I am being shunned...whine whine whine

I have been so sick all summer. It's been about a full month now. It started with a high fever/muscle aches, etc. The fever became mild, but lasted over two weeks. Then I had a handful of OK days (still running a little hot, but exhausted all the time), followed by a killer strep infection.

I did see a doctor at the two week mark (I'd resisted, knowing what he'd say) and he said rest, liquids, confinement...you've got a virus. He offered to test to try to identify it, but there are no treatments for viruses so I didn't see any reason to drive all the way back the next day for the tests when I was sick.

My throat infection hit me five days later, which was two days before a scheduled appointment with my own dr. The pain (throat, ear, jaw) was HORRIBLE so I began self medicating (please don't judge me...I've had so many strep infections that they took out my tonsils AND did a major sinus surgery which was supposed to be excruciating but didn't hurt at all due to the extensive amount of scar tissue I had...I KNOW strep) by using Hudson's discarded amoxil (same dosage as what I always get...and there was a full week left to take, and I only slightly have a desire to go pee on a fire hydrant). My doctor scolded me a little, but provided me with an extra three days to bump it up to ten. It's exactly the same stuff after all.

She sent me for a whole WHACK of blood tests, and I get this mysterious message to pick up a prescription. I'm now anemic, but have no idea how significantly so...a month ago I was not, so this could just be from being so sick for so long. I have to wait for my next appointment to find out details, but she said get started on the iron now. My prescription coverage didn't cover all of it, and the pharmacy actually asked me for 54 cents (the balance). We both had a great chuckle over that...especially when I handed her my debit card as I had no cash on me.

The only test that has not come back (and they've all been negative) is for West Nile. I've read up on it, and it's my symptoms exactly, but who knows? And it's not transmittable person to person, so unless I bite someone and suck their blood through my nose no one is in any danger.


I have been without human contact for a month, and am now going out to random places just to see people. (My doctor said it was fine...no french kissing strangers though, just to be safe.)

I feel like that kid on the playground no one with play with. I'm so glad you guys will still talk to me. Thank you!
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Tracie, before you got to the red script, I was thinking West Nile. What a bummer! When you get a diagnosis, let your friends know and how you'd like to get together for lunch and that you will not suck their blood.....make it a joke. Tell them you miss all the gossip and need to catch up. You will probably have to drag yourself there and may only be able sip liquids. Once they see you, they may be more willing to help.......but don't expect it. Oh if you truly need something, you'll have to call them and beg. You are the caregiver of the group, the rest of us just don't have that gene. God bless you.
Man oh man, poor you. :(
Tracie: I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope they come back with the right diagnosis and you start feeling better soon. :ghug:
Bah how awful! :cry:

Ask your friends for help and remind them that they have immune systems and then remind them what an immune system does. :roll:

I hope you're feeling better real soon. :crossed:
Aww. Tracie...I am so sorry..I really is bad when you feel horrible and you don't know why? I have been there~~ I would call your closest friend and ask her to come for a visit. When she sees you are the same Tracie, just a little weaker, it will be like old times. Feel better, and know that we ARE are here for you, :ghug: :ghug:
That one can hit hard, especially if you got it from a Manitoba mosquito-for those who don't know it, mosquitoes in Manitoba are bigger than dinosaurs! I wish I lived closer, I would bring you Baba's famous chicken soup, cures everything.

As boring as it sounds, take your doctor's advice to rest very seriously. People with a bad virus tend to, if they have a good day, run around and try to clean the house, run errands etc. and they set themselves back. And as for your friends, they really might just think that you need the rest and that they don't want to bother you. Call one up and be frank-tell them you are going a bit stir crazy, to bring over a silly movie and hang out with them. But no vampire flicks... 8O
Have you been tested for mono? There's been quite a bit of that going around in this area.

As far as being shunned, give your so-called the friends the come to Jesus talk. Tell them you don't feel good, but you are not contagious, and it hurts you that they won't come visit. I've come to realize that most people (well, all people) are totally dense when it comes to how their actions affect other people.

I would come visit you. :kiss:
If Winnipeg was closer, we'd come visit you! :(

Take care of yourself and get better!
You guys made my day!

I am actually feeling much better. The doctor said that I could resume normal activities but just be aware of my limits. The second I feel tired I need to stop. That has been okay so far. I got my nails done yesterday and DID NOT faint in the salon like last time. I have even purchased groceries, which is something that I have not done in a long time.

I was tested for mono as well. I believe that came back negative. I never had a sore throat until the secondary strep infection hopped on board. I do think the West Nile description fits perfectly, but that test apparently is the one they cannot do in house, so I get to wait.

Tonight was supposed to be our annual night at my friend Jen`s house. Her husband always cooks fireman food (and occasionally brings firemen over to eat with us....ooooo). We stay up late in their screened porch and talk and eat and visit until all hours. My germ phobic buds cancelled it on me. Postponed until next year. I`m so bummed, and I AM NOT CONTAGIOUS.

My hubby is dog sitting for our friends tonight, so at least I`ll have the house all to myself. I am going to do a Supernatural marathon, and pretend I am riding along in the back of the Impala. Those Winchester boys are brave and strong and would not cower at the thought of a few little germs. I think I sense a bag of microwave kettle corn in my future...

...At least my dogs, and my online sheepie friends haven`t shunned me. :lol: :lol:
>>>I'd come and visit you too!

I'd bring you cheesecake and Starbucks coffee...or maybe Timmy's and donuts?

We'd wear fuzzy slippers and chat about Sheepdogs and possibly wear purple with pink hats (not red as we are forever young).

I hope you feel better soon.

I'd be there if I lived closer. Sick people never scare me...it must be how I build up my immunities. Mom's don't have time to be sick.
ah i will be right over with my dream and duff only 1500 miles lol
Harumph! If you think I'm shunning you, I'm not going to speak to you. :twisted:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Feel better, will ya?
hate to joke but manybe you caought something from frankie :oops:
It sucks to be sick in the summer...Hope you feel better soon.

(After passing out, I felt for sure you were going to tell us some news soon 8-O)
Apparently *I'm* being shunned...
Ron wrote:
Apparently *I'm* being shunned...

Maybe it has to something to do with the lame jokes. 8O :oops: :rimshot: :sidestep:
Marianne wrote:
>>>I'd come and visit you too!

I'd bring you cheesecake and Starbucks coffee...or maybe Timmy's and donuts?

We'd wear fuzzy slippers and chat about Sheepdogs and possibly wear purple with pink hats (not red as we are forever young).

I hope you feel better soon.


Wow I'd be in on that one, even though I don't know what Timmy's are I feel sure that they'd be good. And I lurv fuzzy slippies. 'Sides like I said what are else are immune systems for?
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