Two overwhelmed sheepies...and a sick me

First I finally gave in and went to a walk in clinic. I had a fever two weeks ago and my symptoms haven't really improved since. Everyone said to go, but I knew they'd just say it's a and liquids. So, this morning we drive across town, wait an hour, and the very nice doctor says it's a and liquids. I knew that, so why did I waste the time? He wrote up a request for blood work, but with the long weekend I can't go until Tuesday anyway, and it's just to track for communicable it's for them, not for me. They'll test for West Nile, Bird Flu, etc. But and liquids. (And I don't think I'll bother going all the way back for blood work. It might interfere with my REST AND least slurpees ARE liquids.)

The dogs came along and while I waited they had an hour long walk in a whole different neighbourhood with hubby. No dogs were seen, so no Rudy outbursts.

I'm sick of being bedridden, so I made him drive us down to a local farmer's market (and by local I mean an hour away). It was packed with people and dogs. And both our dogs walked along with us (it's also over thirty degrees C right now). Hudson started off goosing people in shorts with his cold nose, and trying to stick his head into their bags (and they all thought it was hilarious, stopped, opened their bags and told him to have a one helps you at all when you try to teach manners).

Hudson quickly became so overwhelmed (it was wall to wall people and dogs) that he stuck right up against my leg and walked like a good dog. Who knew he could do such a thing? People stopped left, right, and centre to love him up. He loved it, and I liked him making me look good.

Rudy walked with Gordon, and his head was going side to side up and down and round and round. He got so overwhelmed with all the goings on that he stuck to Gordon's side like glue, and just looked to him for direction. He passed all sorts of dogs without incident. Yay Rudy. That's got to be good practice.

We went back to the non air conditioned truck, drank a litre of water per dog, and Hudson had to be lifted (little princess that he is) into the truck. Rudy again jumped right OVER Hudson as he was being lifted in.

Within twelve seconds of the truck moving we had two unconscious dogs. They had to be awakened when we got home. They ran in, drank another whole bowl of water, and I can now hear two dogs (and a husband) snoring away in the bedroom. We won't see them until dinner, and I include my hubby in that list.

A good time was had by all. I guess I'm off to bed again...with plenty of liquids. Sigh. Maybe Gordon will make a slurpee run later tonight. But at least I've got two very happy dogs!
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Sorry you are feeling under the weather, but it sounds like you had a good day with your hubby and your puppers....get better soon!!!!! :D
That walk was as good for you and the dogs. Hope you are feeling better real soon.
Chapter Two...

I napped a little, and then decided that we should go to a farmer's stand nearby (ten minutes away this time) and get fresh corn for dinner. (It was too crowded at the other so I looked but didn't want to stand in lines.)

I suggested to hubby that he should come with me this time. He declined. I whined. He continued to decline. I played the, "but I'm so sick, what if I pass out while driving" card. He brought a BOOK and sat silently in the passenger seat, completely irked.

But I couldn't just zip out quietly. No, the dogs must come along for the ride. Hubby rolls his eyes (dogs are still fast asleep from this morning and must be awakened to come along).

We drive to one corn but I get a few things. We hit another on the side of the highway on the way back. I get corn. Yay. On the way home I insist on that slurpee (must have fluids after all).

Gordon runs in to get them, and holds his up to the dogs in the back. Rudy takes one lick and makes a face. Hudson sniffs it and makes a face, then a sound, and then...

Hudson throws up all over Rudy. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Now Rudy tries to jump out of the back seat to get away from the disgusting pile all over him, and all over the seat, and all over the dog blanket and now all over the interior of the car.

No air conditioning. We must drive home like this and it's HOT. Now Hudson wants out of the back seat and away from the mess. It's everywhere, and the fact that the dogs are tied in doesn't stop them from frantically kicking and grabbing and paddling and trying to get into the front. What a wild ride!

Hubby and dogs are all in the shower now. I pulled out the blanket and wiped everything down. He says he'll go out in a few minutes and wash what's left.

I'm definitely too sick to go out and handle this now...and I know I'll never hear the end of this one. :cow: :oops: :cow: :oops: :cow:
oh NOOOOOOOO you poor thing but at least rudy was good :clappurple: no poopers in the truck haha
Dogs overheat quickly. Maybe have been the problem. Save the car rides for cooler temps.......yeah, like September. :cry: Hope the smell comes out! Poor .....all of you.
Hudson was shaved yesterday, so we figured he could handle the ride. We've been keeping him in a lot due to the temperature. I think he did overheat. I also think the big drink he had when he got home the first time was part of the problem as well. Poor puppy. Rudy has an iron gut and handles the heat a lot better (maybe it's from growing up in Florida)...he also has a much thinner coat than Hudson.

Anyway, Hudson is doing fine now. He's had dinner and a reasonable drink, and is back to his old self. He hated his bath, but I'm sure that helped a lot to regulate his temperature. This was Rudy's first real bath (okay, shower actually) here with us, and he LOVED it. That silly boy will let you do just about anything to him. There's no such thing as bad attention. And as he was hamming it up in the bathtub Hudson was sitting on the bathroom floor shooting him daggers with his eyes.
Remember dogs don't sweat, so while shaving does relieve some of the mass, they still overheat easily since the mouth and paws are the only cooling surface.

Yeah, those big drinks can bounce back up. Best to limit amount with rest periods inbetween. I'd really like to come up with some cool bed for my guys, but then I'd be on it as well...... :D
traciels28 wrote:
Hudson was sitting on the bathroom floor shooting him daggers with his eyes.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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