Yucky stained chin

Khloe has a yucky, stained sometimes smelly chin. She lays down to eat and drink so her whole underside of her chin is nasty. I have tried dish soap and it seems to not work the best. Can anyone help?
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I know EXACTLY what smell you're talking about. Kinda sour and the chin is a bit bristly?

I keep my dogs beards cut back. The chin hair I will only keep a 'goat-tee' at the very front of the chin of an inch and I shave the rest. I also trim back the upper mouth hair so that it lines up with the chin (you know, get rid of all that icky stuff that will get caught in the mouth).

There are those that will religiously towel their dogs face after every-time they drink. It's hard for me to do with working full time and the heat of the summer, my dogs are drinking a lot of water.

For scrubbing, I use dawn to degrease, but I use a whitener for cleaning purposes. It helps with the stain.
As a pup, I trained Chewie to stand at the edge of the tub so I could wash his face. :wink:
I don't have a hand held shower attachment, so I use a large plastic tumbler. I pour water over the muzzle/chin to wet it, squirt on a little whitening shampoo and scrub it. Then rinse with more cups of water. Squeeze it out, towel dry and done in just a couple minutes. I usually do this every day and it really helps with staining and odor. I time it after he eats and goes out to potty, so it has a chance to dry and stay clean longer.
You may want to try scrubbing the chin with an antibacterial/antifungal shampoo such as MalAcetic or Mal-A-Ket. I've ordered this from Amazon.com. It works really well on Nelson's stinky face. Unfortunately, it won't bleach out the staining but it does a good job of cleaning and deodorizing.
from a year ago:

Edy has some tips on her website: http://gbwebs.com/bizzeeboots/
Look under....."tips"

You have multiple problems: bacteria growing on the old food, possible skin infection :crossed: not, stain from their salia. Washing and completely drying once a day and towels when needed. Check the skin for irritation (no help what to use) and finally, some of Edy's tips for the saliva stin. It's real hard to remove.........
Thank you. The skin doesn't look irritated at all but it does smell. My husband asked about keeping that hair shaved and I thought she would look funny. We may have to look into that. I am not as diligent about drying her face after drinking either. We do use a stainless steel bowl which I thought was supposed to help but maybe that was a myth.
If she is teething, chewing, etc, she's also slobbering in addition to drinking and eating.

You don't need to shave close, just shorten the hair a bit also helps. When you think about it, wipe her chin and give her a big smooch :kiss: so she associates the chip wipe with Mommy's love.
Thinning the chin hair a bit with a thinning shears helps if you don't want to completely shave off the chin.

Applying corn starch or corn starch-based baby powder to a towel-dried chin helps absorb moisture between trips to the water bowl. Let the powder dry then brush out to prevent it from ending up in the water bowl.

If your dog does scratches his chin more than normal it would be worth a trip to the vet.
I swear by the spill-less bowls. It keeps their beards so much drier.

A lot of the staining just depends on the dog, too. My one boy is incredibly white faced no matter what he does. The other one is forever brown.
You can also get a waterless shampoo, sprays on, rub it in with your hands and towel it off for quick cleans of the beard and have it smelling sweet :wink: Lots of dog shops sell it, also you can use the Corn Starch, just plonk it in the beard with your hand then flick it out with a brush, takes a few seconds to do and is like a dry clean method to remove food scraps, wetness and keeps the area fresh and clean also without having to plonk them in the bath all the time to wash there pongy beard. :wink:
I use the anti-spill drinking bowl too, its amazing. just need to teach him to use a knife and fork now, being raw fed does have its disadvantages!!
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