Picking new puppy Saturday !!

Ok, is just Tusday but I can hardly wait! I am picking up my pup, Anastasia, on Saturday.
I think I ma ready a puppy proof my house, not cable showing, nothing made of wood that she can chew,no food containers wiht in reach, everything that she can sink her little theet is at puppy level, I think I got everything cover, do I forget something?
I got a new bowl and puppy food for large breads, a lots of toys and I give my other dogs a bath.
If you think I am forgeting something please let me know
:cow: :D :cow: :D
ah I have a collar for her and am calling the vet so I can make an appoinment for to be check on Monday
Any Ideas? I am more than ready to go to Iowa and get my baby. hehehehe
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TWO more things...VERY important!!!! MUST haves!!!!!

get plenty of sleep from now until you get your furbaby!!!!

post pics as so as can!!!

:yay: :yay: :excited: :excited: :excited: :yay: :go: :excited: :excited:
And WOW! :twitch:
your house is ready! :clappurple:

Keep posting pictures of your angel ! :D
Congratulations! How exciting a new puppy. :clappurple:
A few suggestions...I just lived (survived) the past few months with a young pup, Howie is just over 4 months now.

Do you have a crate? and a play area?
With my first dog I never used a crate...with the strong advice from my breeder we got a crate and it is a saving grace. Howie cried at first, but man, I can sleep and know the little guy is safe. We also set up a puppy play area in one room, so during the day he has his crate open and a whole room to romp around in. This too is peace of mind when we are out of the house, Howie is safe.
When Howie gets too snappy and rough, I can put him in the room, he can burn off some energy playing and not hurt me.Plan a routine for each day...at first my husband & I did not have a schedule for feeding sleeping & playing/training...we quickly got tired out. So we set up a rough schedule for each day, we both stuck to it, and it was much easy for Howie to settle down when it was time.
I forgot how similar babies and puppies are in their total dependency on their parents.

Baby gates...we have two, I could not live without them. I use one in the play area doorway, so Howie does not feel trapped in a room, and I can see what is happening in there too. The other gate gets moved around the house.

Camera...they grow so fast.

Sleep....sleep when Anastasia is sleeping, seriously.

And finally get ready to love, it is the greatest feeling having your puppy look at you as the best person in the whole world.

Enjoy your time with Anastasia, it will be fun, challenging and so rewarding,

peg & pup howie

sleep.....well I work nights(3rd shift) so is going to be a big adjustment hehehehe, I think I will sleep in the afternoons right after a few hours of hard play and a lot of running, my other dogs love puppies and play a lot with them , so I think we can manage, at least I hope :D

baby gates......check

Love......check and double check

Camera ready and load it, battery check and everything.

Yes this puppy is very special for me for a lot of reasons and I will keep her very close to me at all the time. My roomate give a very special present , she went a got a Puppy Baby Book ! I did not think they made them for puppies but I got one and start to work on it already !

Thank you so much for the advice and if you happen to think in anything else let me know please, you guys ROCK !!!!!!

:cheer: :ghug: :cheer: :ghug:
A bottle of Jack Daniels :D
loried wrote:
A bottle of Jack Daniels :D

Agreed! :lol:
Congratulations on your new puppy :D
You are in for an unbelievable amount of fun!! There is nothing in this world like an OES puppy.
I think I will sleep in the afternoons right after a few hours of hard play and a lot of running

Moderate exercise is good but not intense exercise or to the point of exhaustion. We have to be careful with developing hips and hip dysplasia in this breed. You're vet and breeder should be able to guide you.

Exercise: Exercise may be another risk factor. It appears that dogs that are genetically susceptible to the disease may have an increased incidence of disease if they over-exercised at a young age. But at the same time, we know that dogs with large and prominent leg muscle mass are less likely to contract the disease than dogs with small muscle mass. So, exercising and maintaining good muscle mass may actually decrease the incidence of the disease. Moderate exercise that strengthens the gluteal muscles, such as running and swimming, is probably a good idea. Whereas, activities that apply a lot of force to the joint are contraindicated. An example would be jumping activities such as playing Frisbee.
Source: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm ... 84&aid=444
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