Mean Mommy

Tiggy and Rastus get yoghurt on their breakfast every morning.

I buy it in small bucket loads. :roll:

This morning I finished one of the buckets so I've put it in the middle of the island bar where no one (except the cat) can reach it. Tiggy is up on her back legs with her front paws on the bench stretching her neck as far as it will go :twisted: and shuffling around the island bar on her back legs. Surely their must be some angle where it becomes reachable.

I am such a mean Mommy. :D

Mind you she and the cat have been working as a team a lot lately. Yesterday Rowdy knocked a new container of fish food off the top of a high shelf and Tiggy opened it for the to feast on. I got home to small fishy granules from one end of the living room to the other and had to vacuum. Even Rastus had joined in the lick feast. Its ridiculous, the granules are smaller than a match head but everyone was busy licking them up one granule at a time.

I was a mean Mommy again and got the vac out straight away.
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Ha, I wish you had video of Tiggy shuffling around the island.
I am just going to open a pot of fat free natural yog, so do they want to share? Summer licks the tub out for me and Tilly licks the settles my tummy down when it is having the wobbles....
I'm sure they'd love to share.
And Rowdy would be happy to sit on your tummy and see if a warm furry helps it wobble less.

It rained today so no walks. I've come home to a bomb. Tiggy and Rastus stole a few empty cardboard boxes that I'd left on the bench for recycling after the shopping last night and shredded them all over the living room. SIGH. At least it was all just empty boxes.
8O 8O 8O .....
As we have discussed before, Mim, not only are Tiggy and Heart long lost TWINS...I think they are Siamese TWINS!!! Tiggy doing something evil..and then, Heart following Tiggy's thoughts...((look at my recent post on UTI~)) :? I DO have to add, that, it seems Tiggy is the BAD twin, infecting poor, sweet, little Heart with evil thoughts that Heart just cannot resist~ :cry:

As far as your post...YOU are being put on the BALLOT for Judi to add you to the BAD MOMMIE poll~~

But, as always, I DO have a remedy to your awful situation..and it IS 100% effective. Rastus and Tiggy will NEVER,EVER mess your house again, and the remedy is VERY human and kind~~very dog friendly,

Take a rolled up newpaper...stand in front of BOTH your puppers (this is VERY important!!)..and hit YOURSELF in the head, chanting~~""" I will put AWAY anything that my dogs will find shredworthy..I will NOT tempt my poor babies with irresistable,delectable, items that are impossible to ignore...BAD MOMMIE!!!! BAD, BAD, MOMMIE!!!

THAT SHOULD DO IT!!!!! :P :P :wink: :wink:

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
sheesh mom, left on da bench and ya didn't want em shredded? :cow:
sheepieshake wrote:
8O 8O 8O .....
As we have discussed before, Mim, not only are Tiggy and Heart long lost TWINS...I think they are Siamese TWINS!!! Tiggy doing something evil..and then, Heart following Tiggy's thoughts...((look at my recent post on UTI~)) :? I DO have to add, that, it seems Tiggy is the BAD twin, infecting poor, sweet, little Heart with evil thoughts that Heart just cannot resist~ :cry:

As far as your post...YOU are being put on the BALLOT for Judi to add you to the BAD MOMMIE poll~~

But, as always, I DO have a remedy to your awful situation..and it IS 100% effective. Rastus and Tiggy will NEVER,EVER mess your house again, and the remedy is VERY human and kind~~very dog friendly,

Take a rolled up newpaper...stand in front of BOTH your puppers (this is VERY important!!)..and hit YOURSELF in the head, chanting~~""" I will put AWAY anything that my dogs will find shredworthy..I will NOT tempt my poor babies with irresistable,delectable, items that are impossible to ignore...BAD MOMMIE!!!! BAD, BAD, MOMMIE!!!

THAT SHOULD DO IT!!!!! :P :P :wink: :wink:

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Val you forgot the bit about no walks. This is extremely neglectful in Rastus and Tiggy's world. I have hidden the Animal Protection Society phone number. Poor puppers would be phoning them on a daily basis, to complain about the fact that I let them sleep on the couch or on their nice soft doggy beds, their choice. And dont forget that I buy them their own special bucket of yoghurt and lets not forget the treats! Heaven forbid all the different varieties, DH nearly has a fit, he says the dogs eat better than him and he just might be right.

Actually do the Animal Protection Society take complaints from DH's? If so I'd better hid the number from him too. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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