A hypothetical situation

You wake up early in the morning with an incredible migraine. You're by yourself, just you and the dogs. Vision blurred, nauseous, head pounding, you stumble downstairs to find your medication in the kitchen but you can't quite remember where you left it last so it'll take a minute to find it. On your way to get it, you notice that the dogs' water bowls are almost empty. What do you do first?

A.) Find the medication, then go lie back down. The dogs will be fine for an hour and they normally don't drink this early anyway.

B.) Find the medication, then fill the bowls, then go back to bed.

C.) Fill the water bowls, let them out, give them a treat, feed them and then go find the medication.

I must really love these dummies.
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Definitely "C".

The meds don't work that fast, anyway. What's a few more minutes?

And we really, really :hearts: our dogs!
Yup...its always "C" :lol: :roll:

The worst part of that whole scenario is having to bend over to pick up the bowls!!!! :evil: Ive gotten very good at the "migraine knee bend" where your pick up something off of the floor while keeping your head perfectly level!
My bet is on "C". :wink:
Abuckie wrote:
My bet is on "C". :wink:

That is what I was thinking we all might say! :hearts:
That's the way it is here, no meds before the dogs are cared for.
Here the only answer is C. I'm betting that's what you picked... 8) :cow:
It's going to be C here also.

Lisa and Frankie
ravenmoonart wrote:
Yup...its always "C" :lol: :roll:

The worst part of that whole scenario is having to bend over to pick up the bowls!!!! :evil: Ive gotten very good at the "migraine knee bend" where your pick up something off of the floor while keeping your head perfectly level!

Yep, that's me and my migraines too. :?

My meds take a bit, and they tend to crescendo before they subside - so I try and get everything I can tolerate done ASAP. So I can die in peace.... :(
It's a no-brainer. "C" of course. Dog's always get the best treatment here. They come first.
Definitely C.
I'd need to go to sleep... if I can sleep, it'll go away. But I wouldn't
be able to sleep knowing I needed to fill the water dish, give them treats,
etc. The dogs would then all follow me to bed. 8)
I'd do C as well. We have a brita pitcher of water on the counter that we keep filled for the dogs, so I wouldn't have to bend, just pour and hope my aim is good! But I'd have the same issue as 6girls: I'd fill the bowl but then the dogs would follow me back to bed!!!
C and I get migraines too. What is it with us dog people (well I would have done the same when my kids were little for them)
I remember reading a story as a kid and it must have greatly influenced me.

It was a fairy tale about a prince who visits a tiny cottage where there lived three beautiful girls along with their father. He wanted to find a bride. (guess where he was from...girls were almost non existent?) Back to the story....so the first girl..is greedy...feeds herself first.
Second girl, feeds her father and the prince. Animals are forgotten about.
Third girl, feeds father, prince, all the animals before she thinks of herself. Of course he chooses her and she becomes a princess. He knows she has a good heart.

So either we are all princesses or we are mothers of furkids and their needs come first. :bow:

I pick C too!

Hope you're feeling better.
oh-oh-oh... can we be both? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never found out until I was probably in my 30's that when I was in kindergarten I had been selected to be the Cherry Festival princess for our grade school. Snort. The thing is, the prince and princess's parents had to build the float. When the neighbor's daughter was selected a couple of years before and they had to cut out a portion of the garage to get the darn float out, I think that blew my chances of ever being a princess. 8) :lol:

All kidding aside, if it's particularly bad, you might try filling up a pitcher and pouring it into the dog dish so you only have to bend over once. But then there will probably be floaties in the dish so it will have to be rinsed out first anyway. :|
Of course it was C. To make matters worse for me, though, is it isn't just a matter of filling a bowl. We have three bowls and each is three pieces that have to snapped apart. I hate doing it without a headache, let alone with one. Most of the time, I lose a lot, if not all, of my vision. Everything just turns to a smeary cloud and I was worried that wouldn't be able to see to fill the bowls if I waited. James would've been home in a little while but I feel terrible making them wait even if they didn't need it right that second. I ended up being in bed all day, too. Huge waste of a Saturday. :x
I pick C and I don't even like my dogs that much :wink:
I care about my animals, but there's more to "me" choosing C than just thinking of the dogs. The truth would be... I chose C because if I didn't... right when I want to lay down and get some rest, the animals would make it a point to not leave me alone until they were fed (my cats are the BEST at this). So... C would be thinking ahead and making the animals happy. ;)
What about another related hypothetical situation. What if you have one of those very rare festive nights-out with some close friends, and (not through any fault of your own :oops: :sidestep: ), you end up passed out on the couch after stumbling home at 4 a.m., and at 6 a.m., your new little puppy starts barking in her crate, would you:

a) pretend you are not hearing the barking 3 feet away from you, and conveniently forget you just got your first puppy a month ago?

b) through Herculean effort, pull yourself up from the couch, stumble over to the crate, somehow get her collar and leash on, and heroically take her out in the February 6 a.m. bitter snow and cold (and even manage to stoop and scoop)?

c) through Herculean effort, pull yourself up from the couch, stumble over to the crate, somehow get her collar and leash on, and heroically take her out in the February 6 a.m. bitter snow and cold (and even manage to stoop and scoop) and curse to high heavens why your significant other who did not partake in the previous night's activities and presumably had more than 90 minutes sleep and didn't have a head that felt like a 3-ton bowling ball, could not give you a break for once in your life, stop being a princess, and actually get up and take the new puppy out????

Now, I'm not saying this hypothetical scenario ever actually happened to me... but if it ever did, I would probably go with c)
Definitely C -- Jenny always comes first.
I'd say 98% of the time it'd be C... 1% A and 1%B...
Option D: Call spouse to come home and find my medication and care for the dogs.

leading to...

Option E: Expensive divorce.
I'd probably try to find a way to do it all at once - I've always been a simultaneous multi-tasker, BUT, the big girl would always come first. How could I say to the sweetest sheepie on earth, "oh wait a minute, I have other things to do before you get your treat, water, and lovin'."
Sheepie2 wrote:
I'd probably try to find a way to do it all at once - I've always been a simultaneous multi-tasker, BUT, the big girl would always come first. How could I say to the sweetest sheepie on earth, "oh wait a minute, I have other things to do before you get your treat, water, and lovin'."

When I reach the peak of a migraine, I really can't function at all so, in this case, I had to do it while I still could. It's always much more than a headache for me and the dogs know it. They usually stay quiet and just sleep next to me without any of the normal raucous. If I'm throwing up, Owen jumps in the bathtub and lays in there while I lay on the floor. He's a pretty good kid.
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