Anastasia first day at home!

First day in My new Home

I wake up early, I think humans say 6 am I don’t really know I am too little to tell time, but it was early because my mom made funny noise’s when she roll out of bed hehehe

First thing we did was to go outside I really need it to pee and investigate the thing call flowers and plants, I cut a couple flowers for my mummy Monica they were really pretty, purple and yellow.

When we went inside mummy made breakfast and my new sisters and brothers got very exited, but they wait very patiently to get there plates, I did the same and we ate really fast, I did not eat a lot because I still investigating everybody.

Yesterday was a very long day, traveling 6 hours to get to my new house, meet everybody, play with my new buddy Kelly Belly she is very little but she like me a lot.

After we play we went out side and then to bed, but I have to have a drink of mummy’s glass of milk and when she wasn’t looking I put my whole face in her glass and drink half, I almost got my face stock in there but it was yummy.

After breakfast I had to investigate some more, mummy Monica was in the kitchen getting ready to feed something call “chickens” I don’t know what they are but I guess they have to eat too. We went outside and she left me in the porch I don’t know how to get down the stars yet, so I start to cry and mummy Kathy came to my rescue and told that mummy Monica will right back, it took forever but she really made it back I was so relief.

Then my big sisters starting to bark so I run very fast and dive under the bed, mummy say that I will not fit under there too much longer but I just know that I will, I think J

I play chase with my sister Ruby and Kelly and play with all kinds of toy! They have a lot of toys I never imagine that many toys ! is fun taking them out of the toy box and put them all over the house, but the best toy is my sister Kelly I just take her by the tail and pull her all over the house, she don’t like it but is fun !

Then I go in trouble, but it wasn’t my fault , mummy Kathy was taking a shower and my sister Ruby break in the bathroom and she knock one of mummy’s Kathy hearing aide’s I think they are something that she wear in her ears, I found it and smell good so I took it with my and try to bite into , but did not taste very good so I hide it in the basket by the front door were Kelly and my play, my mummy’s spend 45 minute looking for that thing, Mummy Kathy was very upset she say that the thing cost a lot of money, I don’t know what money is also, but she say that was like $1000 dollars(?)

Mummy Monica for some reason decide to check out treasure basket and found it, she took it away, I just know that this is not fair, I found it and I was saving it to chew on it later, I already star to work on it, I chew the tubing but nothing else.

Mummy Kathy was very upset but relief at the same time, no mayor damage she say.

Oh well, I found it and she took it away, I don’ like here hehehe

Well is all I have done so far, I am tired and need to take a nap, I will tell you more about my day later

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Anastasia, what an exciting day you've had, it sounds like a lot of fun at your new home.

You sound like you're already right into the swing of things and I'm glad to hear that you've got chewing expensive things sorted so early. I chewed up two mobile phones and four pairs of prescription glasses in my youth. It was great fun and it really got me lots of attention from the uprights. They used to take all the good things off me too so I got to chewing them up straight away when they werent looking.

Make sure you have a good nap so you can have plenty of energy for mischief later.

Love your chewing friend down under, Tiggy :kiss:
Sounds like a great day Anastasia! Keep up the good work. Any puppy who doesn't find trouble to get into is NOT taking his/her responsibilities seriously.

Congratulations on your wonderful new home and family.
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