2 Year Old 0ES Female- Overland Park (Missouri Craigslist)

I sent questions for potential adopters and also a list of OES rescue contacts.

Old English Sheep Dog (Overland Park)
Date: 2010-08-12, 9:33PM CDT
Reply to: kcacy@yahoo.com

2-year old female Old English Sheep dog, she has been a great pet, very sweet, great disposition. But she has a skin mite that we can't afford to treat and so we are trying to find a good home with someone willing to treat her skin problem. Great companion, obedient, gets along great with other dogs. Re-homing fee of $35.00.

http://images.craigslist.org/3na3ma3l85 ... 5219b1.jpg
http://images.craigslist.org/3m13o13lf5 ... 5a10e7.jpg
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aawww... look at that tail! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
I have sent an email inquiring what kind of skin mite their dog has. Ellie had Demodectic Mange and was cleared in 2 months using Ivermectin. Once she was diagnosed, I was able to get the Ivermectin from a feed store for $25/bottle. I would hate to hear that they have to get rid of their dog when there are other types of treatments to cure the mange such as in Ellie's case as well as 2 of my mom's rescue dogs.

I hope I hear back from them just to discuss Ellie's treatment and if it is Demodectic Mange, it can be cured and rather quickly like it was for Ellie. Now if my vets would have diagnosed it sooner, I could have saved about $1,500.

Lulu&Michelle wrote:
I have sent an email inquiring what kind of skin mite their dog has. Ellie had Demodectic Mange and was cleared in 2 months using Ivermectin. Once she was diagnosed, I was able to get the Ivermectin from a feed store for $25/bottle. I would hate to hear that they have to get rid of their dog when there are other types of treatments to cure the mange such as in Ellie's case as well as 2 of my mom's rescue dogs.

I hope I hear back from them just to discuss Ellie's treatment and if it is Demodectic Mange, it can be cured and rather quickly like it was for Ellie. Now if my vets would have diagnosed it sooner, I could have saved about $1,500.


I hope they get back in touch with you so they know they may have an option!
Thank you so much for taking time to offer to help! :clappurple:
Thanks, Michelle! Yes, it sounds like Demodectic Mange.
I hope they get in touch with you and can keep their dog.
If I hear back, I'll suggest they contact you too. :crossed:
6Girls wrote:
Thanks, Michelle! Yes, it sounds like Demodectic Mange.
I hope they get in touch with you and can keep their dog.
If I hear back, I'll suggest they contact you too. :crossed:

Thank you Jaci and Erin too for your continual Craigs List Patrol!
Yay! I heard back from them!

You are wonderful for taking the time to respond to our need. I will be calling you!! :)

I hope she calls me and I'll tell her all about Ellie's treatment. I'm hoping that they can keep their dog and get her cured!

Michelle... you're my hero! :hearts:
Thanks for taking time to contact the owner.
It would be SO nice if they could keep their baby.
Over the top cool L&M! :clappurple:
I am so excited! :clappurple: I talked to Rebecca and Murphy (their dog) has Demodectic Mange and they have been treating it with Ivermectin. So she is familar with it and doesn't need to explain a new treatment to her vet. Their vet has been charging them $100/bottle and have been using one bottle every 2 weeks. They thought Murphy was cleared of it before but looks like it is coming back. I bet they didn't treat it long enough so the pesky mites came back. So she is going to look into getting the Ivermectin from the feed store (she has some friends that have cattle that use Ivermectin) and will start treating Murphy again and this time go 45 days or so after it is cleared and has negative skin scrapings. I read to her exactly what is on the bottle I have.

Rebecca was so glad to hear that she can get Ivermectin much cheaper. I also suggested some other all natural stuff that I used for Ellie. She can aslo get this from a feed store and if not, I said that I would send her my tube.

Looks like Rebecca and her family are going to get to keep Murphy and she'll get rid of those mites.

I am sending her a link to this Forum so hopefully she'll join and we'll have another crazy sheepdog lover added to the group.

I'll keep you posted if I hear anything more on Murphy.

Very excellent news!

I hope Rebecca and family join us :D
That's wonderful news!
That is SO cool.
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

very cool, thanks ladies. you just taught me something i will share, as i spent $500 at the vet on someone elses boxer who couldn't afford it. :clappurple:
We farm, and buy ivermectin by the bottle too. 8) 8) :wink:

Retail markup on city folks is quite the racket. :roll:
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