bath time and kiddie pools

I went to the dog food warehouse to buy Nutro canned food. As I was checking out, I spied the small kiddie pools for sale. I thought it would be fun for Sam to have her bath in one of those. Ha! My son and I tried so hard to get her into the thing, we threw tennis balls in it and my son got in to it and splashed around, but Sam wasn't interested in it (she is not interested in our pool either). When is it could out, I give her a bath in my walk in shower, but since it was 80, we bathed her outside tethered to the fence. To be honest, it is much easier to wash her contained in the shower than outside, but my son (whose dog this is!) likes to help. After the bath, she ran around like crazy and was probably dirtier that the before bath. Only yesterday, she uprooted the one of the pool drains that took my husband hours to reroute (she must of had a good time helping him). Anyway, I didn't empty the water out of the kiddie pool and guess who was splashing around having the time of her life :x ! Maybe she will get some use of it after all!
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I bet Sam will love it!
When Bogart was a small puppy, we bought a kiddies pool for him.
At first he was timid, and just walked around it.
When we threw his ball in, splash!!! He loved it !
Couldn't get the beach boy out of it. He discovered the
bottom of the pool had images of different color fish.
He would paw at them for an hour. He stayed nice and
cool in the hot weather.
The pool cost about $15,

the fun and happiness for our sheepie, priceless...
We have a kiddie pool for the dogs too, they love it. In the summer it serves as a huge water bowl and a play place. It's important to empty it out every day though, prevents mosquitos as well as algae.
What a great idea, I can't wait to get Max his very own kiddie pool! I'll have to wait till June or July though, the weather here is quite mild this time of year! I think Max will love it since he loves to play in the mud puddles after it rains!!

Last summer I brought home one of the kiddie pools in hopes that Merlin and Panda would get the idea that it was much better than the fish pond. Same thing as you happened...not interested. Until a warm summer day when I stuck my feet in...then miraculously it became a wonderful thing!! Ha Ha...I think you may have to go in it and Sam will do the same thing. I know you said your son did, but if he sees you, they sometimes may follow your lead. Good luck!

Uh oh...looks like my kids may be sharing their pool this summer! LOL We might just have to buy Jasper his own - or use the sand box since the boys never play in it. :)
We had some warm weather here in Ma last week, we got the kiddie pool out. The dogs just loved it, we couldn't get our 8 m.o. lab out!!! Our sheepie loved it too, what fun they had!! :lol: Then the 3 kids got in with them, I got some pics I will post sometime!! Such fun!!
My sister and I took our dogs to this event called "Woofstock". There were lots of activities for the dogs like kiddie pools with water and balls and ones with treats buried in sand and stuff like that. There were 3 pools filled with water, and when Marty saw them he jumped in one, then jumped in another one, and so on. Anytime a dog tried to get into one of the pools, Marty would jump into it and splash around. The other dogs were afraid to even come near him, and he was getting everyone within a 10 ft radius was soaking wet. And of course, the whole time he was barking like crazy.
That sounds awesome! What a great idea!!
That does sound like fun! I'd love to do some fun things like that in Beaureguard's yard. I'm picking up a kiddy pool for him later this week. As much as he loves water, I think he'll really enjoy it. But I really like the idea of buried treats, too. Usually, when I leave home in the mornings, I'll "hide" his cookies in various places for him to find. He likes the game. :wink:
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