whats safer a hard crate or a soft sided crate

I need to get a new crate for Frankie to ride in the car in.
Whats better?
Soft sided or a regular hard crate?

Just looking for suggestions

Lisa and Frankie
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For travel in the car, a hard crate is definitely the safest.
What you need to decide on is if you go with a wire crate or a plastic crate for travel. There are pros and cons for both, and really depends on your needs.

Personal preference of the dog - some like one more than the other.
Fit - both come in many sizes. The wire ones have various door placements for more options.
Ventilation - the wire allow more air circulation.
Privacy - dogs often like to be cozy - I have covers for my wire crates, and not for my plastic crates
Airlines - only accept plastic. They are sturdier and in theory will hold up better in case of a crash - cars included.
Cleaning - the plastic are easier to clean - they can be easily hose or pressure washed/disinfected.

happy shopping!
What Dawn said. :-)

I like the plastic crates (Vari-Kennels) for the car because they don't tear up the interior like a wire crate is prone to do. Much nicer in the event of a potty accident or water spill, too. :oops: The downside is that they're a pain to store as they don't fold up like a wire crate. :(
I use soft sided in motels & at performance events. Wire crates at conformation events & for traveling. Hard crates (wire or plastic) are the safest mode for tranportation. Mine are 1 size smaller than what I use outside the van. In the event of an accident, less room for them to be thrown around in.
Though I agree the wire crate is safer, the creaking noises it makes in the car drive me absolutely mad. I admit, I usually don't use a crate in the car unless it's just Owen and it's for shows. Otherwise, I can't fit all the dogs in the car. For safety purposes (mostly my own) I should get a divider so I won't get killed by a flying dog should there ever be an accident.
We keep two fold up wire crates in the Van just for the dogs. They are still heavy but they can be folded down for transport and storage. I like the wire ones for air ciculation in the car and I can see them while we travel. However, I do piut a cotton sheet over two sides so the passing cars don't annoy them and cause them to bark.

I also put a rug and towel under the crate to keep it from shifting and to lessen any possible rattling noise. We are very happy with travelling this way.
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