was 7 months old at the time. Josh had left her harness and collar on the entire time she was there!

Oh, it was bad. I just shaved her, even though it was so cold. I put a t-shirt on her and she was happy. It was more important to make her comfortable than to keep tugging her skin to try and work through those massive mats.
Well I spent an hour on Mady early this morning after her first walk. Of course it's been raining non-stop :roll: But I think I worked out 95% of the mats now. I was being as careful as I could, and Mady was a very brave little trooper (treats and cheese helped :D ). She's almost back to her normal un-matted beautiful self. I'll have to do another session today, she's going to the groomer's tomorrow for a full bath etc, I want her mat free beforehand.
Baba wrote:
Well I spent an hour on Mady early this morning after her first walk. Of course it's been raining non-stop :roll: But I think I worked out 95% of the mats now. I was being as careful as I could, and Mady was a very brave little trooper (treats and cheese helped :D ). She's almost back to her normal un-matted beautiful self. I'll have to do another session today, she's going to the groomer's tomorrow for a full bath etc, I want her mat free beforehand.

At least you were able to de-mat quickly! That's really not bad that you accomplished so much in such a short time; that's pretty impressive
We had that happen too. Chewie went to my Samoyed friends house for a week while we went out to NY and Cape Cod for daughter Lisa's college graduation. He was just turning 2, but a slow bloomer for coat, so still in transition.
A week of no grooming and running around with his Sammie buddies and they live in the woods..... 8O
Linda said they had enough trouble figuring the topknot out so he could see :lol: :lol:
They were deathly afraid to brush and rip undercoat (they show their Sammies, they know the coat issues), so they left him alone....

Then I left the next morning after we got home for Sheepiepalooza.. I spent every free moment that weekend dematting :roll:
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