food "issues" - better on the floor!

Our rescue Sheepie Murphy likes to knock his food bowl over until the hard food spills out all over the floor. Sometimes he lays down next to it and falls asleep, or walks away. He returns later to eat. I was wondering if any of you have any food knockers and if this is a typical Sheepie behavior? He also eats laying down with his paws wrapped around the bowl. I've read that some of your pups do the same.
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Oscar is too busy snarfing down his food to knock anything out of the bowl. :D I think he just figures it'll be more work if he has to eat it off the floor.....

When he was a puppy, he liked to paw his water bowl and knock it over, so we nipped that right in the bud. What a mess!

Laurie and Oscar
Asterisk did that as a puppy. She wouldn't eat her food unless it was spilled onto the floor. She eventually outgrew it. She also, like Oscar, will 'spa-doosh' her water from her water bowl onto the floor. For this reason, we got her a raised food and water bowl.
When Chloe first came to us, she would get a mouthful of kibble, walk to wherever I was and drop it onto the floor to eat. She did this with every bite. It gradually faded away as she became more adjusted....mercifully :wink:
Nobody dares lift their head from their bowl around here. The two boys wrap their paws around their bowl, Jack will get up, pick up his bowl and move to a new room if he feels his meal is in danger :lol: :lol: :lol: The girls still stand and eat; however if no human is nearby MO will come looking for us and leave her food..........Glacier pounces on it. I don't think MO got all her Heartgard last time and Glacier got 50% more because of MO's traveling. I was wrong to leave.
Our Ashton does this with his food. We mix his kibble with cottage cheese and sometimes he will eat his food normally and other times he will play with it and tip it over 5-6 times throughout his meal. He then will slowly eat each tiny morsel of cottage cheese off the floor also. This process can sometimes take a half hour... but he will finish it in one sitting. If he walks away and doesn't finish I take the food away because I don't want to make it a habit for him to go and free feed as he chooses. We have a very hungry Lab who wouldn't play along with that game. It is pure entertainment watching him though :lol: :lol: :lol:
For a couple weeks last summer, Lacy would take mouthfuls of food and scatter it all over the kitchen and dining room. It made me crazy! It was a mess and I was sure if I missed any it would attract mice and/or bugs. I started picking it up and talking it away from her, and she only had to miss a few meals before she knocked it off.

I never did figure out why she doing it!
Khloe did this as a very small puppy as well. We didn't make an issue of it and she eventually stopped.
All three of my dogs eat off of does the cat. Violet wolfs her food down so fast, the only kimble that escapes is either from her barking with a full mouth or eating so fast they "bounce" off the plate from the vibration. Of course Violet turns into a vacuum and snarfs down any "escapees." She also "helps" clean up after her sisters.:)
Two of my dogs subscribe to the "take-mouthful-deposit-on-the-floor method." I don't know what makes one mouthful more desirable to drop on the floor than other because it isn't every one. I'm forever stepping on kibble.
Katieanne (18 wks) won't eat unless one of us is in the kitchen with her. Sometimes she will eat laying on the floor with her paws wrapped around the bowl, head covering the bowl, rear leg and feet extended behind her (frog style). Sometimes she'll bring some of the kibble elsewhere in the kitchen and drop it on the floor, then go back to the bowl, eat at the bowl and later return to the dropped kibble and then eat those pieces. Other times, she'll eat standing up, leaving only one piece of kibble in the bowl. We don't have any other pets, so there isn't any competition eating. She's quite funny and each day is different, but she's always cute as can be.
Our OTB Lab was always ( 13 years ) taking kibble or treats into the LR to eat. Chauncey has done this on occasion....both are/were free fed and only dog. Our Lab would not eat if left alone, Chauncey prefers to eat at night. Neither dog over ate, in fact I notice that if the bowl hasn't been touched in 24 hours or so I will add an incentive ( nothing predictible ). Water is always changed every few hours. Chauncey also prefers his treats delivered to him in his bed in the living room, which we accomodate :roll:
I figured out that my boy doesn't like the sound of eating out of a metal bowl.

I realized he didn't like the metal 'clank' sound it made when it moved as he ate.

He now eats out out of a plastic bowl, with a nonslip grip bottom or as
he prefers a nice quiet paper plate. :roll: No more kibble all over the patio.
Your comment about metal bowl was the cincher! Murphy's bowl is metal as well. I'm going to try a plastic alterantive and see if that helps! Many thanks! That could very well be the problem.
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